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burnt wrote:Quote:Is that smoked or oral?
SWIM doesn't have much spice left, so he smoked 15mg on about 3 droppers of Harmaline Tincture 5X and broke through quite nicely. Orally might take just a bit more, but he needs more spice to see.
Oral. Curious though I don't understand why people need to take so much DMT orally to get any effects? SWIM would have been scared shitless and ran into a hole puking his guts out praying to the uniserve to let SWIM live had he taken 100mg of DMT on 200mg of harmine/harmaline. Seriously though why such high doses of DMT? Once someone reaches full MAOI inhibition the DMT dose should not need to be so high. Are people sure of the quality of their MAOI inhibitors? Different people probably have different MAOI systems (less and more active then others) but could the variation really be that high? it also has a lot to do with how you prime your body.. the best way SWIM has found is to mix your harmala and dmt together in warm water..and drink it down on an empty stomach...and then eat some bread or crackers or cereal or something...so that it gets blood flowing to your stomach..which then picks up the dmt SWIM notices that with any amount of food in his stomach BEFORE he takes the dmt almost makes him have to double his dose to get any effects...so its extremely important to take it on an empty stomach THEN eat a little something..noodles may work too....so does a nice cold Budweiser
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^^Makes sense. SWIM did this on a 100% empty stomach. Also SWIM takes the MAOI a half hour before the spice. I think that is important because if the enzymes are not fully inhibited you will need more spice. Good idea to eat something after though as SWIM did experience some stomach upsets once the freebased spice hit SWIMs stomach. However on this experience SWIM was literally floored within 5-10 minutes after taking the spice.
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so far SWIM hasnt had any problems with taking them at the same time... Quote:SWIM took 80mg of THH HCl + 31mg of dmt fumarate at *time*
mixed together in warm water
started feeling effects 10 minutes after ingestion..even though he got a wave as soon as he drank it
this is on a few crackers and then he drank a beer...closest thing to bread he hadWink very wonderful feeling so far...visuals have just started to come forth..and very clear headed this was a nice mild experience..but even with only 80mg of THH hcl and 31mg of dmt fumarate the effects were very nice.. Quote:the experience has been relaxed and fairly mild..SWIM has been getting mild audio hallucinations and mild open and closed eye visuals...he says its been a very nice experience but thinks 80mg of THH was a bit too little...100-120mg might be a bit better but he wanted to find the lower end of the spectrum..soon he is going to try it with some cacao beans..perhaps with 50mg thh hcl and 10-15mg dmt fumarate.. or 30-40mg THH hcl and 15-30mg of dmt fumarate plus 2-3 grams of cacao beans...he feels that might be a nice quick..powerful experience..with minimal THH usage..and minimal spice
he feels that if he smoked just a little spice right now it would ramp up the experience quite a bit..the THH's effects are fairly prominent..and feel like they could last for quite a bit longer...perhaps after some food he may try a little toke from his pipe to see how that goes...hes pretty sure it will be wonderful Quote:Cool info Jorkest.
THH is supposed to be a weaker MAOI than harmaline, so that makes sense according to the literature, which SWIY just backed up in that test. Harmaline can fully activate DMT at about 75-100 mg (depending on the person). Harmine takes 150-200 mg to fully activate DMT, so it seems like THH is stronger than harmine at activating DMT.
So here’s what we know so far about activating oral DMT with THH.
* 200 mg THH HCl fully activated 20 mg of freebase DMT and seemed to also make the DMT stronger.
* 80 mg THH HCl partially activated 31 mg of DMT fumarate.
It usually doesn’t take much more than the minimum to fully activate DMT. So I’m guessing that 100-120 mg would be the full dose needed to fully activate DMT, but that higher doses would also increase the activity of DMT beyond mere activation. In SWIM’s test 200 mg made 20 mg of DMT STRONGER than he’s ever experienced before. It was maybe as strong as 35 mg DMT. SWIM will try again to be sure about that.
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Do you have to fumarate the DMT to work with THH, or can freebase work? Nanaki, of course is a fictional video game character. He never does drugs that would alter consciousness. He only thinks he does.
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freebase does work..but your stomach has to convert it into a salt before it gets absorbed...you can even use citric acid. 69ron mentions that you can put your MAOI's and then your freebase DMT..and then add like 100mg of citric acid...you can get it anywhere..the NOW brand is cheap and food grade..you can get it on Amazon.com
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SWIM lately took about 200mg harmalas extracted from rue, and 50mg dmt. Dissolved each with some water and lemon, and drank the harmalas 20mins before. Last times SWIM had taken 200 and 150mg of dmt, and had very strong experiences but nothing overboard, so SWIM thought this would be a milder experience. It was actually surprisingly strong
SWIM was even quite incapacitated at some point, and it was quite a task to do some simple things, for example when it was cold and SWIM took long to get up, and get some socks and a jacket or something. It was all funny, though, and very positive kind of experience. Everything really life-affirming somehow.
Each kind of dosage has its own characteristics.. SWIM enjoys the different amounts, depending on the context
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Infundibulum wrote:
There seems to be no consensus on oral dmt dosage and it can only be learned by experience and those dreadful and frustrating trip-not-starting experiences.
haha. . . or scaring yourself shitless! This guy I ride the bus with likes all kinds of doses with profound MAO inhibition but the threshhold is 75mg spice. This is a pleasantly psychadelic, mostly non-visual experience. 150-200mg produce an immersively visual experience. Complete incapacitation. A sedated, slow-mo DMT flash. Just lay back and grab yer-ass. This guys wife only needs ~2/3 this amount for similar effects.
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While YMMV, has anyone seen even a general correlation between lower body mass and lower threshold doses? I weigh ~145 lbs. I imagine fewer body cells = fewer body cell receptor activations = more brain cell receptor activation = more hyperspace. My confirmation code - 1IQNZQ One IQ in the cue.
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SWIM weighs just about the same...and he feels that it DOES have a bit to do with the effects
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SWIM's brother weighs nearly half what SWIM weighs, and SWIM's brother requires 4 times the dose SWIM requires. So weight is not much of a factor. The same is true for acid. SWIM's brother needs 4 times as much. You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.
If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
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Well, if the brain is the case, then perhaps there are other enzymes at play or perhaps some kinds of structural blockage? Considering DMT and others do not cross the BBB quite as well as the 5-methoxy brothers, perhaps that is also something to consider? ARG... I'm so antsy to gauge my oral tolerance. My confirmation code - 1IQNZQ One IQ in the cue.
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get to it then!!! 
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meh, finals this and next week. maybe this weekend. if not, then after exams before I go home. I just got 1 gram of synthed spice... soooooo difficult. Rue is on the way, my one saving grace, though my machine will be used this weekend, MOST definitely. I find my post-smoke mindset is much more 'well-oiled', calmer, together, etc. Automatic samadhi. Have you compared the machine to a bong experience? My confirmation code - 1IQNZQ One IQ in the cue.
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SWIM only uses the VaporGenie. but bongs are sort of stressful for SWIM..
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Yay, VaporGenie. SWIM can't wait for his. Nanaki, of course is a fictional video game character. He never does drugs that would alter consciousness. He only thinks he does.
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haha yesterday SWIM took some acid around midday..and then went out to dinner with some friends...he then got home around 10 or 11...and figured..what the hell might as well smoke some spice! just to tell you...this is some of the best acid hes done..you can take half a hit...it kicks in almost immediately..seriously like as soon as it hits your tongue..and then it lasts for about 24 hours!!! its some of the cleanest smoothest acid he has ever come across but hes not exactly sure what it is... anyway..so he decided to smoke the spice...so he packed up his Genie..and took a nice big hit and closed his eyes...he kept them shut for awhile..and then he realized that he must not have gotten that big of a hit because nothing was happening.. haha so he opened his eyes just to find out that he was INDEED tripping out very nicely..everything was extremely fuzzy and soft looking...his salvia took on a look of a gentle old lady...shes so nice.. so anyway he continued smoking it a few more times...but then...close to the end(actually this event was the beginning of the end) well he took a nice big hit...one of the ones that surprises you..he accidentally swallowed some of the smoke(im sure you all have done this at least once) anyway...up came his dinner...swallowing dmt smoke is hard on the belly and it doesnt like it..but what he learned from this experience is that he needs to learn to chew his chicken that he ate for dinner up a bit more...because some pretty large chunks came out:/
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Good thing you weren't out of it when you up-chucked. Imagine coming back wearing your dinner. Nanaki, of course is a fictional video game character. He never does drugs that would alter consciousness. He only thinks he does.
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haha SWIM has most certainly puked in the middle of breakthroughs before..its actually quite the experience.. he was taking THH and smoking spice..it was the first hit he tried..and the next thing he knows...hes in a place of all white(which turned out to be SWIM's white plastic puke bucket) its amazing what his body is able to remember even when the mind is gone...his body knew to grab the puke bucket and put it under his face..it worked great..and hes puking and there are beings all around helping cleans himself..he thinks there could have been 16 or so hovering around his head..it was awesome really.. it seems spice has been making SWIM puke lately..its almost like the dmt is like...well youve been doing this for awhile now...its time for us to cleanse you...hes gotten more comfortable with it..and makes sure he has a puke bucket around...but once SWIM pukes..hes golden for the rest of the night...its almost like any food remnants are grounding him too much when the spice is trying to take him away...so then once he pukes he can sit there on THH nicely Inhibited..and have a nice night of dancing between worlds
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that is what SWIM has been findings...its rather lovely he says!
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I’m sure this has already been answered somewhere but I couldn’t find an exact answer. If one had 30:1 cappi extract how much extract and spice is recommended for an average to above average trip when taken orally? Hopefully this question doesn’t piss of the mods lol if so I’m sorry in advance and will delete it if I gotta This guys ego ^