most lighters wont be seen om the "antique road show" 100 yrs from now.
cheap lighters leave callus on thumbs.......cops look for this.
sand paper your thumbs , or switch to a non wheel type lighter.
lighters also pick up residue, and can be swabbed for a paraphenila charge.
especially well used ones.
IMO lighters are obsolete.
various vape pens / wax pens , dont need them.
camo pattern ones fly well when pinned down.
for home use, the future is in digital heat guns.
they are adjustable from ambient to over 1000 degrees.
( models vary in performance)
heat guns pay for themselves in hours,
based on the fact they waste little and dont over burn things.
i estimate i saved an easy 100$ on lighters last year,
by simply using heat guns and vape pens.
you tube has videos on heat guns as vape drivers...................
"loph girl incarnate / lab rabbits included"
kids dont try anything annie does at home ,
for for scientific / educational review only.