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#61 Posted : 3/12/2011 1:26:15 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Forever riding the rotating molecular structure of interconnecting peoploids.
At the end of the video, the girl says something like, "come inside, you're supposed to be right here." A few minutes later, the guy says (paraphrasing) "I need to be in this spot." These comments lead me to believe that they were displaced out of the stream of clones, and they were trying to reestablish themselves in their proper place.

Also, the Japan quake reminds me of a 40x salvia trip experienced by earth.

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Rising Spirit
#62 Posted : 3/13/2011 3:50:31 AM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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Hey Now,

I am still mildly pulsating from an immersion in the Salvinorin Seas. I consciously spent a good deal of time pre-programming myself for the voyage. In other words, I did some creative visualizing on the light and quieted down my mental waves. I believe that this is important for any psychedelic experience but especially so with SD. Let's face it, this force throws us into alternate realities which are so unlike ordinary waking life... it's a Hell of a dissociation to endure (sometimes it's almost unbearable). Shocked

So, I was in a highly-tuned meditative state of mind and my pulse was slow and steady. My breathing was even and flowing at a slower rate than ordinary waking consciousness. Seconds later, this would change radically! I had a very powerful and direct experience of being caught between two parallel waves of raw Salvinorin current. Waves that were like falling walls of shimmering liquid force, with an undercurrent which pulled from the inside out. These were looping over upon themselves, folding over and over and over...

I could easily imagine this as being terrifying to the witness, as it seemed to create a bizarre pressure on me (or in me). I was being both, pulled apart in opposite directions and squished together by the folding waves of revolving magnetic force. It seemed to me, momentarily, that these were the two hemispheres of my brain, charged with the MAGIK of the Diviner's Sage and it's rotating, oscillating vibratory sheets of bizarre purple-pink membrane 'stuff'. It's impossible to accurately describe, so this description may seem a bit too abstract?

The twin folding sheets of pinkish-magenta current, appeared like those computer-generated geometric diagrams of black holes (sort of, kind of, hard to really nail it accurately) who rotated internally, as they turned outward and around and around and around... I could perceive a blackness, by which the neon colors of this panorama of zinging, sizzling force were superimposed (like transparencies). The 'I' which is my customary point of reference (my ego), was no longer 'myself' anymore and the only resemblance to any familiar form of self, was the irrefutable fact that an awareness persisted as a central focus and could perceive the electromagnetic play of this wild whirlwind of psychic force. I speculate that this awareness was myself, as I do vividly recall the vision in graphic detail.

Ironic as it may sound... I have come to have complete trust and faith in Salvia Divinorum and assume this intelligent Spirit Guide, this Sacred molecule, knows exactly what lesson I need to learn. While I sense absolutely no gender from is Sacred Medicine, I do see a palpable similarity to Mother Kali, in the Indian pantheon of Deities. In this way, I could see why this herb is called 'Lady Salvia'. Not exactly the embodiment of tender, motherly love but a profound teacher, nonetheless! Quite unlike Mother Mushroom or Father Mescalito. They are like the moon and the sun, she the water of moist earth and he the fire of the sun, shining through the whistling breeze of our soul. Oops... I seem to digress? Laughing

Anyway, these waves were like thin, membrane-like sheets of pink plastic-jelly film, rippling and oscillating as they folded over, endlessly, one on each side of my focal point. Me? Who or what am I? Even now I wonder...

As is always the case, I could clearly make out some of the visual details of these rippling, lasagna noodles of throbbing membrane. Like everything else I see in Salvia Universe, it is striped with lines of energy. As I have said before, like old fashioned wall paper, with distinct parallel linear patterning. These 'lines' have evenly spaced, blinking points of fuzzy light, overlaid upon any form they manifest. I have previously referred to these light spots as peacock feather eyes, you know, the design at the end of the feather? Where it plumes, there is a circular 'eye' formed in green and blue.

Now, within the parameters of the Salvia-lines of energy, these 'eyes' are flowing upwards in one line and downwards in the next, every other line, alternately. These lines are vertical in nature, although when they meet the ground plane, ceiling or horizon line, they flow perpendicular to the vertical lines, as morphing horizontal lines. This hallucinogenic imaging has a certain similarity to the way that the curved, criss-crossing lines of energy form the Grid on DMT journeys.

Within the radiant vision of the LSD, mescaline or DMT Grid, however, the geometrically symmetrical points of light are not fuzzy in any way, they are blindingly brilliant! Still, they are like light eyes, none the less. Also, with DMT, the lights exist at the intersection of the curve-linear lines of energy, composing the web of the Grid. The whole phenomenon seems circular and appears to expand outwardly into infinity AND contract as a vacuum internally, for an equal eternity... at the very same time. So, they are quite different in their manner of manifesting the immaterial force of Indivisible Spirit.

IMHO, the realm of Salvia lies in the cosmic crossroads, so to speak. On a material level, SD effects the flow of our brainwave functions, so much so that it heightens our perception of just how these two polarized hemispheres of our brain, co-exist as a cohesive whole, as a unified mind. By way of intentional disruption and distortion, I might add! Part of this idea, this speculation, stems from a sense that I have discovered about how Salvia pulls me into a third part of my brain (or so it seems). I can't say that it is exactly my Mind's Eye because it isn't always a visual perception of this looping and folding over rotation... sometimes I just FEEL IT from some undefined part of myself. One which can just as easily merge with any aspect, object or minute detail of the experience. :idea:

Salvia Grid is very, very distinct from the spiralling immersion, which draw us into the central vacuum of Divine Mind. Tryptamines & phenethylamines produce such incredible mandalas of multidimensional patterning and there is an undertone of order and intelligence to it's revelation. With SD, it is quite dissociating and can behave chaotically and/or crazy abstract! Overall, the fractal images are almost 2-dimensional, although, there is a definite sense of a transparent, holographic 3-D effect. Just not solid or in any way material (although this can mimic physical shapes and objects from our universe).

Frequently, this presents itself in an anthropomorphic manner (like the little people). I was looking carefully at the dots of light making up the waves of plasma-like ribbons of energy and I could see micro universes within each spot of 'light'. As if each dot was an entire universe of it's own. I felt like I was witnessing this from a vast panoramic distance and then, just as suddenly, I would be in a sub-atomic interior, witnessing the same patterning from an exponentially, far tinier space.

I did take note of any pertinent sonic effects. I could hear the high ringing in my right ear and also in my left ear. Two distinct sources of sound. Now, here's something interesting, they were oscillating with one another form the polarized regions of my brain hemispheres. Where these sonic vibrations meet... I believe the friction and pressure originate. as I listened for any more subtle sounds, I had a spontaneous feeling that I was lifting out of my head, entirely. At this moment, something most unusual occurred to my internal witness.

I felt like my internal pilot was floating way above my head, above the pressure of the two looping forces, in some primal buzzing frequency of vibration. as I willed myself to release any attempt to recognize this level as a subjective state, something popped and I was gone. I recall a fizzing, sizzling sound. Almost like a sonic version of the visual impression of shimmering? An awareness of an unbound expansion of light consciousness became the background of my focal range.

I could feel my physical body, a million miles away, with tears running down my face. I was smiling and feeling something that could only be described as bliss. Yes, a tingling rush of absolute joy. Well, joy if you could pull the emotion out of it and morph it into a more abstract facsimile of any human feeling of rapture. This is the third time in a row, that I have had a Crown activation from smoking Salvia.

Paradoxically, what drone that unfortunate young man over the railing of his balcony, to his death... had dissolved my subjectivity into a bubbling cascade of pulsating light particles, waving over and over, upon itself, sparkling with rainbows and vacillating polarities of interaction. So, so very hard to describe in words... does any of this sound like it makes any sense? At least as much sense as we can glean from such a rushing whirlwind of explosive force, by which we can grasp an iota of it's real nature? :idea:
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#63 Posted : 3/13/2011 1:34:22 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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For the last week or two, I have been mentally preoccupied with FunkMasterShroom’s trip report. I have also been thinking about the You Tube video of the guy going through the window. It’s probable that these preoccupations have been distractions more than anything else. One thing that troubles me about Shroom’s report is that it is tenuously close to the concept of frame stacking. I don’t want to get tied up with frame stacking or anything that follows the frame stacking motif.

I just finished off some old 10x that was still in my pipe. I took the hit and found myself viewing the same rotating structure of interconnecting peoploids. While watching the little characters do their self transformation thing, I knew that this hit wasn’t going to take me very far. I did though get a sense of what might lie just beyond the rotating structure of humanoids.

It is my growing belief that there is primarily one world adjacent to ours. I’m starting to back off from the idea that there are countless other parallel worlds. I’m beginning to see (hell, I’ve known it all along) a singular world alongside ours. There can be no other name for that world than SALVIA WORLD.

It is a world created entirely by the salvinorin molecule. It contains salvia beings who are intelligent and self aware. They are splitting images of humans. Even with this hit of old 10x, I could see glimpses of these salvia humans. It’s as if I rose up out of some lagoon alongside a beach and surprised them. They stopped what they were doing and looked at me as if I were just another crab or starfish.

There are people who are convinced that another planet is revolving around the sun. They call it Planet X. I don’t believe that there is a mysterious planet out there. Astronomers haven’t seen it. But I believe that there is a Planet X inside our brains, inside our minds. The mind is a terrible thing to waste. I’m not going to waste my mind. I’m going to pump more salvinorin alpha into it and bridge the gap between our world and salvia world.
By the way, X stands for extract.


God Doms where’e that whtre arror
.Where\’e s that white arrow, goddamn it
.That white arrow on my computer screen
.Damn, it took me a long time mentally to acclimate to the computer screen in order to type.

Shit guys, that was wild. It was so fucking beyond what I was just writing about. I was transported through this long sliding world back to our consensus/physical world. I remember sliding along and realizing that my brain could not grasp what was happening. Anyway, I just cleaned my pipe and took a good hit of 10x. I was hoping that I could type up some more about Planet X.
But what I was experiencing was so much more powerful that what the first half of this write up is about.

Whoever it was that said the bit about traveling through neighborhoods, it was something like that. My mind was traveling through the mindscape of salvia reality. It was like being inside a three dimensional multi colored tunnel-world. My retina was being pulled alongside a world
.sliding across a salvia world. It was like the ultimate carnival ride. I hate to bring up that old tired shit again, but that’s how it was. Except it was more than a ride. It’s how human beings are going to transport themselves in the future. They’re going to transport themselves by way of their minds. It’s all about mind travel. It transports you by way of your retina/visual cortex and deposits your ass right back here in the physical/consensus world. I guess the salvia beings were giving me a quick tour of Planet X.
#64 Posted : 3/13/2011 9:44:00 PM

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I was thinking about the little Salvia beings that I and others have seen and came up with a hypothesis. Maybe it will resonate with some.

To me they appear as perfectly "imbricked", and always going in the same direction. They are flat and inhabit this 2D "screen" and create/project the illusion of 3D reality as they advance, and they can also "project" different moments, possibilities, places, lives,...and all the other strange things Salvia shows us.

But to me, they always seem to be moving together in the same direction, let's say from left to right. So maybe they are stuck in this one dimension of space, just as we humans are stuck in this one dimension of time, past to future.

And just as we can move freely in 3D in the physical world, the Salvians can move freely in 3D in TIME.
Maybe we are as strange to them as they are to us.

Seems possible to me.

it's about making life a neverending experience of wonderfulness!
#65 Posted : 3/14/2011 1:32:30 PM

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Rooftop wrote:
I was thinking about the little Salvia beings that I and others have seen and came up with a hypothesis. Maybe it will resonate with some.
To me they appear as perfectly "imbricked", and always going in the same direction. They are flat

I'll go with the imbricked idea and the same direction. To me they are sometimes flat and sometimes 3D. I think they might be 'elementals' that are part of the simulation of salvia reality. In the physical world, atoms and molecules fill in the simulation. In salvia reality, the little peoploids fill in the siimulation. Just my guess.

Rising Spirit wrote:
Hey Now,

The 'I' which is my customary point of reference (my ego), was no longer 'myself' anymore and the only resemblance to any familiar form of self, was the irrefutable fact that an awareness persisted as a central focus and could perceive the electromagnetic play of this wild whirlwind of psychic force. I speculate that this awareness was myself, as I do vividly recall the vision in graphic detail.

Very nice and well written trip report. Very eloquent.
I'm totally with you on the awareness that seems to be stripped of ego baggage. Martin Heidegger called it "dasein".
I'm also with you on the left-right hemispheres of the brain. I'm not totally sold on the idea, but it makes sense.

Physical Breakthrough

There is another world(s) out there.
This isn’t about salvia. This isn’t about dmt.
This is about a world that is exactly like our world.

There is a physically similar copy of this physical world occupying the same space as our world. We are connected to this other world by way of our minds. By that, I mean that we are connected by way of our brains.

Folks, this isn’t about salvia. This isn’t about hallucinogens. This is about transforming from one physical reality to another physical reality that occupies the same physical space. I, with the help of a heaping pinch of 10x salvia was able to watch myself transition from one world to the next. My brain or mind was the hinge through which the two worlds inter-melded with each other. It was like my brain was the hinge on a door, and one door (realityA) disappeared while the other door (realityB) appeared. I actually transitioned between two physical worlds.

The brain has the ability to create the sensory experience of being in a physical world. As I sat motionless bezoned with salvia, I felt one physical reality decompose while another physical reality composed. This was more than just a visual cortex type experience. It was an endeavor that took the resources of my entire brain/mind. It felt like my brain was actually decomposing along with its associate world while a new brain was physically composing along with its own associate world. The physical world that my brain had previously constructed was replaced by a parallel physical world. But they weren’t even parallel. They were intra-dimensional in that they seemed to occupy the same actual three dimensional space.

There is no doubt in my mind about what I experienced. I transitioned between two worlds. Until now, I thought of a salvia world as co-existing alongside our own physical world. Now I see it as two (or more) normal, physical worlds that occupy the same space but are connected somehow by a hinge of some kind inside my(our) brain(s)/mind(s). What I wish I could describe is how physical it all felt inside my head as one physical world disappeared while another (separate) physical world appeared.

This is some heavy shit. Now all I can do is wonder how many other people know about this other world (or these other worlds). It’s one thing to hallucinate about other worlds. It’s something entirely different to feel your physical brain and its associated world being replaced with another physical brain and its associated world. What is so fascinating is that there was no salviaesque baggage accompanying this trip. There were no cute salvia motifs or archetypes. It was just an in-your-face matter-of-fact transitioning between two equally existent, physical worlds.

I guess you could say that these two worlds were parallel worlds, but as one world physically decomposed and the other world composed, I felt like I could just continue my little existence in the new world without having to worry about sufficient levels of oxygen, etc. I intuitively knew that they were similar worlds.

I’ve had around 250 extract trips, but this is the first trip that didn’t feel like a salvia trip. It felt like a physics experiment, and I was the subject. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to move around in the other world (unless I'm in it now). The salvia trip ended about the time the transitioning process ended.

I was sort of kidding earlier about mind travel, but after this experience, I’m no longer joking.

#66 Posted : 3/14/2011 2:08:35 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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burningmouth wrote:
...This is some heavy shit. Now all I can do is wonder how many other people know about this other world (or these other worlds). It’s one thing to hallucinate about other worlds. It’s something entirely different to feel your physical brain and its associated world being replaced with another physical brain and its associated world. What is so fascinating is that there was no salviaesque baggage accompanying this trip. There were no cute salvia motifs or archetypes. It was just an in-your-face matter-of-fact transitioning between two equally existent, physical worlds.

I guess you could say that these two worlds were parallel worlds, but as one world physically decomposed and the other world composed, I felt like I could just continue my little existence in the new world without having to worry about sufficient levels of oxygen, etc. I intuitively knew that they were similar worlds.

I’ve had around 250 extract trips, but this is the first trip that didn’t feel like a salvia trip. It felt like a physics experiment, and I was the subject. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to move around in the other world. The salvia trip ended about the time the transitioning process ended.

I was sort of kidding earlier about mind travel, but after this experience, I’m no longer joking.

You’re describing what is for me a very typical salvia experience. Isn’t that how I’ve often described my experiences? As “blooming” or “turning inside-out” into a world that is very physically close – just a millimeter away – from our own, and very similar – sometimes indistinguishable – from our own?

Once I described an experience where I didn’t return – I entered into a world that seemed very similar to our own, and then instead of the usual “reverse blooming” to get back, the experience simply ended. So am I from another very close-by universe? Did I switch places with my parallel duplicate? How would I know?
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#67 Posted : 3/14/2011 5:51:22 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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gibran2 wrote:

You’re describing what is for me a very typical salvia experience. Isn’t that how I’ve often described my experiences? As “blooming” or “turning inside-out” into a world that is very physically close – just a millimeter away – from our own, and very similar – sometimes indistinguishable – from our own?

Once I described an experience where I didn’t return – I entered into a world that seemed very similar to our own, and then instead of the usual “reverse blooming” to get back, the experience simply ended. So am I from another very close-by universe? Did I switch places with my parallel duplicate? How would I know?

Well, like I said, I've done 10x over 250 times, but this trip was different. This time, it was more than a visual experience. It felt like my brain was physically embedded in one world, and then it morphed into a totally different physical world. This type of experience was totally new to me. If I had not previously done extract 100s of times, I probably would have jumped out a window.

Could you post a link to one of your trip reports that mentions the sense of being embedded in one <physical> reality and then transforming into a separate <physical> reality?

I don't know how you can be so cavalier about moving from one physical reality to another. How many humans have experienced this? Very few is my guess. My trips seem to be progressing in a sophisticated way. If you have already experienced what I'm experiencing, then where are you right now? You should be well beyond the experience of physically moving from one reality to another. Feel free to enlighten me about the new territory that I might be experiencing in the next 6 months.
#68 Posted : 3/14/2011 6:27:54 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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burningmouth wrote:
Well, like I said, I've done 10x over 250 times, but this trip was different. This time, it was more than a visual experience. It felt like my brain was physically embedded in one world, and then it morphed into a totally different physical world. This type of experience was totally new to me. If I had not previously done extract 100s of times, I probably would have jumped out a window.

Could you post a link to one of your trip reports that mentions the sense of being embedded in one <physical> reality and then transforming into a separate <physical> reality?

I don't know how you can be so cavalier about moving from one physical reality to another. How many humans have experienced this? Very few is my guess. My trips seem to be progressing in a sophisticated way. If you have already experienced what I'm experiencing, then where are you right now? You should be well beyond the experience of physically moving from one reality to another. Feel free to enlighten me about the new territory that I might be experiencing in the next 6 months.

I’ve actually had only one experience where I didn’t come back. I’m sure I posted something here before, but I’ll give a quick description:

Most of my salvia experiences have very physical breakthroughs. The transition from this reality to “the other reality” is very physical – hard to describe, but it’s like a “blooming” or “unfolding” or turning inside-out. Once the transition is complete, I’m in the other reality.

Sometimes the breakthrough space is very “salvia-esque”. Other times (and it seems more often true with more recent experiences) the breakthrough space is very much like everyday reality. Sometimes the differences are fairly noticeable, other times there aren’t really any discernable differences at all. (Although in just about every case, any people I encounter seem to not be surprised by my sudden appearance in their reality.)

In the particular experience I referenced earlier, there was no discernable difference. I was lying on my sofa in my living room when I launched, and when I broke through I was still lying on “my” sofa in “my” living room. But at this point, it was very clear that I was somewhere else – I was visiting one of the “parallel” realities that I often visit.

When I return from a salvia journey, the return is usually identical to the entry, except in reverse. If I “unfold” on entry, I “fold” on return. If I turn inside-out on entry, I turn outside-in on return.

But on this particular journey, the experience abruptly ended. There was no “return process” at all. And when I was fully recovered from the experience, I had the strange sensation that, although everything around me looked identical to what I had seen earlier, it was actually all very new. I had left my old reality, never to return. The feeling eventually faded.

You say I’m cavalier, but how else should I react? As I see it, there are two possibilities:

1) The experience, although very convincing, occurred entirely in my imagination.


2) I actually did “switch” realities and am now in a parallel world. There’s no way to prove this happened, and life goes on regardless. If it did happen, then it can happen. And if it can happen, it probably happens all the time (we’re just not aware of it.)

Leaving this reality and going to one that appears to be identical in every respect isn’t something to get all excited about. But permanently leaving this reality and going to one that is clearly different – now that’s something I want to hear about.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#69 Posted : 3/14/2011 9:01:10 PM

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gibran2, you are very psychedelic. Smile

while reading these trip reports it occurred to me that the real benefit of these experiences may lie in the mind expansion they bring with themselves. perhaps the only reason for these extreme experiences is to prepare our mental/etc. faculties for the understanding of truth.
Rising Spirit
#70 Posted : 3/14/2011 11:00:33 PM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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Not that this is the same topic, however, it bears some significant parallels. So, here's the thing...

When I was a young child, aged 4 years to perhaps 7 or 8 years old, I had recurring dreams abut waking up in a parallel universe. Being s child, I had no concept of quantum physics or anything even remotely along those lines. let's face it, little kids growing up int the early 1960's are not born with any concepts about alternate realities, coexisting on the other side of this one. Or do they?

All I know is that I had these dreams frequently and it made me very uncertain who I was and exactly where I was supposed to be living! Which world was the real one and why was I the only one who changed places every time I was asleep? Still, I continued to have these dreams where I woke up in another world, with another home and family. :idea:

In these dreams, I was always trying to tell my mother about having lived in another world very similar to our world but that I would go there when I fell asleep and live with my other family. My mother would just say, "Jonny, you were just dreaming and it wasn't real. You've got quite a vivid imagination."

Now this is the really bizarre part. When I woke up in America, on planet Earth (circa 1963, 1964 or 1965), I was pretty sure that I was experiencing reality. Even so, I had a nagging suspicion that I might be dreaming and that my real life was on the other side. I mentioned the dreams to my mother and she said, "Jonny, you were just dreaming and it wasn't real. You've got quite a vivid imagination."

Can you imagine how this feeling of Deja Vu must have blown-away my young mind? Of course, as I grew older and more mature, I stopped having these dreams and frankly, this bothered me to an extreme! You see, I loved my mother on the other side much, much more than my earthly mother. I also like the entire world better. as I recall, not only was there an absence of stress and angry emotions, there was a more malleable reality.

It was in this world that I routinely was able to fly. I would always REMEMBER the mental equation to flight and say to myself, "I must remember this and bring it back to my life on the other side." As is always the case, upon waking it is gone and completely forgotten. I have this same sensation every single time I trip any any psychedelic substance. I tell myself I will remember the secret and return with it. Sadly, amnesia takes over upon reentry and such is the nature of psychonautical exploration.

Lao Tzu wrote:
Last night I dreamed I was a butterfly, and now I do not know if I am a man who dreamed he was a butterfly, or a butterfly now dreaming I am a man.

As a matter of fact, until I began my psychedelic journeys, I assumed mom was right, I did have a vivid imagination and that was all there was to it. Interestingly enough, Salvia Divinorum has brought about this same eerie feeling of Deja Vu.

BTW gibran2, when you were "on the other side", did you feel as if THAT world was your real home or that THIS world is your true home? Or are they so identical that you cannot truly say? Or if not completely identical in every way, what if you are having some kind of amnesia, in which you do not really know one way or the other? Intriguing stuff!

In my experiences, the two worlds only share certain similarities. Me for one. Who am I? I am the witness to the phenomenon, that which I am hardwired to be able to perceive. One world (Earth circa 2011) has a far greater field of gravity and one cannot access the doorway between these worlds without an Sacred Medicine. On the other side, I would speculate that the 'entities' would need to take an anti-psychedelic substance to compress into our realm? Crazy ideas, eh? Cool
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#71 Posted : 3/14/2011 11:09:09 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Rising Spirit wrote:
BTW gibran2, when you were "on the other side", did you feel as if THAT world was your real home or that THIS world is your true home? Or are they so identical that you cannot truly say? Or if not completely identical in every way, what if you are having some kind of amnesia, in which you do not really kbnow one way or the other? Intriguing stuff!

In my expereinces, the two worlds only share certain similarites. Me for one. Who am I? I am the witness to the phenominon, that which I am hardwired to be able to perceive. One world (Earth circa 2011) has a far greater field of gravity and one cannot access the doorway between these worlds without an Sacred Medicine. On the other side, I would speculate that the 'entities' would need to take an anti-psychedelic substance to compress into our realm? Crazy ideas, eh? Cool

In the particular experience I described, the place I went to (and still inhabit? Smile ), although identical as far as I could tell, was clearly not my home.

I have, however, had many other salvia journeys where it feels like I’m going home.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#72 Posted : 3/16/2011 12:59:08 AM

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Great trip reports and discussion going on here! I love it! Very happy

Way back when, when I was 16 or 17 and eating acid all the time, I had a similar experience to gibran. One night after taking too many blotters, I was laying on a park bench, trying to will my trip to end, and I passed into a trance-like state where I seemed to be passing through many different realities. I sort of blacked out, or maybe my mind just couldn't handle the intensity of the trip, but I "woke up" during the comedown. The sun was rising and I had been on the bench for several hours at least. But when I sat up, I had the distinct impression that I wasn't where I was supposed to be. I was in one of those alternate realities I had passed through. The trees didn't look the same, the bench, even my clothes Shocked

The whole time I walked home I kept getting the feeling that I was in the wrong reality. I had passed out during the experience, and didn't make it back to my own reality. I even worked myself up to the point where I was pretty despondent about it. I was almost certain I would get to my house and my key wouldn't work, and I would find another family living there. Thankfully, that wasn't the case Very happy But that experience stuck with me. After wards, when I would get really depressed about my life, I would think about that experience and how if I hadn't done acid that night, that maybe my life would've been different in that "other reality". Obviously I see my thoughts for what they are now, but at the time, it was a pretty frightening thought.

As for Salvia, I'm always getting deja vu feelings. I mean it's a pretty consistent experience for me now that it's almost unremarkable. I used to have dreams when I was very young about things, going to the park or going to the store, and then the next day we would end up doing the very same thing. I'd tell my grandma, "I dreamed about this last night". I used to say it so much that she just thought I was making it up and she told me not to tell other people that I was dreaming about what was going to happen the next day. I miss those dreams, even though they used to scare me a bit when I had them all the time. I would dream whole conversations between my mother and someone or my grandma and someone. I would know what they were going to say next, and I couldn't understand why I had those dreams or what was the point of it all. I don't have those dreams anymore, but I do get at least one instance of deja vu everyday. Actually, one day a little while ago, I didn't have a deja vu moment and that was remarkable. I was pretty disappointed actually Very happy I believe that Salvia is responsible for this. I smoke it on a fairly consistent basis, everyday or every other. The day when I didn't have a deja vu moment was during a break I took from Salvia for about five days.

I really need to break my habit of only smoking plain leaf. I need to post a good report of an extract trip, if only to give back to all of you who post about your own. It's just that I don't like to smoke extract until I feel that call, it's very strong when it happens, and I haven't had it for a while... Confused

When it does call, I will be sure to post about it. In the past I've kept many of my trips to myself, and I feel it's about time to share them with someone. And I can't think of any better people to share them with than this community.
#73 Posted : 3/24/2011 2:12:30 PM

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My eyeballs just came back from the other world. The gel that I’ve been talking about has something to do with my visual perspective. The gel is retinal(visual cortex) based. It’s some sort of fluid transportation medium.

There is another side of reality. Another world right over there on the other side. It’s like a stealth world that other people know about, (other versions of us living on the other side know about it). It’s the same as this side, but it is filled with other versions of us. They are removed from our awareness by very subtle retinal membranes that totally cloak their world from ours.

This other world or these other worlds are identical to this world. It’s as if there are other variations of reality existing alongside this world. As I progressed through the cloaking retinal membranes in order to return to this world, I could see the other versions signing off as if they were saying, “See you later. We can’t progress any further with you.”

I get the feeling that there is a secret society who understands the fact that we are saddled up next to other versions of everyday reality. Unfortunately for me, I seem to be the only person with these pressing/psychotic concerns about parallel worlds.

Once again, I am convinced that it’s possible for someone to visually create the concept of these other worlds. But I am completely incapable of drawing anything that could show what I’m talking about.

This revelation of other worlds has a very familiar aspect to it. I think, “Of course there are other worlds“. “Of course there are other human beings living in these other worlds“. But I’m still not sure if they are aware of us. I’m still not sure if they continue to exist after my trip ends. (Excuse my self aggrandizing paranoia) but my deep down gut feeling is that the discovery of these other worlds would be the most significant discovery in the history of mankind. It would totally reshuffle how we construe our concept of human existence.

We are not alone in the universe. Our duplicates coexist alongside us at all times. They are separated from us by fluid retinal membranes. These retinal membranes have built in cloaking devices that prohibit travel by means other than hallucinogens (probably salvia exclusive). Beings in these other worlds cannot progress into our world because of extremely sophisticated dimensional layers. These layers are too sophisticated for anyone with only an everyday mentality to understand.

Only someone with a history of hallucinogenic/schizophrenic experiences can understand this concept of parallel worlds. It’s highly possible that only someone with a history of salvia experiences can understand this concept. This concept has a visual component as part of its ‘unveiling‘. It’s a retinal ride.

I feel like we are balancing on a precipice of major importance. We are very, very close to widening our perspective of reality. Our widened perspective of reality includes not just our world, but parallel worlds containing parallel people.
Rising Spirit
#74 Posted : 3/24/2011 4:50:05 PM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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burningmouth wrote:
My eyeballs just came back from the other world. The gel that I've been talking about has something to do with my visual perspective. The gel is retinal(visual cortex) based. It’s some sort of fluid transportation medium.

My experience with this plasto-electromagnetic plasma membrane has a similar correlation to my eyes. Or should I say that my eyes, in conjunction with the hemispheres of my brain which interphase with my optical receptors? I literally, SEE the sheets of this membrane, folding over upon my central witness, my central fulcrum of awareness, my living soul . In this specific manner, I speculate that we create our perception of both, this physical 3-D world (Earth reality) as well as the parallel Salvia Universe (which seems to oscillate between 2-D and 3-D realities).

I am always seem to feel squeezed and/or compressed by the looping of these sheets of zingy, pulsating mind potentiality, which SD unleashes. While I neglected to post my last voyage into the Salvinorin Seas, I feel your post is calling me to do so, Brother burningmouth.

I recall having my mind wrapped around the elusive SALVIA SECRET and was certain I would return to this side of the looking glass, with this knowledge fully intact. Sadly, this is not fully possible, for much of the content is relative to the alternate Salvia Universe and is quite bizarre, purely abstract and almost unintelligible to my 'normal' rationale.

OK, let me attempt to elucidate. As I held the smoke in my lungs, tenaciously holding onto the now-familiar tasting Sacrament of the Salvinorin A extract, I began to listen carefully and follow the high-pitched ringing sounds which filled my head. As before, I could hear them emanating from the left and right hemispheres of my physical brain and was once again, able to notice the interactions and the cross roads of these sonic frequencies, overlapping with one another.

Now, I paid very, very careful attention to which ringing tone emitted from which brain hemisphere. I discovered what I had previously noticed, that the sound in my right ear (inner ear?) was accessed form the left hemisphere of my brain, as was the case with the optical receptors. Conversely, the sound in my left ear (inner ear?) was originating form the right hemisphere of my physical brain, as was the optical connection. I kept my mind right on this point of intersection and noted a pulsing, convulsing, throbbing of sorts, as the two halves fired in unison. Question... was this something which Salvia brings on or something which Salvia reveals about what is happening every moment of our sentient existence?

As I have often expressed on this and other psychonautical, entheogen-related forums, I personally adhere to the precepts of Advaita. This is the quintessence of all of the Indian Vedantic spiritual truths. This being, that All is One and that consciousness/awareness/being is Indivisible in nature, as the Supreme state of the Divine is Indivisible and we are composed of such an essence or immaterial force of unbound Spirit. That being said, it is an idea-based philosophy, regardless of how true it is and how it may seem to it's adherents. When we merge with this plane of awareness, we SEE it as the knowledge of our true Self. :idea:

Salvia, as with many other Sacred Medicines, tears away our capacity to exist as an ego-oriented central focus. In such a state of identity flux... we have the opportunity to learn what we can and cannot translate to human understanding, from the symbiosis of the altered experience. Salvia Universe has a unique lesson to teach to the psychonautically inclined traveler. It is a great buzzing mirror into our subjectivity and it has the power to terrify, confuse and enlighten the witness to the Saliva Shift.

Long story short, I have on the last three voyages with 20x extract mixed with leaf, traveled vertically into a focal point of consciousness, which is very difficult to reach while astral body-surfing in the rush of the Salvinorin Seas. I believe and suggest that this is so because of the powerful linear quality of the SD high. It naturally seems to design an expansion of our minds, looping, folding oscillation of thought particles. This, however, can be shifted into vertical ascension with a considerable amount of concentration. In this way, it is very, very different from LSD, psilocybin, mescaline and DMT.

I might stress that the whole time this willingness for a vertical ascension was happening, the periphery of my inner pilot's view was intricately buzzing with the creation and dissolution of universes and alternate planes of being which had highly aware entities watching the intrusion of my SIGHT. Again, burnigmouth hits the nail on the head. It is this very visual capability which manifests the parallel universe and the parallel self which witnesses it's existence. Obviously, the same can be said for our mutually dreamt up, earthly existence. "...Life is but a dream." But it is so much easier to SEE the parameters of the process, in full visionary activation, when we are rocketed into the other side by SD.

I had the same revelation of transcending the duality of the undulating spheres and expanding throughout my whole brain, as my Crown was lit up like a Christmas Tree. There is a definitive center, in the midst of the Salvinorin Cyclone, which is calm in the vacuum of the still light, as thought creates whichever plane of being we each weave (spinning it's web of visuals within the mind of the Dreamer). There is always the subtle fear and sometimes not at all electrifying fear, that I will never return to here and now. I suppose this fear is born form my confusion about who I really am and what is the nature of reality? Shocked

From the Salvia Samadhi State, my ego does not exist and never did. I have, in my illusion of self, created all of the universe of material form and this mirage is only REAl from my own vantage point. I have had this same conceptual phenomenon occur under the influence of Nitrous Oxide. In fact, there are many similarities between the head-space In arrive within on Nitrous Oxide gas and smoking extracts from SD. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed a parallel between these Sacred Medicines? BTW, doesn't SD also make us laugh uncontrollably or speak in tongues? Anyway, I digress... Wink

From the level of self, this Salvia Samadhi, I can see myself dissolving into a sizzling, shimmering emptiness/nothingness, which is the unformed source of all fullness/somethingness. The Clear Light of the Void. I firmly believe that it is worth the effort to pierce into this expanse of serene, silent radiance, under the spell of SD. I will be making another voyage very soon and let you beautiful souls know how I have merged within.

The decoding of the transmission and how it might be translated into a useful way, is challenging to our logical thought process, for to SEE behind the emergence of the phenomenon and seize the SECRET for an eternal moment, one must live it and experience it directly. Thus, unraveling the intricate knot of rainbow-refraction lines of whirling psychedelic energy waves, which take place deep within the dynamic of the folding-over/looping sheet of plasto-electromagnetic plasma membrane... and what this oscillation truly reveals to the Dreamer. After the spell is broken... it is not an easy task.

The Mazatec shamans must have been able to access this state and bring back a taste of this nectar and so, heal the sick and still to anguish of the mentally imbalanced tribal members? Between the SD sessions and the magic mushroom rituals, I believe they must have had quit an intricate psychological structure, a heritage if you will, to house these paradoxical elements within, and still maintain a balanced degree of sanity.

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#75 Posted : 3/24/2011 5:02:58 PM

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Rising Spirit wrote:
...Long story short, I have on the last three voyages with 230x extract, ...

I assume this is a typo? Pure salvinorin A would be 400X extract. 230X would be more than 50% salvinorin A.

I once made some 200X extract (just to see what it would look like), and there isn’t enough plant material to hold/absorb all of the salvinorin A. The result is a loose mix of plant material and salvinorin A – see the attached photo.

Also, a moderate dose of 230X extract is about 1.7mg. A very strong dose is less than 5mg. Without a 1/10 milligram scale (0.0001g), such quantities are difficult to measure.

If you haven’t already, take a look at this thread.
gibran2 attached the following image(s):
extract2.jpg (53kb) downloaded 87 time(s).
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
Rising Spirit
#76 Posted : 3/24/2011 5:07:33 PM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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gibran2 wrote:
I assume this is a typo?

It certainly was and I was fixing the error as you posted your quick response. It was 20x... but of course. I think 230x would probably tear me away from myself forever? ...Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked...

BTW, that is an extremely beautiful picture. Thanx for sharing!!! Also, have you sampled such powerful extract? Say, what were you experiences like from such pure and highly potent Medicine? Frankly, just the sight of this concentration both, inspires and terrifies me at the same time. Wow...
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#77 Posted : 3/24/2011 5:34:48 PM

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Rising Spirit wrote:
gibran2 wrote:
I assume this is a typo?

It certainly was and I was fixing the error as you posted your quick response. It was 20x... but of course. I think 230x would probably tear me away from myself forever? ...Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked...

BTW, that is an extremely beautiful picture. Thanx for sharing!!! Also, have you sampled such powerful extract? Say, what were you experiences like from such pure and highly potent Medicine? Frankly, just the sight of this concentration both, inspires and terrifies me at the same time. Wow...

Oh no – I’d never dare to sample something so potent. Of course, if one were to carefully measure 2mg of 200X, then the experience should be about the same as a 20mg dose of 20X.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#78 Posted : 3/24/2011 8:11:17 PM

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Hey Gibran. That photo of the sally D looks like the profile of a stoned and happy fish. Smile

Rising Spirit wrote:

My experience with this plasto-electromagnetic plasma membrane has a similar correlation to my eyes. Or should I say that my eyes, in conjunction with the hemispheres of my brain which interphase with my optical receptors? I literally, SEE the sheets of this membrane, folding over upon my central witness, my central fulcrum of awareness, my living soul . In this specific manner, I speculate that we create our perception of both, this physical 3-D world (Earth reality) as well as the parallel Salvia Universe (which seems to oscillate between 2-D and 3-D realities).

Yeah, it seems that the visual aspect of salvia trips is underplayed. I've been seeing this transparent plasma for a couple of years. You're right. The membranes are composed of this substance. but I also think that the whole visual space is composed of this plasma-like transparent substance. I don't know of anyone out there in forum land who says anything about the 'material' substance of salvia trips.

I am always seem to feel squeezed and/or compressed by the looping of these sheets of zingy, pulsating mind potentiality, which SD unleashes. While I neglected to post my last voyage into the Salvinorin Seas, I feel your post is calling me to do so, Brother burningmouth.

Right. I used to have to deal with the compressing during every one of my trips. Lately, the compression aspect has been missing. Thank God.
Another thing about the visual membranes. Sometimes I think that my brain 'tilts' so that my awareness slides away from the circular closed eye visual field. As my awareness vears off to one side, I begin to see the edge of the visual field, the outer membrane of the visual field. I then continue to vear away so that I'm actually outside all visual sense. Maybe that's when the salvia beings have to come in and stear me back on course. Smile

I recall having my mind wrapped around the elusive SALVIA SECRET and was certain I would return to this side of the looking glass, with this knowledge fully intact. Sadly, this is not fully possible, for much of the content is relative to the alternate Salvia Universe and is quite bizarre, purely abstract and almost unintelligible to my 'normal' rationale.

Boy, do I relate to you on that. Truer words were never spoken.

It is this very visual capability which manifests the parallel universe and the parallel self which witnesses it's existence. Obviously, the same can be said for our mutually dreamt up, earthly existence. "...Life is but a dream." But it is so much easier to SEE the parameters of the process, in full visionary activation, when we are rocketed into the other side by SD.

Total agreement.

From the level of self, this Salvia Samadhi, I can see myself dissolving into a sizzling, shimmering emptiness/nothingness, which is the unformed source of all fullness/somethingness. The Clear Light of the Void. I firmly believe that it is worth the effort to pierce into this expanse of serene, silent radiance, under the spell of SD. I will be making another voyage very soon and let you beautiful souls know how I have merged within.

The clear light of the void. Amen. This is why I smoke plain leaf. I can get a glimpse of the background void that is always there. The peaceful all expansive void-no-void that seems to radiate a feeling af good will.

The Mazatec shamans must have been able to access this state and bring back a taste of this nectar and so, heal the sick and still to anguish of the mentally imbalanced tribal members? Between the SD sessions and the magic mushroom rituals, I believe they must have had quit an intricate psychological structure, a heritage if you will, to house these paradoxical elements within, and still maintain a balanced degree of sanity.

It would be nice to believe that salvia has healing properties. I have to see it to believe it, though. We need to come up with something which we can show the world how powerful salvia divinorum is. Either a healing power or maybe just some traveling salvia beings. Smile

Rising Spirit
#79 Posted : 3/24/2011 11:42:00 PM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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burnignmouth wrote:
It would be nice to believe that salvia has healing properties. I have to see it to believe it, though. We need to come up with something which we can show the world how powerful salvia divinorum is. Either a healing power or maybe just some traveling salvia beings.

wikipedia.org wrote:
Salvia Divinorum is native to the Sierra Mazateca in Oaxaca, Mexico, where it is still used by the Mazatec, primarily to facilitate shamanic visions in the context of curing or divination. Salvia has a long and continuous tradition of religious use by Mazatec shamans, who use it to facilitate visionary states of consciousness during spiritual healing sessions.[1] Most of the plant's local common names allude to the Mazatec belief that the plant is an incarnation of the Virgin Mary, with its ritual use also invoking that relationship.

I believe it is the Shaman who does the actual healing... but the Salvia Universe allows the Diviner undergoing the trance to communicate with The Spirits and so, arrive at the consciousness whereby the cure to the ailment is revealed. It is not beyond the boundaries of reason to speculate that these Spirits are indeed the Salvinorin Entities themselves? Who is truly qualified to answer this riddle? I always keep in mind that this plant is the parent to an entire complex system and healing ritual, within the parameters of it's native Mazatec traditional usage. :idea:

Let's face it, for most of us, Lady Salvia came riding up from out of nowhere (to thoroughly blow our minds). We civilized humanoids know so very little about it's mysteries, intended purpose or traditional usage. This is probably why so many folks go so nutso when they are caught in the oscillating current and folding-over, inside-out 'sheets' of plasto-electromagnetic plasma jelly (Salvia potentiality membrane), looping endlessly within it's pulsing vibration? I am reminded of the young man who recently leaped to his death... he must have be in total confusion about the nature of reality? Poor kid... Crying or very sad

Even in the psychedelic literary classic, PLANTS OF THE GODS (written by Richard Evans Schultes and Dr. Albert Hofmann in 1992), the active compound Salvinorin A, was not even identified yet. Just for one brief pause in time, can you imagine the genius of Dr. Hoffman being unable to identify the active Magic within the Diviner's Sage? Just think for a moment, what he may have discovered about it's sheer potential, had he gotten half a chance to isolate Salvinorin A and conduct a series of clinical experiments?

We are without a doubt, in relatively new territory. Even in our present day time period, where one can pick up Salvia Divinorum in most head shops or even easier, online. In many significant ways, we are on the frontiers of a new Sacred Medicine (well, new to us at least). To the Mazatec Shamans, it was a different story and I am certain it is to this very day. To the 21st century psychonaut, it is the cusp of 'brave new world'. Shocked

wikipedia.org wrote:
Salvia Divinorum is one of several species with hallucinogenic properties that are ritually used by Mazatec shamans. Others include certain morning glory seeds (Turbina corymbosa), psilocybin mushrooms, and various coleus species. In their rituals, the shamans use only fresh S. Divinorum leaves. They see the plant as an incarnation of the Virgin Mary, and begin the ritual with an invocation to Mary, Saint Peter, the Holy Trinity, and other saints.[1] Ritual use traditionally involves being in a quiet place after ingestion of the leaf—the Maztec shamans say that "La Maria (S. Divinorum) speaks with a quiet voice."
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#80 Posted : 3/25/2011 1:42:18 AM

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Rising Spirit wrote:
They see the plant as an incarnation of the Virgin Mary, and begin the ritual with an invocation to Mary, Saint Peter, the Holy Trinity, and other saints.[1] Ritual use traditionally involves being in a quiet place after ingestion of the leaf—the Maztec shamans say that "La Maria (S. Divinorum) speaks with a quiet voice."

Well, my respect for the Mazatec shamans just dropped a notch. Saint Peter? The holy trinity? It makes perfect sense though. The natives were probably illiterate Catholics. Hanging out with them during a salvia session would probably become a major drag in no time. I do see some comparisons between salvia and Christianity. But salvia doesn't need outside theories. Salvia is capable of delivering its own message with salvia specific themes without the need for outside influences.
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