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Hiyo Quicksilver
#21 Posted : 8/25/2012 2:04:47 PM

just some guy

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Global wrote:
Hiyo Quicksilver wrote:

Read a book or listen to some music and Pay Attention. This stuff doesn't work according to mystical rule, positive thinking, pretty gestures or prayer. What is required here is artistic grace, emotional fortitude, courage, oneness of mind, and a mature, open understanding of the world around us... or did you forget about that whole element last time you took a psych? Things usually just keep going regardless of how you feel or think about them. It's what you do about them that matters.

Yes. Your lecture just rings of mature and open understanding.

Are you thinking I don't know when I'm being hypocritical? Hypocrisy has nothing to do with the accuracy of the statement. In fact, I find it rather more effective to speak in hypocritical paradox. If people can't keep their feelings in check, it ain't my problem. I also doubt that I'll be the last person to not care about the emotional status of those who don't have the strength to handle themselves. After all, the world is actually a real place that you can hurt and kill you, not some nursery school fantasy where everything's always gonna be sunshine and roses, everyone's a winner, and babies crap ice cream sandwiches.

The reality of it is, as Enoon pointed out, that this fairy crap like amulets, rocks and mantras serve to make little ripples in the "subconscious mind" and, as I said, sooth and secure the ego. In reality, one solves problems by actually having an effect on the world, in reality, in the moment... not just thinking they are having an effect by some roundabout mystical means. Sure, the mystical stuff can help focus and move energy... but if you don't use the energy properly, you might as well be waving your genitals around in the air or something equally as productive.

Conjecture about the "subconscious" is really just admitting that you don't know what you're talking about and aren't paying attention to the subject matter... or it wouldn't be subconscious. When you are familiar with yourself on fundamental levels, you can communicate and exchange energy on different levels. You can alter a trip or even bring about altered state in others with no effort whatsoever when the illusions of interior and exterior are gone... I can't imagine what somebody could do to another person if they do not act according to some sort of ethical compass and truly directed their intent on another person's experience. Though I've had the opportunity I've never had the reason or will to "invade" somebody else's experience when they let it show, but I can guarantee you that it would only be immensely easier if they were huddled up muttering scared to a rock. Or even muttering brave to a rock. If you're weak when it counts, you'll fail. Period.

Now, feel free to insult me more. While I don't really care, or have anything to lose here on the internet under pseudonym, might I ask that you do it with a bit more spirit next time? I do enjoy a good scrap.

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#22 Posted : 8/25/2012 2:37:36 PM

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How about everyone takes a deep breathe, chills out, and remembers that the Nexus is not the place to be talking in absolutes about what the psychedelic experience is or isn't, nor is it the place to get your scrapping fixation sated. For that, I'd suggest seeking out your local fight club.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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Hiyo Quicksilver
#23 Posted : 8/26/2012 2:42:07 AM

just some guy

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Funny, I wasn't talking about the psychedelic experience at all. I suppose that was the major error of my approach.

One party considers it psychedelic and wonders at it, the other just considers it life and lives it. The latter should keep his mouth shut and let people figure it out their own damn selves, no matter who or what gets thrashed in the wake. C'est la Vie.

/me concedes.
#24 Posted : 8/26/2012 9:12:09 PM

ab intra

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As you know, the humans species knows nothing, so anything weighs equally as another.
Although the realistic perception you put in laymen terms so bluntly is probably one of the most practical, logical, and realistic approaches one can carry, and without having one foot in this perception would result in right brain dominance or as you put a fairy tail world.
We create our happiness synthetically through any means which is attainable, and for many that is the unknown and all its wonderful mysteries which still to this date have not been even scratched. You are right we live in a pretty nasty, gritty, and scary world. So whats wrong with creating your own which creates happiness synthetically? AS long as both sides of your brain are equal I dont see anything wrong with it. Its all a matter of opinion. And whatever benefits you the most at the current time should be implemented into the daily mundane lives we live. I know this is way off topic, but whatevs, drank way too much coffee, merely ranting now for no reason without a point, although I wanted to leave this quote by Sir Thomas Brown Religio Medici (1642)

"I am the happiest man alive. I have that in me that can convert poverty to riches, adversity to prosperity, and I am more invulnerable than Archilles; Fortune hath not one place to hit me."

And I dont see anyone on these forums pushing their ideals and perceptions on others.
Its in your head

Hiyo Quicksilver
#25 Posted : 8/27/2012 3:04:41 AM

just some guy

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You said pretty much what I mean, in a much gentler way... Though it seems you may mistake my particular angle. I am not referencing a "realistic" paradigm, but rather a "spiritual" paradigm as it pertains to experience in the moment, in reality. If I can try to clear it up, let me see if I can explore your take and integrate mine, without making an ass of myself ( unlikely Thumbs up ).

I'm not advocating a left-brained way of approach over a right-brained way of approach, but rather an approach that can balance these things and use them as necessary and appropriate. We psychedelic folk are no exception to the general rule that our "left brain" is most active and pulls most of the weight in the organization of our conscious experience. Those few folks who have experience in the kind of perception that lucid, "sober" right-biased or balanced consciousness creates will assure you that the difference in perception is phenomenal, psuedo-psychedelic in presentation, very usable, staggering in implication and very very fast-paced, fluid and intense. Crudely put, if one is unclear on the difference or even concerned about the difference, they probably are only going about the thing with half their brain.

Using one's "right brain" is not for anyone I've heard of like reciting a mantra, breathing exercises or focusing on a rock (these are in my experience playing with fixations of the ego, "left brained" activities)... If anything, it's like driving really fast, grooving down in a live jam band, being a hero on an epic journey, being a friggin wizard and having amazing sex with everything within one's perception all at the same time... all while frying harder than you ever could on drugs, being more sober than imaginable, flowing with everything and trying not to break a rib laughing at the hilarity of the divine reality of what all is going on. It's like being on the BEST dose imaginable, but indescribably better, more natural, usable, intimate and real.

I'm pointing out the advantage of acting through at least enough of our intuitive, spirited, versatile and creative "right brains" to really keep up with and work with the energy that's being exchanged in emotional/critical/intense/psychedelic situations in which one may use a similar approach to manipulate the experience of others. The critical, abstract and objective "left brain" is necessary in these situations to discern particular elements of experience, direct energy, make complex decisions and serve as a "benchmark" for navigating perception. Put into play together, this synergistic form of experience is fairly well described by that quote by Medici... Being able to really walk the talk, having the strength of heart to actually exercise one's will no matter what the turf or situation. In this way, we are indeed practically invincible in many of life's trials... especially those involving the exchange of energy between people, especially two people with very different realities and abilities.

There is little technique to this, no dogma involved (unless somebody like me brings it into play to make a point), and no prerequisite to the ability. It's just simply doing it regardless of any hangups or obstacles that stand in the way. But the reason I feel so adamant in making the point is that if somebody is manipulating the expanded psychedelic environment, the only way I can see for the "layman" to actually beat him at his game is to integrate these "far-out" aspects of themselves in the moment and turn the tides with one's own mind, body and environment. If one side has the mental discipline to bring about or alter the energy at play in this kind of experience, then the obvious way to oppose this person is to do it in the moment and by heart, with great will and courage. It may take seconds or years, but this game knows no boundaries of space or time and it can be impossible to tell if or how it is actually happening, and not really understandable or communicable by conventional means.

As relevant to this thread, the simple message is "Stand up to yourself, stick to your guns, stay on your toes and fight fire with fire." Given the apparent moral bend of either party, I don't see that there's much else necessary. God is usually on the side of those who need not ask his favor, and may often seem to shy away from tripped out, strung out kids who learn a few tricks and decide practice on unwitting kin.

And on a sincere personal note... I'm not posting in this thread because I think I know what's up, think everyone's wrong, to prove a point or to stir up trouble, regardless of what my abrasive personality might suggest. I'm posting here because, regardless of whether the OP's brother is really manipulating others in this way, I know from my own experience that it is entirely possible and can really, really mess people up if one is careless or has foul intent.
Nowadays, I don't fear much... But one thing chills me to the bone: The reality that others have and will continue to go the same way as I have, and that not all of us are doing it as a humbling and empowering means to realize the greater good of ourselves and the world. All humans have tremendous power, but some of us are tremendously evil.

[/text wall]
#26 Posted : 8/27/2012 3:35:33 AM

ab intra

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I want to extend my most sincere feelings of gratitude for you taking the time to make these extremely valuable post, I only hope that I may truly understand what you have wrote to my fullest abilities. I'm utterly speechless still trying to absorb as much as I can from these. For me, without these angles I would of have gone completely mad, It seems I only rely on them when things get a little too weird, a safety net of sorts. It seems my world I create for my own mind is only a tool to sustain permanent complacence, happiness, and peace without the aid of the material world or reality, almost a safe room which can be accessed at any time. In a perfect world one would not have to create that quite domain which we rule. Spirituality, meditation, and psychedelics being the key components for creating this contentment. I know I still dont fully understand what you have proposed, however hopefully soon I will finally see. Thank you again. I'd kiss ya if I could.
Its in your head

Hiyo Quicksilver
#27 Posted : 8/27/2012 5:21:14 AM

just some guy

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Awh, no worries man <3

I don't think there's really much to understand since most of this stuff hates to be constrained by any linguistic definition, but it really doesn't need to be... as far as I can say it's just a matter of really getting one's hands dirty, digging life and falling in love with what reverberates within us. Our individual experiences are almost inconceivably different from each others', but even so it seems that the more we all know ourselves the more we can see what is fundamentally alike in each other and everything else, and act accordingly when we see the way to do so.
So if anything, don't take my word for it. Everything is always right in front of us, and all we can do to see it is just pay attention to what's going on and do what we can to bring it all together in whatever way we find to be good. It's weird stuff and there's never any rush to get into it... that is, unless we're on some crazy drugs or in an immediately perilous situation. That, and it's not like there's anything wrong with going about things like an "average" human anyway... it's just that sometimes it seems that we'd really do better with extraordinary.
#28 Posted : 8/28/2012 12:27:25 PM
member for the trees

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..tried crystal meth Once as an experiment (after years of Only plants)
i tried to find it's 'spirit'..all i got was nazi-helmets on a factory conveyer belt..

..that Is One BAD spirit..

stay away from it, and it's victims..will leave you empty..no technique will get through it's industrial hell..

#29 Posted : 8/28/2012 7:50:48 PM

ab intra

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Crystal meth is one drug my eyes will never even grace...
You mise as well go eat some paint chips or huff some air freshener ****
Its in your head

#30 Posted : 9/1/2012 2:06:53 AM

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Never mind.........
"So it was that Dreamer put a tree at the center of the universe and from that tree were born time, space, individuality, conflict, sex, and death. Of course it is no coincidence that these are the ingredients of a good yarn and the first one the tree spun is still one of the best: boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back. Since then, every time a seedling sprouts, dozens of new stories sprout with it, so Dreamer hasn't been bored for a moment." -from the book "Plant Spirit Medicine"
#31 Posted : 9/1/2012 2:50:50 AM

ab intra

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Not trying to be offensive, but its true. No good can come of this, actually the opposite, even effecting people who dont use.
Its in your head

Hyperspace Fool
#32 Posted : 9/2/2012 9:24:51 AM

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mescaline-man wrote:
You might as well chug some gasoline. i actually saw an episode on t.v. called "strange addictions" (i think) supposedly of this girl being addicted to drinking gasoline, i highly highly doubt that but she did look like a zombie for real.

People don't chug gasoline... at least not and live to brag about it.

But they do huff it. This is inhaling the vapors.

Huffing gas (or any number of petrochemical products) will give you a wicked, very hallucinogenic high... something like doing poppers and nitrous in a K-Hole... but it will also eat your brain down to a walnut, give you cancer, and otherwise make you regret using it... if you had enough sense left for regret.

Still, it is popular among the poor and hopeless because it is a VERY cheap high. A single liter of gasoline (benzine for our Euro friends) will last a crew of 10 a week perhaps if they are judicious about not wasting. People dip the toe of a tube sock in some gas, and then place the open end over there mouth and nose, and take a few breaths. Instant tripping balls.

Sadly, all the people who rail against drugs are not going to ever even acknowledge this because then they would have to do something. As it stands, you don't even need a driver's license or any ID to purchase gasoline. You can walk up with a gas can and fill it up no questions asked even if you are clearly 10 years old. If they try and give you shit, you can just say your mom ran out of gas & is broke down a few blocks away.

I am not saying gasoline should be illegal (though that actually makes more sense than weed or mushrooms being illegal)... just that it is blatant hypocrisy. No one cares about huffing gas or other inhalant drug abuse because it isn't rich kids doing it.

Huffing gas is even worse than meth... by far. And that is saying something.
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