I will "bite" one more time.
I am not my ego. ego is a conditioned thing in response to it's environment and past habbits. I am awareness itself.
That which is aware of walking is not walking
That which is aware of sitting is not sitting
That which is aware of thinking is not thinking
That which is aware of pain is not "in" pain
there are practices and living teachers to help you deal with pain in ways you are not aware of.
I personally have had major back issues, a decade of drug addiction,(one decade sober after) 18 years of HIV 12 years of AIDS including 2 years of waisting and a "full blown title" long term infections ect.
Today I am 46 and look and feel amazing. you would never guess my history My yoga practice is the full Ashtanga primary series,.75 postures held for 5 breaths,6 days a week. Young babes through themselves at me ect..
I am a powerful being and so are you Korey. just please keep an open mind. I was 40 years old and dying before I truly started to claim my power.
Being mind full of my breath.
Following my fear of death.
Into the jungle I walked.