I am not understanding how a Caapi brew can taste good. I'm legitimately curious. As well as curious as to how its ratio to the DMT containing plant works.
Because I've been tripping HARD from just 50grams shredded B. Caapi and 3grams powdered MHRB put through 3 white vinegar washes which takes me 15 hours to make (these are the "standard" units I use for dose when I make batches, and I adjust how much I want to take based on volume).
There is absolutely no way the Caapi tastes good after that. I also don't know what doses you're really talking about when you mention washes without mentioning the state of the material. Doses change significantly whether you're talking about whole vine, shredded, resin, or powdered.
It just seems a little dangerous to say take 15grams mimosa, when you're talking about shredded, and someone with powdered makes their first dose with that.
Pertaining to this thread though, have you also thought about sipping it? I don't do my doses as a shot. I much prefer to sip on them (they both take a certain willpower to handle though). Taking either straight could also upset your stomach like taking two strong shots of alcohol at the same time. It takes me 15-20 minutes to make it through either brew, and I generally smoke a cigarette in between and drink a little bit of water to wash the taste out.
Other than that, I agree with the others that you may have to look at your filtering process. If it's taking you only a couple of hours to make, maybe you need to look at this:
All About AyaNever thanked her, but little Miss's post is what helped me make my first batch. She's actually the intro point for me to the Nexus honestly.
Sinbad is an entirely fictitious character I created for role-playing someone sailing their own consciousness as if it were the 7 seas. Also, the semi-colon was meant to be abused; incorrectly even!