Qft @ the last sentence of avocodo's post from 2011.
Hmm, paying attention to celebrities.. whats crazier someone who has been amazingly successful, and is indeed talented, coked out of his mind talking about winning or the ever so worshipped "terrence mckennas" of the world blasted off psychs talking about self dribbling basket ball elves and all that bs? ....from an outsiders pov?
It goes with the territory of what path you walk. Just read this forum, there are posts here, alot of posts where people sound out of ther gords describing just crazy shit. But around here its the norm. It goes with the territory, and noone blinks an eye. Well, I imagine growing up the son of a rather big name actor, being on sets like apocalypse now when youre 10 years old...being a succesful actor in multiple movies and what goes with that etc... all the way up, being in that "forum", his actions makes "sense" Its a big world out there.
As far as the health issues, its like slash said in reference to amy winehouse, "she'll either figure it out, or she won't".
Judge not less ye be.
...is this a dream or a memory