jamie wrote:I used to have a friend/spirit/alien/who knows what come and visit me at night for years when I was really young. He had a green luminescent glow or aura around his body, and had a humanoid shape..about the size of an adult human..I remember him never speaking but we could communicate somehow anyway..he would come late at night and we would fly out my window and go off somewhere for the night but I have no idea where.
I know this is a dead thread But this startled me quite a bit when I read it. When I was a little child (from about 2-5 as far as I can remember) I used to have a sort of... 'imaginary friend' that appeared in my consciousness as a warm pinkish (usually, it sometimes changed) orb of light. It used to conversate with me in a pleasant female voice in, my head of course. It called itself my "guardian Angel" (naturally I believed that is what she was) and my mom still tells me stories of how she used to hear me having whole conversations in my room by myself. When she used to open the door and ask me who I was talking to, I would simply reply "My guardian Angel." my grandmother says that I used to tell her all sorts of stories about conversations we had.
I suppose this thread is also an appropriate place to mention; one might when I was about six or seven-I hadnt talked to my guardian Angel in a while at this point; I had a nightmare one night, that i've often wondered whether or not I was being contacted by some sort of evil spirit.
I can still remember it So vividly. In the dream, I was being chased through this dark nightmarish forest that seemed dimly illuminated by this evil red light. There was something enormous chasing me, I could here it's footsteps crash through the trees. But when I would look back I could see nothing, only darkness. I ran as fast as I could until I reached a large clearing. On the other end of the clearing; so far I could barely make out the details of the thing;there was what looked like a glowing red thing crouching on a stump. It appeared to be the source of the red light in the forest. As I stood there at the mouth of the clearing, panting fro breath, the crashing stopped and the red thing on the stump turns it's head towards mw and spreads it's wings. At that moment I wake up, terrified. And when I open my eyes there is a face appearing to be illuminated on the ceiling. It shone in cool colors, greens and blues and it smiled at me, protectively and lovingly.
I never spoke with her again after that night.
And I'm lonesome when you're around
I'm never lonesome when I'm by myself.
And I miss you when you're around...