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What is 'bad LSD'? Options
#21 Posted : 9/19/2012 5:32:36 PM

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Shaolin wrote:
benzyme wrote:
dogs can sense chemical changes occurring on humans and other dogs, and those aren't exactly scents either.

they can probably sense 10 ppm concentrations of various substances. whether they are trained to sniff out LSD or not, I don't know. I venture no, but it may depend on the locale

Sigma sells "LSD scent" in their K9 program so it's reasonable to assume that some are trained for this.

Ha! Who knew? Thanks for the heads up Smile
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#22 Posted : 9/19/2012 5:47:43 PM

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psychedelic wrote:
So I was wondering what do people mean by 'LSD is shit these days, back in the day I would trip 12 hours of one blotter blablablabla' ?

I mean, Lysergic acid diethylamide is Lysergic acid diethylamide... Is what we get 'these days' not that actual chemical? If then what might be in the blotters some of us get?

Can the Lysergic acid actually be 'bad quality'?

Or is it that we get very little quantity per blotter?

Please elaborate.

LSD is great now....in the US anyway...it's not any where near the potency levels that were avaliable in th 90's, but it's still clean and mean Smile

I one time had acid that gave me severe stomach muscle cramping many years ago, It was like I couldn't stand up straight during the peak or my stomach muscles would tighten up all crazy....
that was the only time I had actual "bad acid"
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#23 Posted : 9/19/2012 6:40:08 PM

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I found an old vial once, which had been misplaced 15 years earlier. It had no exposure to light during that time, but had seen quite a few temperature fluctuations (was in a toolbox in the garage). Oddly, it had turned blackish and the liquid had lost much of its transparency. Well, I shared it with a friend- tried a couple drops each... And it was still LSD, although probably half the strength it had once been. I didn't notice any ill effects from age (did a little research before trying it and could find no legitimate warnings... But this was way before my Nexus days). Anyone know what that discoloration was about?
#24 Posted : 9/19/2012 8:02:39 PM

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SeekerOfTruths wrote:
If only I had the foresight to save more of the old stuff for a rainy day.


That and some Colombian Redbud and Acapulco Gold. Very happy
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Which dance before me like a million eyes,
They call me on and on...

#25 Posted : 9/19/2012 8:37:10 PM
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LSD and LSA-seeds are very simmilar. The major difference is that MOST of the LSA seeds have unpleasant side-effects and give lousy experiences while MOST of the LSD lacks these side-effects and gives high-quality experiences. A high quality ololuiqui or morning glory experience can be very simmilar to a very pure LSD experience. A low quality LSD experience can be very simmilar to an average, lousy LSA-experience.

Most of the time, when you take LSD, you won´t feel these LSA-like effects.

Having high-quality LSD effects with LSA-seeds is very rare, but when it happens, the effects are VERY simmilar.
#26 Posted : 9/19/2012 9:34:06 PM

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In general I think it refers to a weaker dose. I was lucky enough to have the kind of tabs that started with a smooth clean come up and giggles, would last a good 10 hours and were very potent indeed. You could have a strong trip on just a half nevermind what happens when you take a whole. Most of the stuff I come by now is definitely good but weaker only lasting say 6 hours with less of a peak, just need to take more.

That being said I think there is definitely an element of degradation. I had some sugar cubes that hadn't been stored properly and they gave me a somewhat unpleasant, washy kind of trip - the kind of thing that happens when you try and dose multiple days in a row.
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