Couldn't help digging this old topic back up again.
I'm really determined to realise this dream, come what may.
I'm just very puzzled about how. I am quite the organisational disaster, so help would be much apreciated.
For such a rather large undertaking I need a clear, step by step plan of what is to be arranged & payed.
-First step would be to save up enough money, together with likeminded people.
-Then to form an organisation with these people and start donating money to the organisations bank account(s).
-Set up a contract to agree to common goals/interests for which the money is to be used.
-When enough money has been saved the organisation should buy land with building rights (Or settle on a remote, hardily accesable, nature rich piece of (is)land?)
-Build proper, but cheap houses and public buildings using sandbags, cement & plaster.
-Build fertile cropfields, drip-irrigration tube-systems.
-Buy equipment for Electric plant & Large Seawater destiller.
-Build Community Electricity Plant ( Solar & Wind energy, perhaps combined with my Selfsustaining-Hydrogen engine/Generator as explained in this Topic: )
-Build Ocean-water desalinators. Basically a series of quite large water-destillers; A cylinder-shaped watertank.
Picture a cylindershaped water tank in which oceanwater flows in through a hole near the bottom. This tank has an open top.
Around this tank is a cylindershaped, larger tank with a glass dome on top. This dome could be made into a large magnifying lens.
Solar heat would boil and evaporise the Ocean water, of which droplets of water will re-condense on the inside of the dome and
drip down to the bottom of the larger, outer tank. From there it could be pumped through a series if filters (sand, gravel, pebbles, wiremeshes, Microfilm?)
untill it's clean enough to drink.
With these main steps completed a relatively small human community should be able to live self-sustainably.
The Entheogenic Ceremonies, preparations and cultivation may have to remain underground for now ( unless prohibition-laws
suddenly evaporise or we can set up this community in a "lawless" island/teritorry that is in no nation's national waters.
I'd probably do good "recruiting" some construction-workers, engineers, survivalists, farmers & doctors/medics into my Organisation.
I need to make this step by step-plan more complete & concrete to present to other people I want to involve in this, so some people with organisational skills
better than mine(which can't be very hard) would also be very welcome.
If I'm missing mayor steps please let me know. I'm by no means experienced with buying land, nor raising human settlements.
Help me make this Step by Step-plan complete, conrete and presentable.