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What happens if you don't break through? Options
#21 Posted : 5/12/2015 8:39:21 PM

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Tattvamasi wrote:
...kikker will eat your soul. Twisted Evil Cool

But really, lower doses are excellent for a number of reasons.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"

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#22 Posted : 5/12/2015 9:19:31 PM
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universecannon wrote:
Tattvamasi wrote:
...kikker will eat your soul. Twisted Evil Cool

But really, lower doses are excellent for a number of reasons.

Like what?
#23 Posted : 5/12/2015 11:03:20 PM

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You could vape it next to the bed and then just lie down as you blow it out.... Sounds like a smaller dose would be good for you as well - kinda defeats the purpose if you cant remember anything....

Or maybe it just isnt your preferred way to travel - maybe mushrooms or Ayahuasca work better for you personally.
Doc Buxin
#24 Posted : 5/13/2015 1:50:50 AM

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DoingKermit wrote:
GodEmperorOfDune wrote:
If I don't break through, what kinds of effects can I expect?

...I find sub-breakthrough doses extremely visual and can be extremely enjoyable. However, when I breakthrough it feels like I become the visuals rather than observing them. Sub-breakthroughs can be mind blowingly beautiful in their own right.

Try not to think too much about it and just go with your gut...

I totally relate & agree with what DoingKermit is saying here!Smile
Freedom's so hard
When we are all bound by laws
Etched in the scheme of nature's own hand
Unseen by all those who fail
In their pursuit of fate
#25 Posted : 5/13/2015 5:42:47 AM

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instant death
#26 Posted : 5/13/2015 8:43:52 AM

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GodEmperorOfDune wrote:
...Like what?
You keep repeating that. Time for some first hand experience?

CosmicSerpent wrote:
...I think Ayahuasca I will enjoy Ayahuasca much more...
...taste bad, harsh smoke, blast out of my mind with amnesia...
There's really no enjoyment to enjoy in aya unless in the later phases of the session (if so!), and if you're sensitive for bad tasting things like you said, you're in for a real treat with aya.

Spice smoke should NOT taste bad, that is an indicator of burning material instead of vaporizing it. So it's best to keep conclusions in the pocket for a while until improved technique prevails.

Passing out (seldom), or going flat out paralyzed but with degree of consciousness, can happen in both aya and spice, but chances are that in aya you're too busy feeling sick as thousand hells to pass out Crying or very sad. Sorry to spoil your dream.
With spice, lower doses will not pass you out, that simple.

travsha wrote:
... - kinda defeats the purpose if you cant remember anything....
Agreed to some level, therapy wise it is essential to register, yet having my doubts if mental registration is the only important factor at play. There must/might be a billion mattering things going on within a being which are (potentially) masked for the mind, and perhaps for good reason? I've found my body reacts healthy to the molecule, skin looks more healthy, lungs are always more cleared, general feeling of well-being, no stress more humor,... , all unrelated to remembrance. These healthy effects are so much delved under the psychedelic center of gravity of spice, too bad for others not noticing these strict health wise benefits. ( <-- tips for GodEmperorOfDune)

#27 Posted : 5/13/2015 8:48:52 AM

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CosmicSerpent wrote:
I inhaled 3 hits from a pipe and i think I vaped to much because i just fall down unconsciousness and wake up with no memory of the experience, I even did not know who am I for a few seconds.
I don't like the taste and the harsh smoke,and than just fall down unconsiousness
normally cannabis smoke tastes very nice and fine.
and with mushrooms and LSD I am not falling down.
I think i need to improve my vaping technique so the smoke feels less harsh.
WOOOOW i just don't like to fall down unconsiousness it makes my scared.
with mushrooms i just walking in the forest looking through the branches and just be bliss.
but now complete amnesia with 3 hits from a pipe.
just wake up dizzy from turning around in the dark, i had no visions or just could not remember.
I think Ayahuasca I will enjoy Ayahuasca much more.
it just seems odd to my to get these crystals out in pure form and inhale the vapor.
taste bad, harsh smoke, blast out of my mind with amnesia.
I'am curious to this vaped hyperspace experience but now i'am afraid for this falling down unconsiousness amnesia effect.
you just fall down all the times you breakthrough ??
i'am afraid to fall down

you're doing it wrong.

this is why we always advocate research and starting slow.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#28 Posted : 5/13/2015 3:44:12 PM

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3rdI wrote:

is it just me or are these people missing the ball, its all about smoalking DMT while on Aya, thats the ticketShocked Surprised Love

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