FV was selling "THH" that was tested by chemists here and found to be harmine with no THH at all. Ron came here defending flowing visions and calling people here liars, claiming they were trying to ruin FV so they could start selling THH themselves etc. It was long thought that Ron was the owner of flowing visions..and the owner of flowing visions is "baron"..hmmm 69ron..see the connection there?
I never really had my mind made up nor cared if ron owned FV..but after his incessant backing of FV to the point of calling others liars here, and going on a personal quest on other forums to bash the nexus in the wake of all this, I believe that 69ron is the owner of FV and has some seriously poor character. That is just my opinion though. Since Ron has not chosen to come back to the nexus to discuss any of this, even though he has been asked to all people can do is assume.
All we know is FV was selling "THH" that was really harmine, and when this was made public ron had a fit.
Long live the unwoke.