WAGE wrote:It isn't to gain a sense of elitism, it's more that I've been reading for years and want to make my own mind up now, because I know it's impossible to perceive what it could possibly be like in my current sober state.
What are some things to learn from a breakthrough dose experience?
that's good if it isn't to gain elitism, but it's an easy trap I see a lot of people fall into in the beginning, once they have tried it. Just giving you a heads up on the matter.
While it's hard to give an example that isn't way too personal to divulge here I think what you can learn from dmt or other psychedelics can help you overcome problems with your state of mind - like overcoming depressions of a certain kind, understanding the origins of negativity, learning compassion and empathy, gaining new perspectives on certain topics, insights into fears, hopes an dreams and their origin, insights into origins of anxieties that you may have not even noticed were affecting you, etc.
In general I feel they open up a way for us to look into our subconscious. This does not mean that we will get a clear message from every trip. But with a litte self-reflection we might get to the point where we think: I think it's trying to tell me something. And so we begin our investigation into ourselves to find out what exactly it is...
with dmt it can be quite extreme - to the point that you have no idea what the messag was supposed to be or if there even was a message / something to learn from - or it can be as cear as words spoken to you.
What ever you end up experiencing, try to remain critical of everything. An insight is not something that falls from the sky, even though it might start out that way. It is something that has to pass the tests of our rational and emotional minds as well.
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
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