I am sorry, I got a little confused myself and without the proper labelling it was hard to understand what I tried to say.
So, we got this failed freebasing attempt:
I poured off the top, mixed with sodium carbonate and water, let dry, pulled with IPA.
For the rest I did add about 100 ml of sunflower oil, salted the oil out, let evaporate, added sodium carbonate and water, let dry, pulled with IPA.
The result was this:
I wasn´t happy, that it was still goo, so I dissolved again in IPA and boiled it in a pot in hopes of getting a crystal-like substance. Instead I got the same goo.
I have DMT from my
first TEK, so I trying to get something smokable out of this one, I mixed the goo again with IPA, but this time I added some basil and dried/evaporated it. I believe I know have enhanced leaf?
IPA with Basil
Dried up