30g does not sound productive to me. To each their own though.
There are some theories out there staing that psychedelics allow new and diverse mental connections. They shake up the established patterns in the brain. I think that during integration we can learn to retain/use some of the more interesting/beneficial patterns such as appreciation and enjoyment of the beauty of life, which an adult ruminating brain can loose in the grind of life. Interesting, excessive rumination (repeptitive neurological patterns) are linked to depression/anxiety.
High doses allow more of a shake up, but at some point the brain goes into overdrive and none of the new patterns can be made sense of or remembered.
So there is an optimal dose I think. The one that pushes your brain to explore new spaces without getting completely confused/overwhelmed/lost. The trips that have improved who I am are the ones where I brought something coherent back with be. Very high dose trips (14g dry but old mushrooms) where I was obliterated and lost the sense of time did not help my growth as a person: they were just confusing/terrifying.
Again, to each their own. Maybe it is my personal limitation, but very high doses where essentially a wasted effort in my case.
What is the optimal dose? I think it depends on each person. Even for an individual, experience and personal changes can move this dose around. If your brain is more more connected (by meditation and/or regular psychedelics use) you may need a lower dose. If you ruminate more (due to stress or dogmatic religious/political beliefs) you may need higher doses.
There is also the danger of a low dose. The ruminating brain will intially resist being shaken up and that can be stressful/negative especially at low doses where the ruminating brain can keep a stressful, but a more connected/open minded brain will be open to simply enjoy the light mental shake-up.
Here is a summary table for brain type vs dose:
Ruminating brain (dogmatic/culture bound): low dose bad, optimal dose good, high dose bad
Connected brain (open/accepting/observer): low dose pleasant, optimal dose good, high dose neutral
Most people are somewhere in between a ruminating brain and a connected one. As one goes from childhood to old age there is a tendency to become more ruminating in the standard western culture (unless the brain is worked out).
Again this is just my opinion and thoughs. I could be very wrong.