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Red Bull Stratos - LIVE 1PM GMT Options
#21 Posted : 10/14/2012 4:37:00 PM

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I totally forgot about this. I was just outside smoking a bowl of cannabis and remembered, i go inside check the live stream and the balloon had just ascended. I made it just in time Very happy

He is currently at: 20,000 feet

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#22 Posted : 10/14/2012 4:46:23 PM

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This is freaking awesome...Big grin
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#23 Posted : 10/14/2012 6:26:11 PM
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Sooo he must be jumping soon i guess... Pretty cool to watch!
#24 Posted : 10/14/2012 6:27:22 PM

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He's almost there about 10,000 more feet. I hope he makes it. Thumbs up
#25 Posted : 10/14/2012 7:24:07 PM

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He did it...Congrats to Felix...
Thumbs up
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#26 Posted : 10/14/2012 7:27:02 PM

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Excellent jump. Well done.

Thumbs up Thumbs up
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#27 Posted : 10/14/2012 8:25:44 PM

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Just watched this... incredible! Slightly more expensive way to reach hyperspace than spice haha!

Any physicists out there know how his body coped with falling at 700-and-something-mph?
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Solar Jetman
#28 Posted : 10/14/2012 8:57:10 PM

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I watched it live as listened to Guiles theme tune as he fell hehehe. Excellent jump Felix.

Now he knows how we feel haha

Does anyone know if he broke Joe Kittenger's record? or the sound barrier?
The theory of drugs being dangerous and lethal developed a hole when Keith Richards was born.
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#29 Posted : 10/14/2012 9:28:25 PM

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Well.. that was amazing!

From what I remember seeing, although it was still 'unofficial', he hit aroudn 729mph.

He broke every record he was going for except the longest freefall time. His was only 4:19, or 4:22. The record was set at 4:49 or something.

So very inspiring. And.. I'm not exactly sure why.

Thumbs up
Super Radical wrote:
Naww. MJ sandwich is the way to go the first time.
Then next time after the WTFOMG moment, realize your ready to changa things up.

It's more special that way.

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#30 Posted : 10/14/2012 11:56:37 PM

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Solar Jetman wrote:
I watched it live as listened to Guiles theme tune as he fell hehehe. Excellent jump Felix.

Now he knows how we feel haha

Does anyone know if he broke Joe Kittenger's record? or the sound barrier?

He broke both records, his top speed while descending was 833.9mph.
#31 Posted : 10/15/2012 5:52:37 AM

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World records shattered

Felix's daredevil stunt broke some records today.

First, the highest altitude ever achieved by any human in a balloon. The previous record was set by Lieutenant Commander Victor A. Prather Jr. and US Navy Reserve Captain Malcolm D. Ross, who climbed up to 113,740 feet in May 4, 1961. Prather died after returning from that flight, drowning in the Gulf of Mexico: his spacesuit flooded, and he drowned before the Navy could rescue him. Ross survived.

The second recordis the highest jump, previously in possession of Felix's mentor, Joe Kittinger. Pratter and Ross didn't jump from their Strato-Lab V capsule. They just came back to Earth. But United States Air Force Captain Joe Kittinger jumped on August 16, 1960 from his Excelsior III capsule at 102,800 feet. Felix has surpassed his master, jumping from more than 127,000 feet from this Stratos capsule.

The third record is for the fastest man on Earth without any kind of mechanical propulsion. The previous speed record belonged to Kittinger too: he reached a maximum speed of 614 miles per hour (988 km/h). We know that Felix has surpassed that speed.

He also probably went faster than the speed of sound at that altitude. Update: Confirmed! Supersonic speed record is now official. The first human to reach that speed using a plane was the legendary Chuck Yeager: he broke the speed of sound on October 14, 1947, piloting the Bell X-1.

He didn't break Kittinger's record for the longest free fall, however: 4 minutes and 36 seconds. This was because, most probably, Kittinger offered more air resistance than Baumgartner. Felix probably had a lower descent profile and is not as big as Joe.

And on top of all this awesomeness, as he was going down his suit was sending telemetry data that will serve to improve the safety of astronauts in the future.

But beyond the records or the scientific findings, what we have seen today was simply stunning. Kudos to you, Felix. The world is a bit of a better place because of brave people like you. Thank you!
#32 Posted : 10/15/2012 8:21:07 AM

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What is so amazing about this?

Its not like the guy needs any real skill there, it's just an expensive crew/equipment and a guy stepping out of a balloon, with seemingly very little value for mankind.

Why is this any more incredible than, say, the world record for the person with most hair on the body, or the one who said the word "yes" for most times in a day, or whatever else?

Someone surfing the biggest waves or whatever, at least that would have been someone's real skill... But this... Seems like a big publicity stunt by a company that does not seem to offer much in terms of health or benefits for people. I fail to see why people are so excited by it.

Just my opinion.
#33 Posted : 10/15/2012 10:17:12 AM

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What is so amazing about this?

To be fair, freefalling at the that speed must require some skill to stabilise yourself (and to make sure you don't blackout haha) - and I don't think any old person has the balls to jump from that kind of height, did you see the view?? Plus information gathered by the jump can be used to create a safe bailout system for astronauts.

Maybe not the most skilled world record holder, but it was pretty impressive in my opinion!
"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf"
#34 Posted : 10/15/2012 10:30:28 AM

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I feel bad that I missed it a 2nd time! I am, however, happy the guy was successful and broke records. It feels good for me to see people succeed when they set out to break down boundaries and such. As stated above me, I hope some things can be learned and put to practical use as well. Kudos to the human spirit!
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#35 Posted : 10/15/2012 11:05:42 AM

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endlessness wrote:
What is so amazing about this?

I'm surprised at you endless...
You always seem to have so much passion with regards to chems and H&S and here on the Nexus...

20 years ago a stunt like this would not have been heard about until an article was written in some obscure publication, months after the event.

7.3 million people, simultaneously witnessed a human being dive headfirst towards the ground at 834mph from 24 miles away at the edge of our thin, protective layer of atmosphere.

Just the fact that we can witness this, live across the internet, history being made as we watch, is freaking awesome..

Imagine the rush going through that dudes head as he's standing on that little platform, about to leap into the abyss...

His efforts and the data received and analysed will be of huge help in a lot of areas.

IMO that's what's so amazing...

edit: This is what he said just before jumping...(sound familiar?)

"Sometimes you have to go really high to see how small you are... I'm going home now"

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#36 Posted : 10/15/2012 11:05:54 AM

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This may not be a great act for the bettering of humanity but to say it was unskilled is doing a bit of a diservice to Felix "the nutcase" Baumgartner, to control the spin when he lost control is no mean feat and i guarantee that 99.9% people in the world would have been as good as dead when the spin started.

some things are just crazy and cool, and this is one of them.

Felix i salute you

but i do agree that redbull are a disgrace

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

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#37 Posted : 10/15/2012 11:42:35 AM

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endlessness wrote:
What is so amazing about this?

seriously guys, its only a furless primate moving faster than sound itself..

whats so incredible about that?
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#38 Posted : 10/15/2012 11:49:58 AM

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I'm kind of disappointed that there isn't a first person view. It def would have been way cooler looking seeing from his point of view. Either way over 4 mins of freefall is insane. I was only able to enjoy 1 minute of freefall when I jumped from 13,000 ft, although it was extremely amazing, I can only imagine what it would have felt like to do what he did.

I would have been crying when I landed. I almost was when I landed from my measly jump. Smile
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#39 Posted : 10/15/2012 11:53:37 AM

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anrchy wrote:
I'm kind of disappointed that there isn't a first person view.

I would have been crying when I landed. I almost was when I landed from my measly jump. Smile

He did cry :


I think there is head cam footage...I'm sure it will be released...keep looking.. edit ^^ is there on this site
I've jumped 17,000ft..was extremely jazzed...Big grin

And get some sleep...dude are you insomniac?

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#40 Posted : 10/15/2012 12:05:39 PM

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cyb wrote:
anrchy wrote:
I'm kind of disappointed that there isn't a first person view.

I would have been crying when I landed. I almost was when I landed from my measly jump. Smile

He did cry :


I think there is head cam footage...I'm sure it will be released...keep looking.. edit ^^ is there on this site
I've jumped 17,000ft..was extremely jazzed...Big grin

And get some sleep...dude are you insomniac?

Heheh, no I'm extracting, and I work late night but this week i have to work till the early morning so im getting my time clock used to it before I dive head on
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