alkemi wrote:OK, so obviously Art has had his buttons pushed a bit by this thread, quiet a bit of anger there I don't think was warranted, along with a whole bunch of accusations on my intentions and actions that are not at all true. Basically, what it comes down to is that antrocles bought some of my Spagyrics, for the wrong reasons it seems, however those reasons came about. He was upset & complained about it, I gave him all his money back (for the record, I DID agree to the refund he asked for BEFORE any of his complaints here), and I'm still the bad guy here. Whatever.
Actually, the timeline, as it's presented in this thread
by both sides, seems to go something like this:
1) He ordered your product. He didn't care for it. In point of fact, he got no effects whatsoever - and from four different samples.
2) He called and asked to return the fifth (which was still unopened), and you (either politely or impolitely, depending on who you believe) refused.
3) He exercised his rights as a consumer, and (very tactfully and respectfully, in my opinion) posted his dissatisfaction on this thread.
4) You appeared and personally attacked the guy, publicly questioning both his intelligence and integrity.
5) You then proceeded to open your big fat plant-chomping yap in a long-winded tirade about the soul sickness of DMT users in general.
6) After enough potentially bad press amongst your demographic, you reversed your position, refunded his money and continued to flap your gums.
Items' 4 & 5 are what inspired my post, if you're really still unclear. You see, spagyric woman, you just can't really have it both ways. If those who extract organic DMT from a biological source (a chemical which is endogenous to the human body, by the way, not just existent in your beloved plant kingdom) are thickheaded drug seekers, then
you, sister, are a drug dealer. Just because you dress in hemp and smell of patchouli doesn't make you less of one, nor do the legally necessary disclaimers on your website. Why maintain a membership here, if not to prey on the thickheaded drug seekers you describe? Of course, your response is that you are here merely to dissaude those from purchasing who would otherwise expect a drug-like experience or mis-use your spiritualized essences. I say give me a fucking break; You are here to turn a buck.
Not saying you're Pablo Escobar or anything, but do a little more trolling and a little less shilling, and you'll find a common thread on this site -
DMT users don't sell their wares. So who's really got the upperhand, morally speaking...?
Peace, love and chicken grease
Mr. Moonbeam