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Forget the vapourgenie, and your torch lighter. Virtually 100% efficiency. Options
#41 Posted : 11/12/2010 4:25:13 AM

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Aaaaaaand I think we have an official t-shirt winner! Laughing
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#42 Posted : 11/12/2010 4:57:35 AM


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The tests were don with jungle spice, nothing burns since the spoon never gets red hot.

You can use a torch lighter to make the spoon insanely hot, it's perfect.
"There are no differences but differences of degree between different degrees of difference and no difference."
#43 Posted : 11/12/2010 5:22:42 AM

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I have had this pipe for over 7 years. I have never needed anything else I have tried several contraptions this has always been the best. Pack the bowl close the lid, Hold th elighter over the hole and inhale. As simple as it could possibly get. Cheap as well I think I paid a whopping sum of 8 dollars for it.
vovin attached the following image(s):
IMG_1660.JPG (438kb) downloaded 438 time(s).
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#44 Posted : 11/12/2010 9:37:10 AM

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I honestly think that dmt as powerful entheogen calls for RITUALIZATION. As I recall ayahuasca drinking is wrapped in quite ritual too. Ornamental wooden cups, fancy shamanic designer clothes, fasting for fun and stuff. That is why I love GVG. It's beautiful. I love to watch dmt vapor swirling around in cooling chamber before it get into my mouth. When I'm coming down from trip I look at pipe and instead changa leaves I see floating ball in the pipe.Cool What are you? You cheeky molecule!
I noticed that it was expensive, but it's handmade. Each glass piece is original. I'm sure I don't exaggerate a ritual element here. It definitely has impact on my travels. It's a needle to my vein.Wink

'Life is an illusion designed to keep your mind occupied while you are digested by God.'
#45 Posted : 11/12/2010 9:54:39 AM

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vovin wrote:
I have had this pipe for over 7 years. I have never needed anything else I have tried several contraptions this has always been the best. Pack the bowl close the lid, Hold th elighter over the hole and inhale. As simple as it could possibly get. Cheap as well I think I paid a whopping sum of 8 dollars for it.
everyone gets a personal relationship to his own smoking device and technic...
thats a nice pipe, volvin...
Very happy

endlessness wrote:
did you try yourself gosvami? Because its been stated over and over again that the 60-80c boiling point is wrong. Shulgin himself said this data is wrong. I personally never tried to boil dmt at 100c, so I cant say, but I did read several people in the forum trying and being sure that dmt doesnt vap at 100c. So thats why I wonder, did you really evap dmt at 100c ?
yea...i tried it.
it didn't work with water...

but what IS working with the great, amazing, brilliantly 'vapbong':
one can load it with 200 mg dmt (for example), take a hit and pass the device instantly to the next person...and so on...it isn't necessary to fill it with new material in the meantime...
vaporising small amounts of spice (10 or 15 mg for example) under influence of maoi is very difficult, because loaded with such small quantities the spice tends to flow to the side and stick there as i mentioned above.
and the tube will break, if you heat it from the side.
you have to heat the tube only from the bottom and avoid sudden temperature variations/shocks...then it will live for many years.
#46 Posted : 11/12/2010 10:11:02 AM


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vaporstar all the way! I've used the GVG before and theres no difference between the two (eccept for the price)

The vaporstar piece is only 25 buckaroos and an extra 5 for the glass pipe complete with carb hole.
"accept the possibility that you may never come back, then your mind is truly open."

The playful ballad of the sacred salad.
#47 Posted : 11/12/2010 10:42:08 AM

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give me a V
give me an A
give me a P
give me an O
give me a R

give me a VAPORBONG

praise the test-tube-technic!!!

hail vaporbong!!!
#48 Posted : 11/12/2010 12:18:05 PM

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Oh my god!

This is what you're advertising here gosvami? Laughing

That useless crap apparently does not work! Look at that yuppie is only able to load up like 2mg of material into that joke. And he's about to cry any second because small shit doesn't work. Is that you on 'official video' gosvami? Even name 'vaporbong' is lame! It looks like a joke to me...

...but maybe I misunderstood your sarcasm for what I'm ashamed and sorry.
In that case you're right 'vaporbong' really is useless piece of shit imitation of GVG.Laughing

'Life is an illusion designed to keep your mind occupied while you are digested by God.'
#49 Posted : 11/12/2010 1:50:42 PM

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Hello friends, i'm just back from the GVG.
Smoke is sooo goooooooooooood Smile
elusive illusion
#50 Posted : 11/12/2010 4:25:40 PM

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That useless crap apparently does not work!


zubidlo, i wonder if you are stupid or if you only play:
'i am a totally stupid and/or ignorant guy...'
Rolling eyes

you have to remove the metal screens!

you have to fill the spice NOT into the inner tube but into the other off course!

here you can fill in maybe 300 mg (if you want or need so much...have fun Wink )!

and don't hold the tube horizontally or in the angle of 45 degrees but perpendicularly then lighting the fire under it...

is that so difficult to understand?????????
#51 Posted : 11/12/2010 5:28:42 PM

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Hello gosvami,

you have to remove the metal screens!

No you have to remove whole yoke and replace it with something much better and nicer...GVG maybe...Very happy

you have to fill the spice NOT into the inner tube but into the other off course!
here you can fill in maybe 300 mg (if you want or need so much...have fun )!

Here it is just reduced to crack pipe (3$) or light bulb (?$) which are not the best devices to deliver. Spice taste like burning plasticCrying or very sad

and don't hold the tube horizontally or in the angle of 45 degrees but perpendicularly then lighting the fire under it...

Yeah, that's it! I was searching whole World for a pipe I'll have to hold under certain angles. You found it for me. Thanks I appreciate that.Cool

is that so difficult to understand?????????

Yes, please explain to me again why would I drive ugly russian car when I have Audi R8 alreadyLaughing

I love you man, you're not stupid or ignorant in my eyes. I love the energy you put into this advertising.Rolling eyes


'Life is an illusion designed to keep your mind occupied while you are digested by God.'
#52 Posted : 11/18/2010 5:38:45 PM

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i don't care about your....gvg-fetish!

it works...
the smoke is cool and smooth...
and in old germany it's pretty cheap:

here is mine...:
#53 Posted : 11/18/2010 8:07:16 PM

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Call me old-fashioned, but I am quite attached to my bong. It's shiny. Very happy I like the size, that I can hold onto it while I'm smoking, and having something aesthetically pleasing to smoke from instills a sense of peace and mystique. Smile And I fill the water with crystals for extra esoteric goodness. Cool

everyone gets a personal relationship to his own smoking device and technic...

My last friend I introduced to spice said she was really shocked by watching me smoke. She said she was used to watching people just want to get fucked up, but it was neat to see someone have "a communication" and an "intention." I do feel like there is a strong communication with what's happening inside me when I smoke... So I guess it's important to have the right tool that allows you to feel that resonance. Smile
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
#54 Posted : 11/19/2010 1:52:44 AM

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Agree with that, I love my bong. It's quite a hyperspatial transporter, a giant glass key to other worlds... smoking barefoot on the beach, for instance, isn't the same with the GVG.


#55 Posted : 11/19/2010 3:18:34 AM

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Love the pic Very happy, also I heard mention of heating up on foil, please don't do this people its very bad to inhale that.
#56 Posted : 11/19/2010 10:15:08 AM

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the amazing VAPBONG has another great advantage:
you can easily put it in your ۞۞۞۞ then the police is knocking on your door.
try this with a normal bong or the gvg...
#57 Posted : 11/19/2010 12:15:46 PM

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Tz'is aná
#58 Posted : 11/22/2010 3:47:16 PM

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I too love my bong. I bought a nice colorful glass one specially for spice for only 5 squidoodles... but i must admit, i want a GVG Smile

gosvami, if the cops are knocking at your door, aren't the smoking utensils the least of your worries?
#59 Posted : 11/22/2010 4:32:16 PM

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gosvami wrote:
the amazing VAPBONG has another great advantage:
you can easily put it in your ۞۞۞۞ then the police is knocking on your door.
try this with a normal bong or the gvg...

Well, the GVG is smooth and nicely tapered, so I don’t think it would be too much of a problem.

Laughing Laughing Laughing
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#60 Posted : 12/2/2010 6:09:52 AM

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SWIM was thinking about making a vapbong herself. seems very simple.
SWIM tried the funnel method at the peak of a pharma trip and lost his mind. but didn't go to hyperspace, just invisible entities (infinite number of them) connected their souls to hers, and transmitted this message: you and where you came from are nothing, you and your realm worth no shit, enjoy that nothingness. it was very overwhelming first but some moments later SWIM really enjoyed this nothingness and accepted it. SWIM was wondering then how much spice it takes to reach hyperspace? SWIM was completely out of her body and our realm already, but couldn't enter any other realm yet, somewhat stuck in the inter-world highway without fuel.
Disclaimer: All of these posts are of a fictitious nature only. Their author is known to be a pathological attention-seeking ADHD liar and he/she should NOT be taken seriously in any way. Do not trust anything he/she says because it is simply untrue.
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