hurqalya wrote: which we can help contextualise for those interested.
i've been studying the kabbalistic tree of life, the buddhist bhumis, and some linear presented (since islamic teachings come in text and not pictures) concepts, and they all match each other in their number and layers (which was very significant in bestowing clear-mind)
i was also wondering how does your representation of the tree fit into the flower of life (which is the full spectrum of creation, rather than what concerns humanity) (eye also speculate many of the "
weird" qualities of the entheogenic experience come from these centers/spheres/sephiros)
i also see that the complete flower of life contains 91 centers / circles, which to compare to the 99 beautiful/good names of allah we could match the qualities that have form "like rahim opposed to rahman(which, being potential, is formless)" we can illustrate the 91 qualities that manifest in the world of "forms" as the flower of life
in your diagram , we see some of the beautiful names (like al-hakeem) but also other names that are attributed to the manifestations of allah like "molk" (which could be deciphered as al-maleek, but that wouldn't make logical sense since molk is referring to the matter"
i would like to discuss this with you and am interested, because i've been looking into this for a while now and this is the first time im seeing a legitimate new diagram (from diagram-fetish-mind)
khoda negah dar !