hug46 wrote:olympus mon wrote: I don't feel its a "bad" drug but it certainly is abused. Show me a drug that isn't.
Agreed, the saying "a bad worker blames their tools" comes to mind.
That is mostly true, but in the case of MDMA not completely. I have seen Psychedelics like
LSD also being abused, by the same people that abuse MDMA, Cocaine & Speed.
But I must say that abuse of LSD is quite rare, whereas MDMA abuse is common.
MDMA is just a better Candidate for a drug of abuse. It's a mentally simple high;
No deep philosophical thoughts, no bombardment with visual information, no likelyhood
of encountering Traumatised & dark corners of one's Psyche......
It's the perfect hedonistic escapism for these depressed & wreckless abusers; It's exactly
what they're looking for. The same cannot be said about LSD. LSD absolutely has the POTENTIAL
to be very blissfull & euphoric, but the bottomline is an expansion of consciousness of the world around you and the world inside of you. You can't abuse LSD for too long, because it would psychologically rape you sooner or later, putting you in a hellish trip where your abuse becomes painfully obvious to you. That would be counterproductive to the end of Hedonistic escapism.
Those that abuse LSD(as far as I've met them) are always abusing MDMA, Cocaine & Speed too.
And often also Ketamine, GHB & any other drug they can get their hands on.
Their abuse of LSD( or other Psychedelics like Shrooms and DMT) seems to be only incidental:
When they've used up all their cocaine, MDMA or speed, they'll continue their abusive binge on LSD or DMT if that happens to be available. But Psychedelic drugs are CERTAINLY not the abuser's first drug of choice.
So MDMA(and fellow Amphetamines) has just got alot more potential for abuse than LSD (And fellow psychedelic Tryptamines). That's why I wouldn't recommend recreational use of MDMA.
MDMA can be very usefull & safe in clinical, therapeutical settings, but in the world of recreational use it quickly turns to shameless abuse. I really can't say the same about LSD:
Sure alot of ignorant, unprepared people tried LSD, but there just aren't hardcore groups of LSD abusers as far as I know. MDMA spawns circles of abuse. Massive circles of abuse. LSD and other Psychedelics just don't have that effect on people.