Hi FutureMan
If I may offer my suggestion which was based on my initial thoughts having read your post. I am conscious that having read the entire thread this may now seem sarcastic or facetious but I assure you it is sincere and I offer it just as that.
FutureMan wrote: I've been contemplating the topic of how to disseminate knowledge and the experience of psychedelics, in particular dmt,LSD, and psilocybin in a safe and concious, yet widespread and efficient manner for quite some time now.
My thoughts were that you should practice, as I believe some still do in the States, and possibly elsewhere, as an trained psychotherapist practicing 'underground'; treating patients with said substances. Build up a body of data and records that show this intervention exceeds present approaches. Publish your findings for peer review. Write a book that is academically difficult to ignore by your peers. That's one approach.
Another would be to write a book that does not require peer review but is widely appealing and pitched so accurately in content and prose that it cuts across into wider readership audiences than just the psychedelic / psychonautic audience. I would admit that would be damn difficult...but hey, some books do change the world, don't they?
Ardently pursue academic research that takes off from where, or even betters, the research that Dr Strassman undertook. For let's be clear, where DMT is concerned, I think he holds the mantle of that which you yourself seek to achieve.
Write a script for a film that has both widespread appeal and fulfils that which you wish to achieve. If you pursue this as an independent film /cinema release it might get cult status and then "Hey...(as they say).....job done"!
I assure you this is my honest response to that which you have contemplated.
Author of: DMT & My Occult Mind: Investigation of Occult Realities using the Spirit Molecule
The whole cosmos is guided, controlled and animated by an almost endless series of hierarchies of sentient beings, each having a mission to perform. They vary infinitely in their respective degrees of consciousness and intelligence. THE SECRET DOCTRINE