Follow-up Nov 18 '15 —
Today I stuck a toe back in the water. I smoked a little bit of changa to get inhibited, and then hit the glass pipe. Not very much, just a humble knock on the door to see if magic has returned.
The magic did return. I didn't leave my body or have a breakthrough experience but I did have a fabulous time on what was just a smidgen of DMT. Those beautiful visuals I thought I've never see again, the feeling of floating, of doing the transcendental dance. WOW! It's hard to explain my trip, which as you know, are the best type :-) And this was just a tiny toke.
Of course this doesn't mean now I'm going to go whole-hog and try to have breakthroughs now. I learned my lesson. I'm happy to be back in the club, but meanwhile I'm happy to continue taking a break.
Peace and joy to all you beautiful people here at the Nexus!
I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself. I am large. I contain multitudes. — Walt Whitman