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DMT extraction in dorm - why we DONT want! Options
#21 Posted : 9/14/2010 10:07:40 PM

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yulgi wrote:
Do you have a van? do you have keys to the back part of the van (the cargo hold area)?

What on earth for??

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#22 Posted : 9/14/2010 11:18:30 PM


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I'm sorry, I hate to sound like a dick....

But if you're naive enough to think:

A) You will actually live in a university-housed dorm room for *all* 4 years of college (honestly, you probably wouldn't be able to live in the dorms for 4 years if you WANTED to...where do you think they would put all the incoming freshmen each year??)

B) Smoking DMT is important enough to you right now that it is worth prison time (maybe lots of prison time), but building some reasonable useful social-interaction skills IS NOT important to you AT ALL

Then my personal opinion is that you are too naive and impulsive to consider extracting DMT at this point in your life. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure you are 100% CAPABLE of following instructions and obtaining some very pure smokable DMT, maybe without getting caught even.

But SHOULD you? You clearly have a strong lack of patience, I have a very hard time believing you would ever devote the proper mental preparation prior to and necessary SOCIAL (that's right SOCIAL) integration that follows as part of a healthy experience.

Do you really have any idea how powerful of a substance you are dealing with? (You comment that you don't want to try ayahuasca because it's "less intense," but do you really know what you're delving into??)

YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT SECURITY WILL BE LIKE AT YOUR DORM, how can you possibly plan ways not to get caught???

So what happens when you actually order all of that stuff, magically avoid being caught by your RA, campus police or whatever, isolate some reasonably pure DMT and then smoke it in your dorm room? Sure you could be totally fine, but you also could be totally NOT FINE. What are you planning on smoking it out of anyways? (I'm trying to get a feel for your knowledge base, no offense but it seems pretty thin).

Whatever will you do if/when the Entities decide to slap you down a peg for your hubris (that means "fatal pride" if you didn't know -- worst case scenario: mentally fucked for a loong time; although more than likely you would be psychologically fine), and you come out of your trance with campus police officers at your door because your next-door-neighbor (or roommate if you're really unlucky) heard you screaming and crying for 5 minutes straight, you have a gallon glass jar of lye/expended mimosa water still waiting to be disposed of in your closet (*properly disposed of*, but I bet you don't know how to do that, either), and to top it all off there's a shattered glass pipe at your feet (where you dropped it when you jettisoned from reality) that's full of a half-melted/half-vaporized residue of a Schedule I substance.

The next four years of your life will be an incredible journey for you, regardless of where you are at or what darkness you may find yourself in at present.

Please understand, I LOVE psychedelics. They have the potential to be great healing tools, as well as (when used safely, truly rewarding recreational experiences). Growing up--trust me, you ARE NOT there yet; no one is "grown" at 18, I'm sorry I will not argue this point with you, and frankly any evidence you could try to present to the contrary will only prove my point, but I digress--growing up is the strongest, craziest trip you could ever take. You only get one chance to do it, and you are quite literally about to hit the "peak" of the experience (and I'm using that term the same way one would use it to describe the "peak" of an acid trip). Live any "trip" drug, if you live well, you can make the peak experience last longer.

Learn patience. Learn to swim (haha maybe learn to SWIM, too) before you try to compete in the olympics. Smoking DMT is like the olympics of mental trips buddy.

I'm sorry michaell if I came off as condescending, or too much of a dick, but I know chances are you'll probably get mad at my post and not read it this far.

In any case I hope you make the right decision.

Choose life. (I'm not talking about abortions, dawg)

Drugs should be an enhancement to your social life and/or an aid to you as a healthy being, not a replacement for either of those things.

Best of luck.

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"That is ridiculous. Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, gobbling magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." - Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc 1989

E has the ability to change the way people look at the world and not always for the best...."PLUR" ( hahahaha). The world is not what E makes it to be. I know plenty of "Old School" ravers that roll. They just don't do it in that ugly "cuddle puddle, "God I love You, We'll be soul mates for ever, this is the best music I've EVER heard, can I touch you?????" Kinda way. [size=6]Every drug is best with moderation.

The night before: "nang nang nang nang nang"
Morning after: "clang clang clang clang clang"
Blues Traveler
#23 Posted : 9/15/2010 8:24:49 AM

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Michael, I am sorry that every one is jumping on you, but they are right. This is a extremely risky idea you are entertaining, not to mention damn near impossible due to the caustic nature of the extraction process. I know this is hard to hear, but I feel like you are going at this the wrong way. This substance brings ppl together, it is so beautiful, I am smiling just talking about it. This substance and what it represents is pure love. I feel like this is a extraordinary opportunity for you to meet some incredible open minded people. Poor fish is right when he mentioned that there is a social integration aspect to this wonderful experience. It is a significant part of the process, and eventually you will have to be secure enough to open up or this shit will kick your ass. You mention due to some personal dilemmas you are not able to meet people, but this is your internal fear not reality. Just be open to new things and good things will follow. Just trying to help a fellow searcher. I hope everything works out.
#24 Posted : 9/16/2010 10:40:37 AM

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No, Jimm!

Read the attitude page

• We are against people extracting or using substances in student dorms/parents/shared houses or any other unsafe place or where the owners or roommates do not agree with what is being done. We do not give tips on 'stealth' teks. Do not do it unless the owner of the place accepts his/her full responsibility on the actions being done. If you dont have such a place to extract now, be patient, many have waited years and years for the right moment.

Consider yourself warned! Someone extracting in their parents house without them knowing is risking making them lose their house! If police finds out for some reason, the whole house and belongings of your parents can be confiscated and one would have a very hard legal battle to try to have those things back. So basically when you advice someone to extract without their parents consent, you would also be morally co-responsible if they do go ahead and something wrong happens. Personally, I think psychedelics are supposed to make us more aware of our actions, of the consequences, try to consider how we affect others, so what you're doing would be the exact opposite, it would be a reckless behavior for selfish reasons.

I repeat: Do not extract in your parents house if they arent 100% aware and agree with it, do not extract in dorm. Advising others to do that will result in suspension from this forum
#25 Posted : 9/16/2010 5:04:44 PM
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very good points endlessness, treat your friends, parents with respect...
#26 Posted : 9/16/2010 6:36:16 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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I cringe at the terms "deems" and "deemsters"...they just sound like the vernacular of uneducated, burned out druggies.

The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#27 Posted : 9/16/2010 6:42:44 PM

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SnozzleBerry wrote:
I cringe at the terms "deems" and "deemsters"...they just sound like the vernacular of uneducated, burned out druggies.

...or uneducated burned out collegiate types!!


those terms always make me think of frats for some reason - clearly not a good association (unless you're into hazing and gang-bang style date rapes, i guess...)

JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#28 Posted : 9/16/2010 8:36:50 PM

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Every time I have run into spice in the wild, it has been referred to as deemsters....and then disrespected and abused.
I'm not a fan of judging how others use substances, but it is hard to be indifferent when alcohol is involved or some "crazy chem dude" at a music festival gets an ego boost from pushing his product on people who really aren't ready.

Overprotective elitism? Maybe...but when one has a true relationship with DMT, it is painful to see it disrespected and equated with "just another high".
Spock's Brain
#29 Posted : 9/16/2010 9:17:08 PM

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rent a storage unit
"Infinite Diversity, in Infinite Combinations."
#30 Posted : 9/16/2010 10:07:47 PM
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michaell wrote:
i dont want to go the ayahuasca route since i heard that lasts much longer and is less intense. i want a smoked dmt route.

Ayahuasca can be as intense as vaporised DMT, shrooms can be as intense as vaporised DMT and mescaline can be as intense as vaporised DMT.
Of all these three, ayahuasca has the shortest duration (depending on amount and sort of MAOI..more=longer)

The short duration of vaporised DMT as well as the sudden onset actually makes ayahuasca MORE preferable than vaporised DMT: The sudden onset makes it more difficult to relax and open-up to the experience and by the time you've managed to open-up, relax and be comfortable in this strange new world, the ride is over.
Such a waste, especially when you have to go through so much trouble getting there, like you.

With mescaline, you would have been right about the duration: that stuff can last for a whole day depending on the dosage. But ayahuasca usually lasts for four to five hours, maybe six if more is taken and sometimes it will only last for two to three hours.

If you want to have a DMT experience without anybody knowing it, i would go for shrooms. Shrooms can give an experience very simmilar to DMT and at least as intense. The differences between shrooms and DMT are only trivial things, like DMT-visuals having a little more yellow in them. But you'll be getting the same vibe.

There are webshops that sell psilocybe's sclerotia. If you have strong sclerotia (cosmic connectors, white diamonds, royal beluga from the brand sirius and dragon's dynamite from mcsmart for instance) and you put 30 grams in your tea, drink the tea and then eat the remaining sclerotia, you'll be having a strong DMT experience. After all psilocin is 4-HO-DMT.
#31 Posted : 9/16/2010 11:38:11 PM

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SnozzleBerry wrote:
I cringe at the terms "deems" and "deemsters"...they just sound like the vernacular of uneducated, burned out druggies.

and also I think its covered in the attitude:

Attitude Page wrote:
• Watch your language - Communication is comprised of not only the explicit but also the implicit messages, which are transmited through choice of words and general tone of speech. We do not want curse words and immature slangs in the nexus! Please use language in a dignified manner.

Jimm I hope you understand this is not just being unnecessarily strict, but we want to maintain a certain level of communication here. Do read the rest of the attitude page
#32 Posted : 9/17/2010 6:12:45 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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Spock's Brain wrote:
rent a storage unit

Are you aware that many storage places (at least ime) have all kinds of surveillance equipment and will (on occasion) employ dogs to make sure that there are no illicit goings on taking place on their property? Because if you are aware of this, then surely you realize how potentially disastrous such an undertakings could be.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
Ellis D'Empty
#33 Posted : 9/18/2010 4:25:00 AM


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Can I just say this:

I'm sorry, but if you even had an iota of sense, you'd for sure see that posting this topic is pointless as no one in their right mind would ever condone such a thing as your asking for.
If your life hasn't put you in the path for you to be able to "experience DMT", well then sorry sir, but it's just not your time yet.
01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!

We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
#34 Posted : 9/18/2010 4:49:36 AM

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SnozzleBerry wrote:
Spock's Brain wrote:
rent a storage unit

Are you aware that many storage places (at least ime) have all kinds of surveillance equipment and will (on occasion) employ dogs to make sure that there are no illicit goings on taking place on their property? Because if you are aware of this, then surely you realize how potentially disastrous such an undertakings could be.

Rent a 1-week tourist appartement.
SWIM is Spartacus!

The things posted on DMT-Nexus by Shayku are generally false. They are for entertainment purposes only.
Bill Cipher
#35 Posted : 10/23/2010 8:37:50 PM

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...and this would be a perfect example of why dorm room extractions are such a monumentally stupid idea. Note the reader comments at the bottom of the page. Almost every single one of them equate this with meth production/distribution.

#36 Posted : 10/24/2010 12:11:54 AM

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I will re-post this information under the very active "Synchronicity" thread
#37 Posted : 10/24/2010 12:32:03 AM

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from today's issure of the Georgetown student newspaper (The Hoya); maybe even more interesting than what the drug was supposed to be:

According to Metropolitan Police Department spokesman Hugh Carew, two students and a campus visitor were initially detained for questioning, leading to their arrest for possession of drug paraphernalia. "No drugs were found. Chemicals were found to create DMT," Carew said.

Updated 6:12 p.m. Latest photos of the drug lab incident can be found on The Hoya's Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/pages/The-Hoya/10818818781

#38 Posted : 10/28/2010 5:59:06 PM

Bill Nye

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I don't want to bring this whole thing back up but I just found out that some college kids in my town got their dorm-room door kicked in while making DMT just a day or two ago. Now I'm scared shitless and I'm in the comfort of my own home. The police around here didn't even know what DMT was until this happened. They thought they were busting a meth lab. Who knows how long it took them to figure it out, but that is just the kind of bad publicityheveryone on this thread was talking about. Now I'm scared to order bark or even finish the project I'm on now. I feel like I should throw everthing away, and its all because some jerkoff hipster wannabe HAD to go and try something really stupid. Sorry if thats a little harsh but I'm pissed off. I really hope that wasn't you michaell, and hope you decide to wait on further endeavors on this path. Its not worth it, for yourself and like minded people in your area.
"Then he looked right through me
With somniferous almond eyes
Don't even know what that means
Must remember to write it down,
This is so real
Like the time Dave floated away
See my heart is pounding
'Cause this **** never happens to me!"
Tool - Rosetta Stoned

#39 Posted : 10/28/2010 6:04:45 PM

Bill Nye

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It makes me kind of wish this were a private forum and that the information wasn't so readily available all over the place. That very same available information that has helped so many seems like it will be what brings us into the light and takes us down. I may be being melodramatic here but it does really suck.
"Then he looked right through me
With somniferous almond eyes
Don't even know what that means
Must remember to write it down,
This is so real
Like the time Dave floated away
See my heart is pounding
'Cause this **** never happens to me!"
Tool - Rosetta Stoned

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