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The direct e-mesh thread. Options
#501 Posted : 4/29/2020 10:37:57 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks to all who have been posting and contributing to this thread. The 25th of April it was 1 year since the first post. Hope some of you have had the same success as I with this administration method.

Would have been cool to develop an rda optimized for crystals and oil, plug n play. I have a design in mind. Probably expensive to get it in production without capital though.

Stay safe you good people.
Much love!

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#502 Posted : 5/25/2020 8:38:59 PM

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Just received a new mesh dripper that looks very promising.
Vapefly Mesh Plus RDA, https://www.heavengifts....pefly-Mesh-Plus-RDA.html

This one has a flat deck and a lot more space than the vandy vape. I will post some photos with build tomorrow.

#503 Posted : 5/26/2020 3:21:28 AM

Vaporist of Borg

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Salutations Propello,

Propello wrote:
I have altered the title to a shorter more precise one.

Thank you for this accomodating gesture!

Good day, have fun!! Thumbs up

#504 Posted : 5/26/2020 9:04:48 PM

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Thx egzo.

I have done some quick research and a mesh build on the vapefly, and so far it seems just super.

Lots of space sideways and upwards for any mesh setup, and a flat deck, where you can make a very short mesh that fits perfectly, described in detail by Loveall here : https://www.dmt-nexus.me...mp;m=1058569#post1058569
If you use mesh roll bits, this idea makes it so much easier to load. Check Loveall's genius solution to the loading problem.
#505 Posted : 6/1/2020 7:40:56 AM
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hey legends.. long time reader, first time poster.

im having trouble with the solo.. it keeps going into protection mode. am i doing something wrong? thanks so much guys
#506 Posted : 6/1/2020 10:47:14 AM

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melbourneacacia wrote:
hey legends.. long time reader, first time poster.

im having trouble with the solo.. it keeps going into protection mode. am i doing something wrong? thanks so much guys

Hi and welcome to the nexus mate.
What are your settings - temp, wattage and ohm?
#507 Posted : 6/1/2020 12:16:22 PM

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Hello melbourneacacia

When you turn it on the device asks you if you have a new coil attached.
press down for the new coil.

That should fix it or you don´t have the mesh properly attached.
Or the mesh is the wrong material for your settings.

Hope this helps

Thanks propello and everybody else again for this Roa

I love it Thumbs up
Psychedelic drugs don´t change you, they don´t change your character,
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Alexander Shulgin
#508 Posted : 6/4/2020 4:11:38 PM

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Thank you for this great thread, It has encouraged me to create an account.
I geared up in solo, profile, mesh 300 as 100 was not available.

Could you please tell if it could work? If so, could you please advise on the setup?
So far I tried to use one of the meshes that came with a profile (0.16 OHM, 60-80W says the package, dry run) and form a ring with mesh 300 under it. Please find a picture below. I used the settings from the original e-mesh thread.

It seems to glow very orange so I am afraid the temperature is too high and TC-TCR not properly adjusted for the resiliency of the mesh.

Or maybe I should just abandon this idea and buy a proper #100 from http://vi.raptor.ebaydes...mp;ver=0&cspheader=1

Settings I am using:
TC: 200*
Coil: 0.13
Wat: 35.0
TCR: 110
Puff: 0.21

I am new in vaping so any advise will be more then welcome!

FewPurpose9 attached the following image(s):
1.jpg (2,025kb) downloaded 383 time(s).
2.jpg (2,014kb) downloaded 378 time(s).
#509 Posted : 6/5/2020 8:11:31 AM

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Hi and welcome fewpurp!

That looks way to hot, you need to adjust your settings and find the spot where you get a faint red glow, in a dark room. I suspect it is the thin mesh you use.
It will probably work fine, but the temperature needs to be lowered.

#510 Posted : 6/5/2020 10:48:39 AM

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thank you propello, I will do so and report the results
It might take some time as I am still waiting for the scale to be shipped from China
#511 Posted : 6/5/2020 1:27:25 PM

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You should consider investing in a vandy vape 150 mesh roll while you wait.
#512 Posted : 6/8/2020 12:40:38 PM

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Thank you for your advice propello, I only managed to get faintly orange in dark room while applying about 13 wats which from what I have read might be too low to maintain a proper temperature while vaping.

The boats from China are extremely slow this days, it goes by a train to Lithuania and is distributed throughout Europe so it will indeed most probably give me the time to gear up in proper mesh and long glass tip.

Could you please tell if 0.9 ohm - #150mesh (SS316L) should be the one?
Or should I rather aim for 1.8 ohm - #100mesh (Ni80)?

#513 Posted : 6/8/2020 9:24:58 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Don't get the ni80, no temperature control. The 150 mesh 0.9 ohm is the one.

13w sounds about right. The point is to have 30+ watt max wattage set in your mod settings. When you inhale, the wattage will go up and the temperature will be stable at set c or f.
#514 Posted : 6/11/2020 10:52:20 PM

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Thank you for your help propello. Could you please tell how to set up Max' wattage?
I got the #150 roll. I was able to stabilize it at 13 watt and light orange with a closed cap with the following settings:
Temperature: 215*C
Coil: 0.25
Wat: 30 (not sure if this is max)
TCR: 105
Puff: 216

As a side note as I think it is ok but I am not sure, It keeps hitting 'protection' and cuts off after 10s. Is it the way mod keeps the temperature of the coil?

#515 Posted : 6/12/2020 8:56:44 AM

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Click the link in my signature, and read pt. 3
3. Finding the correct Mod settings โ€“ TCR, max temperature and max wattage.

Experiment with the settings and check if you can tune it in. Bright orange mesh is a nono, you have to turn the temperature down.

Godd luck, and ask if you still can't find it out.
#516 Posted : 6/12/2020 4:19:59 PM

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Thanks propello. I am very glad and greatful for your help. I imagine it must become annoying.
I believe my setup is correct as I followed up the guide step by step.

My questions were more connected to understanding how does the geek vape mod work. Unfortunately I could not find much information online.

Now I can see that with a close cup, in a dark room, when looking from the top, the mesh turns faintly orange and the power with my settings fluctuates around 12.5-13.5 wats. I was aiming for that number.

When I start blowing into the RDA from the side, wattage consumption gets higher but not higher than 30 which from what I understand has been set up as a 'cap'. During blowing temperature gets down from 212C to ~180C.

It always cuts off after 10sec. "10s cut off protection". But from.the vid it seems like enough time to vape.

What I still did not discover is how to lock the resistance. From what I understood it's done automatically after attaching a new coil when the mid asks about it. I cannot change it manually (geek vape aegis solo)

Hope I'm not generating too much of a spam. I hope it will become helpful to someone in the future.
#517 Posted : 6/13/2020 7:16:42 AM

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Relax mate, the forum is here so we can help each other out and share info. Don't be afraid to ask.

To lock the resistance, click 3x fast on the fire button. When in tcr mode, click on the fire button until ohm is highlighted, then click arrow down. The lock icon should appear in the display. NB! The mesh should be room temperature when locking the resistance.

Most regulated mods got the 10 sec cutoff, but you will inhale 30mg in about 5-6 seconds, so 10 seconds should be enough.

Your setup sounds good, you can try 5-10 mg, just to be sure it doesn't burn.

Don't be afraid to ask any questions.

#518 Posted : 6/20/2020 10:54:52 PM
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Hey guys,

I asked above regarding protection mode. Thanks heaps for your replies - I am sorry I wasn't on earlier to answer your questions. It is now solved anyway - a friend and I restarted the entire process including building a new mesh basket based on designs in this thread and it works now without any protection mode issues.

For the record, specs are:

Geekvape Solo

304 steel / 100 micron mesh

V/V V2
Settings: TC-TCR 200 degrees, Coil 0.10, Wat 60.0, TCR 145

I broke through with 30mg and it was the most incredible and surreal experience I've ever had and I want to thank you for sharing this with me. I have a new problem - this scared the shit out of me and I would appreciate the feedback / warning to others trying to attempt this method.

The following week, I took the device to another friends house - same settings, same mesh etc. I loaded him, he vaped (didn't quiet get there but was going to increase the next hit). I of course wanted a turn so i loaded and went to put the top cap back on however it was really tight. i mean REALLY tight. After inspecting the seals and anything that may have been obstructing it from sitting over the deck, I put it back on and depressed it onto the deck with a lot of pressure but i got it there. I should have stopped here but i was too excited. as i started vaping it, the draw was super tight (almost no airflow) and it was hot (as in burning my throat a little). again out of stupidity, i kept pushing through as i didn't want to waste it and i was way too excited.. about 2-3 seconds in i heard this pop and then a split second later - it effectively exploded in my mouth. I saw a small flame and felt the heat of an explosion in my mouth and a little way down my throat.

im fine and the mild burning sensation went within a few hours but it could have been worse and it really really scared me! im glad the dmt did not take effect as that could have been the start of a shitty trip...

Upon reflection, i think that because i was pushing so hard on the top cap to get it to sit down on the deck, i must have accidentally closed the airflow completely. then as i was vaping, i was getting no vapour in my mouth / lungs but the spice was cooking away. i must have adjusted my lips slightly and broken the seal, thereby introducing a tiny bit of air resulting in the mini explosion - does this sound right..?

furthermore, any tips regarding the top cap / deck issue? i have tried using a bit of vape juice as lubricant on the seals but it doesn't help.. i wanted to use some sort of oil but im scared of putting anything potentially combustible / explosive near it for obvious reasons haha.

i would appreciate feedback but also just a heads up to others - check your shit and then check it again...
#519 Posted : 6/21/2020 12:56:24 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hi, glad to hear it worked out.
You can use some e-liquid to grease up the o-rings, and you don't have to push the cap all the way down.

Hard to tell what happened with the explosion incident, but always check your airflow and ohm/resistance after the cap is mounted, before hitting. A closed airflow will quickly make the rda very hot. Be sure that the top cap does not touch the mesh to avoid shorting.

Good luck mate.
#520 Posted : 6/21/2020 6:17:08 PM

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With the emesh I had a few times in the beginning phase with the setup having the spice burnt/combusted into flames. Luckily I was either away from it or quick enough to avoid the flame. It's worthwhile to invest a little spice to test it out.

The emesh method is quite efficient even at lower temp range. It is sufficient as well at lower the wattage. I have the current setup dial to 210F~220F with 40W. It seems the red glow on mesh might likely induce flame. So I'd say keep it low enough without the glow to avoid the flame if possible.

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