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Two Questions about Entities Options
#21 Posted : 9/15/2012 1:37:28 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I refer to this experience of mine a lot

It is an example of an entity that has a sort of existence in this reality of which I was previously unaware, and strikes me as something that probably didn't come from the imagination
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb

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#22 Posted : 9/15/2012 1:27:56 PM
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Chadaev wrote:
But then we quickly run into the stupendous weirdness of the experiences. If Infectedstyle can have a cat sitting on his or her crown chakra then all my efforts to think through why an insect might have a special interest in my crown chakra suddenly seem absurd. My theorising about my experience turns out to have arisen from a ludicrously small and unrepresentative sample.

I posted the relative experience because that was a sober experience. No drugs involved. Another time on psilocybe mushrooms it was an insectoid that invaded my crown area. I did not cancel the situation , it never occured to me. Numerical sensations followed after that. And the "insect" did seem to know exactly what it wants.
Could you tell me about the sensations you felt in ur experience? Maybe we share more common ground. I'll keep my memories to myself for a bit so as not to influence your reports.

Chadaev wrote:
I think the guts of it are already here in this quote, and it could be refined to produce some kind of 'Entity Encounter Checklist' which, in a coordinated approach, might give us some interesting data. Particularly if we had some basic interaction scripts to try out.

Any thoughts?

Humans have been the subject of my dreamlike experiences on multiple occasions. And with any of them the experience never turned out to be mutual. But then again, I never asked questions about their origin. It would be something to remember on future occasions.

I'm a bit tired of thinking about entities tho. All i know is there's a vast array of different kinds. Some of them I hardly recognize as entities (i.e. talking walls) but those are the only ones that showed a seperation from my own consciousness. A wall asked me questions about myself.. That's a whole different ballgame right there, lol.
#23 Posted : 9/15/2012 9:59:12 PM

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other substances included:

mushrooms, lsd+harmalas, and a dissociative

Like I said in a different thread, I believe that the things we see are at least in the aspect of how we interpret them, dependent on our mind. I.e. an entity I encounter will take the form that is most suitable for communication or its intentions at the given time.

As of now, the only being I have encountered more than once is the cosmic consciousness, which is formless IME.
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#24 Posted : 9/16/2012 2:52:17 AM

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Global wrote:
I refer to this experience of mine a lot

It is an example of an entity that has a sort of existence in this reality of which I was previously unaware, and strikes me as something that probably didn't come from the imagination

Would you be able to compare the 'reality quotient' of the elves you spoke of to this bird? I presume their presences were quite different.

Infectedstyle wrote:
Another time on psilocybe mushrooms it was an insectoid that invaded my crown area. I did not cancel the situation , it never occured to me. Numerical sensations followed after that. And the "insect" did seem to know exactly what it wants.
Could you tell me about the sensations you felt in ur experience? Maybe we share more common ground. I'll keep my memories to myself for a bit so as not to influence your reports.

I would have to go back to my notes, but there was no specific physical feeling. This was a large dark insectoid, larger than me, which showed up on changa shortly after the breakthrough and stabilisation. Apparently floating in dark space, she (somehow I had a strong sense of her femininity) was herself almost black, glistening and with multiple thin legs and a cockroach type underside and a distint head with extremely focused predatorial eyes. She simply materialised in front of me and immediately began slowly extending a very long and oddly crooked arm towards my crown chakra. The long forearms suggested to me on reflection that she was a mantis. The grace of her movements, and apparent intent not to startle me by moving too fast, was probably what made her appear feminine. Although all this is taking place inside my imagistic space (not in external visual space), she was placing her 'hand' inside my head. I was fascinated but at a psychological level I felt violated. I quickly shut my mind to her (to put it another way, I hardened my attitude towards her), and she immediately retracted her hand, paused, and then extended it again with the same slow, reassuring and yet utterly deliberate aim. I decided not to let her in and I directed my attention elsewhere.

Is this how one shakes hands in hyperspace? I'm not sure, but what seemed more likely was that her fascinating and somewhat fearful presence captivated my attention, and then she honed in on the stream of my consciousness. There was something very attractive and/or necessary to her there.

That was my last journey. I've taken a long break. But I decided that if she or something similar shows up again I will insist on some explanations before letting anything into the head inside my head! This may be naive, but my lucid dreaming and meditation experience suggest that some autonomy for ourselves can also be asserted in such realms. Nor are such entities omnipotent.

By the way, I am trying to be descriptively accurate here. The ontological status of this 'strange mental phenomenon' remains an open question for me.

Enoon wrote:
As of now, the only being I have encountered more than once is the cosmic consciousness, which is formless IME.

So cosmic consciousness appears more as a being than an entity. An entity, I guess, has to have a bodily form.
#25 Posted : 9/16/2012 3:03:14 AM
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Chadaev wrote:

1) Taxonomy question: Is there a limited set of different entities which commonly show up?

That is, setting aside one-off encounters, are there disitinct 'kinds' or 'types' or 'species' which people have regularly encountered? The two I know of are the insectoid (mantis, usually) and the 'elves'. Are there others?

2) Interraction question: Is there any evidence of people communicating with entities? If so, how did it go? What did they say about themselves? Any tips?



1) Different for me literally every time.

2) I wouldnt say 'evidence' is the average sense of the word. Although every experience is laden with these entities which themselves seemed to be composed of messages, which are then in turn telepathically received...or at least thats how I perceive it. I try not to attach too much focus to these forms though.
#26 Posted : 9/16/2012 6:41:12 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Chadaev wrote:
Global wrote:
I refer to this experience of mine a lot

It is an example of an entity that has a sort of existence in this reality of which I was previously unaware, and strikes me as something that probably didn't come from the imagination

Would you be able to compare the 'reality quotient' of the elves you spoke of to this bird? I presume their presences were quite different.

It's a perceptual difference. The elf seems to be an artifact of hyperspace that can "step outside of it" in a way. The Bennu bird was just as real, but as with most every other entity in hyperspace, it is clearly made of energy. It was a hologram. Upon opening my eyes, it broke up into a number of Egyptian holograms.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#27 Posted : 9/16/2012 4:01:02 PM

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Just as with people in this world, nonphysical realms are populated with entities of every range of the spectrum from evil to the utmost loving of intent. Just because there is contact with the nonphysical/astral does not mean spiritual. In addition to true guides and teachers, there are wily criminals abound there who would love to deceive and mislead.

So When encountering any entity or presence, I have heard that the "discernment of spirits" direct confrontation can be used for safety. in confronting them with the empowering demand.. "In the name of Jesus/Buddha/etc, if you are not the God / the Light, you must leave". Negative entities must obey when the infinite power of good is invoked.
#28 Posted : 9/16/2012 4:18:19 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Pandan wrote:

So When encountering any entity or presence, I have heard that the "discernment of spirits" direct confrontation can be used for safety. in confronting them with the empowering demand.. "In the name of Jesus/Buddha/etc, if you are not the God / the Light, you must leave". Negative entities must obey when the infinite power of good is invoked.

I've heard this before, but it's done a whole lot of nothing for me. The negative entities just keep advancing
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#29 Posted : 9/16/2012 5:55:37 PM

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Hi everyone!
Its been a while since I have posted here, though I am here everyday reading and lurking.Thumbs up
Something similar to this happened to me on my last Changa journey.

Chadaev wrote:

I would have to go back to my notes, but there was no specific physical feeling. This was a large dark insectoid, larger than me, which showed up on changa shortly after the breakthrough and stabilisation. Apparently floating in dark space, she (somehow I had a strong sense of her femininity) was herself almost black, glistening and with multiple thin legs and a cockroach type underside and a distint head with extremely focused predatorial eyes. She simply materialised in front of me and immediately began slowly extending a very long and oddly crooked arm towards my crown chakra. The long forearms suggested to me on reflection that she was a mantis. The grace of her movements, and apparent intent not to startle me by moving too fast, was probably what made her appear feminine. Although all this is taking place inside my imagistic space (not in external visual space), she was placing her 'hand' inside my head. I was fascinated but at a psychological level I felt violated. I quickly shut my mind to her (to put it another way, I hardened my attitude towards her), and she immediately retracted her hand, paused, and then extended it again with the same slow, reassuring and yet utterly deliberate aim. I decided not to let her in and I directed my attention elsewhere.

So far my entity encounters have been pretty strange, nothing I could actually describe.
Until this last experience.
Smoking my Changa blend (unmeasured, just toking slowly easing my was into hyperspace)
Im hovering around in pre-Breakthrough and something approaches me. At first it looks like
a serpent, much larger than me slithering its way above me. upon closer look it seems to be a type of tentacle being.
I didnt get any feelings of the intentions of this being, it was just there kind of neutral.
Then one of the tentacles came towards my face and my mouth slowly opened and its tentacle slowly started going down my throat. My mouth seemed to open on its own, I was just kind of letting it happen.
Then I started to panic, what if this thing does not have good intentions for me. I treid to get some kind of vibe from it, all I got was a feeling a parent changing a kids diaper.Embarrased Thats the best I can describe it. So I let it do its thing for a minute then decided that was enough. Closed my mouth asked it to leave.
I focus my attention upwards out of my head and away I went.
When I came back my face and mouth were very tingly, more than usual.

Not sure what to do when these things approach? I would like to think That the entities associated with DMT are all good, but I know better.

The weird thing is, The next day I started hacking up all kinds of yuckies from my lungs.
I haven't had a cold of flu or anything in over a year. I am a smoker(want to quite) so, there is plenty that needs to come up and out.

I am still on the fence about if these things are real or not, I tend to believe they are.
But without solid proof I always keep an open mind. Either way it doesn't matter, what matters is the experiences themselves.

So, Its possible this thing helped me in some way buy helping me loosen some phlegm. lol
or hurt me buy giving me the start of a cold.. Mad

Sorry for the ramble, just thought I would share my experience as it seemed to fit in this thread.

who's minding the store?- Ram Dass
Mz.Gypzy is a fictional character. I have a very active imagination. I like to make things up, to entertain myself and others on the internet. I do not use, or condone the use of illegal substances. Everything I write here on the Nexus is for pure entrainment purposes only.

#30 Posted : 9/16/2012 11:13:31 PM

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I've heard this before, but it's done a whole lot of nothing for me. The negative entities just keep advancing

Negative entities are nothing to play with. I have experienced first hand being influenced, burned, and taking months to recover and un-warp my mind spiritually when I was a tween. Negative entities want to pull us down and harm our soul. Like spiritual con artists, they use confusion, seduction, disguise, and other clever tactics to exploit our innocence and ego weaknesses. Including posing as voices of Jesus/Angels/Master/God... They can do subtle but real psychic damage and manipulation when one is exposed without good spiritual tools and preparedness.

Then I suggest being much more firm and spiritually convicted in renouncing and forbidding such negative entities if you sense them again. Do not ask - DEMAND In the name of God and all that is Holy that all negative influences leave. Mustering deep conviction, invoke the higher power for the strength, protection, and authority and demand they go. I do this as a precaution with every inner experience, even when I sense only good. This is knowledge based on a near lifetime of spiritual study and experience - not just blowing smoke here. Not saying I am absolutely right in all the above, but it cant hurt.

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