Rising Spirit wrote:
The profoundly enigmatic mental stillness one touches, through the meditative vibration, slowly erases the fixation of what I term "The Iso-self" (or our separate ego), which manifest in juxtaposition of "The Omniself" (our inter-phase with infinite, universal intelligence). This is where psychedelics and sober meditation have a direct interrelations with one another, that is, if one conjoins the two spheres or modes of experience, as one function.
Either way, we need to let go of all expectation and preferences. This release propels the witness within, the silent watcher observing the self, to experience a pause in it's normal continuum, to shift into the vacuum of the effulgence of the undifferentiated unity of Spirit.
Individuated awareness expands into undifferentiated awareness. One realizes that one is everything (and no-thing at all), not just an isolated part of the whole, as we have be taught to accept. We are the components of the totality of what I and many others, refer to as, "God". There have been many human names for this Divintiy: Brahman, Aten, Ahura Mazda, Ishvara, Yahweh (YHWH), Allah, HU, Wakan Tanka (Great Spirit)... but what's in a name? Same totality... same Omniscient Field of Being.
Being-ness is what we essentially share together. What makes it Sacred, is the place that we are sharing the same universal consciousness, looking out through different eyes in rapt wonder. Thinking through separate minds, all that which we reflect of the Oneness, is determined by our commitment to discover the reality behind the transitory mirage. To cease to objectify the interconnections refracted within The Grid, and simply merge with them voluntarily and euphorically.
I believe we exist within the Unified Field of Being, as the very same, said Field. Therefore, we are the same Omni-field expressing itself, unique to the relative circumstances of the individual, observing perception.
Rising Spirit wrote:
This makes a human being ponder of what we perceive of as material... is truly spiritual, all along. Yes, I believe everything is God and there are no membranes dividing anything, that is just our dreamscape. We dream were something, other than no-thing recognizable or concrete. We may well create ourselves, just to experience what it is like to be a subjective point of being. Curiosity? Desire? Playfulness?
Hey RS, these parts of your post remind me of a quote from Jim DeKorne's book:
The Cracking Tower.I've quoted this several times here at the Nexus, so please forgive the redundancy, but I feel it's a great way to describe the fractal nature of consciousness/God/Multiverse and the insights that can be realized via meditation and entheogens. Here it is:
"What better way for God to know himself than to divide his awareness so that he can observe objectively as creator and subjectively as creation?"
The author also talks about how many esoteric philosophies refer to "us" as being thoughts in the Mind of God- "objects" that "Consciousness-Without-An-Object" has been imagining for eons:
"One of the first things we learn is that emanation consists of a hierarchy of awareness. The Kabbalah explains that the
Ein-Sof (Logos, Brahman, whatever) made ten emanations called
Sephiroth, vessels to contain the light (consciousness) pouring into them from Consciousness-Without-An-Object's imagination. These vessels weren't able to contain this outpouring, and in what Kabbalists describe as a "cosmic catastrophe", the vessels shattered in into innumerable pieces and scattered throughout the realms of hyperspace,
each fragment containing a spark of divine light (that's us). The main task of every Kabbalist is to "raise the sparks" of his or her own separated consciousness to reunite with the
Ein-Sof that emanated them."
"Every sentient entity in the multiverse is both an observer and an object of perception, and the source from which they emanate is the Primary Observer, which is unadulterated Consciousness itself. Before emanation, perception can not take place because perception involves both an observer and that which is observed."
"[The universe is apparently] constructed (and thus in such as way as to be able) to see itself. But in order to do so, evidently it must first
cut itself up into at least one state which sees, and at least one other state which is seen. In this severed and multilated condition, whatever it sees is only partially itself...But, in any attempt to see itself as an object, it must, equally undoubtedly, act so as to make itself distinct from, and therefore, false to, itself. In this condition it will always partially elude itself." (55)
"Thus consciousness is prior to observation. Combine this logical necessity with emanation and we see that whatever the Cosmic Mind imagines cannot be separated from its source. It follows then, that as the matter-energy created within this explosive act of imagination expands and fragments, becoming ever more complex, each emerging monad of fresh awareness perceives as a subjective
fractal of the objective One Mind in whatever dimension it finds itself. Hence universe becomes