DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 6 Joined: 06-Feb-2019 Last visit: 19-Feb-2019 Location: US
Thank you for posting this resource, links are still alive and doing well.
 Extreme seductiveness is at the boundary of horror
Posts: 26 Joined: 14-Jan-2017 Last visit: 10-Apr-2020
Just found this. Interesting to no end-- and certainly something to peruse and incorporate. Thanks to whoever provided this wonderful resource. The metaphysical comfort--with which, I am suggesting even now, every true tragedy leaves us--that life is at the bottom of things, despite all the changes of appearances, indestructibly powerful and pleasurable--this comfort appears in incarnate clarity in the chorus of the satyrs, a chorus of natural beings who live ineradicably, as it were, behind all civilization and remain eternally the same, despite the changes of generations and of the history of nations. --Nietzsche
Ontology has it backwards. “This ‘saying to the Other’ — this relationship with the Other as interlocutor, this relation with an existent — precedes all ontology; it is the ultimate relation in Being” --Levinas
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1 Joined: 26-Oct-2019 Last visit: 16-Sep-2021 Location: East coast, USA
thank you for sharing this! always find great info here on the nexus. thought my game was good before oh shit! haha
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 201 Joined: 23-Jan-2021 Last visit: 12-Feb-2024
The link seems to be dead... I get the following error This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. <Error> <Code>NoSuchKey</Code> <Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message> <Key>largefiles/resources/chemvideo/index.htm</Key> <RequestId>3B30FE9A46DC250D</RequestId> <HostId>pxZpSiW7724KSrkYJlCgpnRjAMaSQY+3l1oOPNnAyKupGATcXG0u7G54wMJ3HCsYvza9o9kMzfA=</HostId> </Error> این جهان با تو خوش است و آن جهان با تو خوش است این جهان بیمن مباش و آن جهان بیمن مرو
ای عیان بیمن مدان و ای زبان بیمن مخوان ای نظر بیمن مبین و ای روان بیمن مرو
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 600 Joined: 13-Dec-2013 Last visit: 11-Jun-2023
I don't see any link in the original post. I am going through MIT's principles of chem (6.111) course (for general learning; I'm brushing up before I take the classes formally) and it is an absolutely brilliant resource. Their website offers almost every class you could take there, for free, and most of them include the syllabus, handouts, homework assignments, exams, etc.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 35 Joined: 07-Jun-2019 Last visit: 16-Nov-2023 Location: Bompton
Spiralout wrote:I don't see any link in the original post. I am going through MIT's principles of chem (6.111) course (for general learning; I'm brushing up before I take the classes formally) and it is an absolutely brilliant resource. Their website offers almost every class you could take there, for free, and most of them include the syllabus, handouts, homework assignments, exams, etc. ohh would you post? it seems the original link is indeed no longer available
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 147 Joined: 12-Jun-2021 Last visit: 23-Jan-2024
MIT lab videos link here; #9 is recrystallization. Fantastic resource. An affinity to entheogens that bring me to full submission, A thriving esoteric greenhouse, I do envision
 The Confused Cyborg
Posts: 3 Joined: 15-Feb-2022 Last visit: 19-Dec-2024
By chance does anyone have a new link to this video?
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 18 Joined: 16-Apr-2022 Last visit: 10-Dec-2022 Location: netherregions
OrangeEnergy wrote:Been searching for DMT solubility data but with no luck. Want to do some recrystallisation/purification, but as per the MIT video, have no way of finding which, if any, solvent DMT is far more soluble in when it is warm. I have some heptane, so should I just dissolve my spice in the minimal amount, filter and then evaporate? Help gratefully received! Solubility: boiling Naphtha (80 °C, C6-C7, 60-80 °C) "infinite" (the DMT will melt and just create a homogeneous liquid-liquid solution. In the end it may even be a solution of Naphtha in DMT) Example: In just 5 ml of boiling Naphtha you could easily add 4 g of DMT, while only doubling the initial volume. No precipitation would ever show off. Naphtha (20 °C, C6-C7, 60-80 °C) 29,3 g in 1 L 2,93 g in 100 ml Naphtha in the freezer (-20 °C, C6-C7, 60-80 °C) 1,09 g in 1 L 109 mg in 100 ml boiling n-Hexane (69 °C) "infinite" (same as above for Naphtha) n-Hexane (20 °C) 7,7 g in 1 L 770 mg in 100 ml n-Hexane in the freezer (-20 °C) 825 mg in 1 L 83 mg in 100 ml Here 2 additional Hydrocarbons: n-Pentane in the freezer (-20 °C) 501 mg in 1 L 50 mg in 100 ml n-Heptane in the freezer (-20 °C) 916 mg in 1 L 92 mg in 100 ml From this post: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...mp;m=1107176#post1107176
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 49 Joined: 22-Oct-2023 Last visit: 06-Nov-2023 Location: Now
SWIMfriend wrote:Here is an absolutely FIRST CLASS set of videos for learning important chem lab techniques. The 20 minute video "Recrystallization" is invaluable for spice ultra-purification considerations. "Reaction Workup I" will give understanding of the wash steps of extractions. Seriously recommend this is made sticky... Link seems to be out of date or has moved. Edit. Ah sorry issue has already been raised. I read the top of the post, clicked the link then posted a reply before reading the thread. Admins please delete.