joedirt wrote:The problem here is changing everyone's view. Like MC said we can raise awareness...but what we can't do is make everyone agree with us.
I agree that we can't get everyone to change their minds but we can give them plenty of food for thought. At least to those who
want to think.
joedirt wrote:How do we get to a system with no money from a system that has depended on money for thousands of years? Remember no matter how much you want to be equal with everyone else, the vast majority on this planet do not. Most people believe if they work harder and try harder they should be rewarded more. Whether that view is right or wrong is not relevant to my point. My point is simply that there are 7 Billion views on this planet. We all sink or swing together.
How do we get there? Like I said, by intensive community building projects. You give the power back to the people to support themselves and spread that knowledge to others, so that they in turn, can support themselves.
You say that the vast majority of the this planet doesn't want to be equal with everyone else. I have to respectfully disagree. If you count all of the voiceless people who are rotting away in poverty living on less than $1 a day, I would guarantee that their numbers are FAR higher than the rich Americans, Europeans and Asians who don't want anything to change.
I do agree that we all sink or swim together and that's all I really want to do. Is get everyone on the same page to realize what the real issues are and to understand that there
are viable solutions to these issues.
joedirt wrote:Maybe I suffer from an imagination void, but I have a very very hard time imagining how we can get to a system without money without causing massive..and I mean Massive starvation around the globe. As sad is it is, no farmer is going to go work his fields all day so a homeles man that isn't working can eat. Don't focus on the immorality of it. Focus on the reality of it. We have to get there from here.
I agree that a group of farmers won't invest their life into feeding everyone. I guess I should have went into more detail about my ideas of what the community building projects would consist of. With emerging technologies like
Aquaculture and
Eco-Domes, we can feed and house the majority of the worlds population with very little funds considering the massive scale of what can be accomplished.
With technologies like these, you can give the power back to the people and allow them to take care of themselves. These systems take a bit of work to get established but they are truly sustainable in every aspect of their design. Once build, they can last thousands of years.
2000 Year Old Food ForestA million pounds of food on 3 acresSo if we can implement technologies like this, you wouldn't need a dedicated farmer to feed everyone. The community feeds itself and has more than enough to share with other emerging communities.
joedirt wrote:We can't do away with this system overnight or even over a decade. It won't work. Huge civil wars in multiple countries would erupt overnight.
I agree that it wouldn't work over night but over the course of a decade... I tend to disagree with that. Once people see the first communities pop up and see how they work, I believe that there will be a huge demand for these communities to be perpetuated around the world.
Melodic Catastrophe wrote: And that brings me to another point. We are one of the "richest" nations in the world, yet we don't have enough money to solve the most basic human problems. The truth of the matter is that we simply don't have enough cooperation.
joedirt wrote:I disagree. we have never had a money problem in this country. We have an allocation problem. We currently spend 750 Billion a year on war. (wiki only shows 650 Billion, but I know this number has been revised since then...) is literally more than the next 18 highest nations combined. If we cut it down to 350 Billion we would free up 400 Billion and STILL out spend every other nation.
So from my view we sure don't have a money problem it's an allocation problem..and it's disturbing. If we cut our military in half we'd be a long long way towards socialized medicine, or base line food for people or even free education.
I agree that it's an allocation problem but that the essence of the worlds issues. The people who have the money don't want to use it to fix the problems we are facing. They just want to use the money to keep things as they are and to fuel the fires of inequality.
With the amount of money they've spent on the war, we could feed, clothe and shelter every single human being on this planet, probably several times over.
need cooperation from
Melodic Catastrophe wrote:he goals here should be to attempt to get back to what our Forefathers created America to be. Land of the Free. Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. They really did have the right idea but it's been massively perverted over the years to accommodate the wealthy and powerful instead of your average American.
joedirt wrote:-There were no taxes. These were the day's of the SUPER rich like the Vanderbuilts and Rothchilds. These people had sumer homes in Rhode Island that are grossly beyond normal sized mansions....HUGE. They built this wealth with railroads and coal mines. The workers had pretty dismal conditions.
-Only wealthy white male land owners could vote.
-And we had slaves.
Personally I think the only thing great about our constitution is that it can be amended. IMHO.
I agree that the greatest thing about our constitution is that it can be amended and changed. Our forefathers knew they didn't have all of the answers and that one set of rules, etched in stone wouldn't do anyone any good for the long haul.
The problem is that the Super rich has perverted it so far that it doesn't really benefit anyone but them.
Melodic Catastrophe wrote:Our forefathers had the right ideas and ideals when they created this great nation. They knew that no one policy would be good for everyone and that's why the decided to make all of the different states. If you don't like the policies of one state, move to the state that embraces your way of life.
joedirt wrote:This is very true, but what you are talking about and proposing is essentially doing away with states rights for a massive form of socialism. No sense in NY having a venus project if Texas is still going to burn oil for everything right?
I'm not talking about doing away with state rights, I'm talking about giving the states more rights to do what they need to do. Give each state the power to come up with their own solutions and to govern their own people. As it stands now, our government tries to be a "One size fits the world" type of system and this isn't right or fair to the vast majority of the population. If they actually gave a damn about "The People" of the world, it
might work but they obviously
do not.
As far as having a Venus Project in NY and TX burning oil, that would be up to TX to decide. If we can let them know that there is only x amount of oil left and if they continue to work unsustainably then they will eventually be left in the dark, I'm sure they would look into some other alternatives. Once they are actually IN the dark they would definitely be looking for something better.
Melodic Catastrophe wrote:Once we start perpetuating the community based mindset, something like The Venus Project will become a no-brainer because it will be far easier to educate people about the benefits and potential pitfalls of such a system.
joedirt wrote:This I'm down with..but there has to be more. We have to enact policies in today's system that will push in this direction. Anything else will likely result in total collapse and chaos.
That's exactly the point of all of this. As far as I'm concerned, our economy can't stand much more before it completely crumbles under our feet. This is our opportunity to inform people that there are other alternatives available. If people know that there are better solutions available, they will be less likely to riot and cause the chaos. Instead, they will demand that these solutions be put into motion.
Melodic Catastrophe wrote:I don't agree with any kind of 'ism type system because they all tend to be based on the monetary system. Until we realize that money has no value other than the value we give it, I honestly don't see a lot of REAL progress being made.
joedirt wrote:And this is ultimately my entire point.
The monetary system is very very ingrained in everyone's life. Humans motivation is a strange topic indeed.
You say no tax policy reform will do it and hell I agree. Tax policy reform sure as hell won't get us to the Venus project, but if we can level the playing field more and more by giving a voice back to the people then eventually raising awareness will have a real impact.
In today's current system....if you had 75% of the voters on board with the Venus project....we'd still fail. The system as controlled by the elite would never allow itself to go this direction. We need to gain the power back without collapsing the system. Right now our votes matter very little in this country. Oh sure we do get to elect a candidate, but only after the elite have determined which candidates we chose from. We have very litle voice in this country and the tiny voice we do have is kept in a very fractured state because politicians (on both sides) use fear, uncertainty, doubt, and propaganda to keep us all at each others throats. We need to take some steps to regaining this power before the elite plunge us into another global war. We need to be honest about changes that we can and can't effect.
My only points with what I outlined in my first post was a baby step. Something real and something potentially tangible in our lifetimes. I'm not even remotely claiming I have the perfect answer, but I do feel as though my solution would push us closer to this system than we are today.
The money system isn't going anywhere in our lifetimes without a total collapse.
So how do we get to the venus project from here?
So far I think I see two ideas in this thread that are tangible (I apologize if I'm missing some...we can add them to the list)
1) Small baby steps that would level the playing field. ( we can debate how this is achieved later)
2) Raising awareness.
Are there any other ideas? I'm sort of using the venus project as an ultimate goal, but by all means others should propose other ideas if they have them.
I'm very curious to hear from a lot of people here.
What would you like to see our world look like and how would you propose we get there from here.
Well, I don't really think that it would take a collapse of the system in order to reach The Venus Project. That would certainly help it along but it's not required.
My proposition on how to get from here to there would be to start with the poorest communities who need this kind of system. If we had the opportunity to tear down a few parking lots in our urban city areas and replace them with some permaculture plots so that the community can feed themselves and increase their quality of life, it would only be a matter of time before other urban centers demanded something similar.
My main initiative here is to return the power to the people, give them the resources they need not only to survive but to prosper. All the while, document everything and revise it to work even better.
Once people see that they
can take care of themselves, I have faith that they won't want the government or anyone else to take care of them. Not only that, I have faith that they will want to help other communities and share the information that they've learned along the way.
There is a documentary called "How to save the world" about a New Zeland botanist going to India and showing them how to do permaculture. These communities in India have been plagued with farmer suicides because of the previous unsustainable farming practices they've been force fed by Monsanto and other companies.
By the end of the documentary, you can see how overjoyed and prosperous the people are. It starts with one farm and then it spreads like wild fire. Others see that it works and want to do the same thing.
I believe that the same thing can happen here. It's just a matter of building that first plot, documenting it and then perpetuating it to everyone who needs it.
I realize that this won't solve everyones problems but I believe that it's a great first step to see some lasting change.
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