You said pretty much what I mean, in a much gentler way... Though it seems you may mistake my particular angle. I am not referencing a "realistic" paradigm, but rather a "spiritual" paradigm as it pertains to experience in the moment, in reality. If I can try to clear it up, let me see if I can explore your take and integrate mine, without making an ass of myself (
I'm not advocating a left-brained way of approach over a right-brained way of approach, but rather an approach that can balance these things and use them as necessary and appropriate. We psychedelic folk are no exception to the general rule that our "left brain" is most active and pulls most of the weight in the organization of our conscious experience. Those few folks who have experience in the kind of perception that lucid, "sober" right-biased or balanced consciousness creates will assure you that the difference in perception is phenomenal, psuedo-psychedelic in presentation, very usable, staggering in implication and very very fast-paced, fluid and intense. Crudely put, if one is unclear on the difference or even concerned about the difference, they probably are only going about the thing with half their brain.
Using one's "right brain" is not for anyone I've heard of like reciting a mantra, breathing exercises or focusing on a rock (these are in my experience playing with fixations of the ego, "left brained" activities)... If anything, it's like driving
really fast, grooving down in a live jam band, being a hero on an epic journey, being a friggin wizard and having amazing sex with everything within one's perception all at the same time... all while frying harder than you ever could on drugs, being more sober than imaginable, flowing with everything and trying not to break a rib laughing at the hilarity of the divine reality of what all is going on. It's like being on the BEST dose imaginable, but indescribably better, more natural, usable, intimate and real.
I'm pointing out the advantage of acting through at least enough of our intuitive, spirited, versatile and creative "right brains" to really keep up with and work with the energy that's being exchanged in emotional/critical/intense/psychedelic situations in which one may use a similar approach to manipulate the experience of others. The critical, abstract and objective "left brain" is necessary in these situations to discern particular elements of experience, direct energy, make complex decisions and serve as a "benchmark" for navigating perception. Put into play together, this synergistic form of experience is fairly well described by that quote by Medici... Being able to
really walk the talk, having the strength of heart to actually exercise one's will no matter what the turf or situation. In this way, we are indeed practically invincible in many of life's trials... especially those involving the exchange of energy between people,
especially two people with very different realities and abilities.
There is little technique to this, no dogma involved (unless somebody like me brings it into play to make a point), and no prerequisite to the ability. It's just simply
doing it regardless of any hangups or obstacles that stand in the way. But the reason I feel so adamant in making the point is that if somebody is manipulating the expanded psychedelic environment, the only way I can see for the "layman" to actually beat him at his game is to integrate these "far-out" aspects of themselves in the moment and turn the tides with one's own mind, body and environment. If one side has the mental discipline to bring about or alter the energy at play in this kind of experience, then the obvious way to oppose this person is to do it in the moment and by heart, with great will and courage. It may take seconds or years, but this game knows no boundaries of space or time and it can be impossible to tell if or how it is actually happening, and not really understandable or communicable by conventional means.
As relevant to this thread, the simple message is "Stand up to yourself, stick to your guns, stay on your toes and
fight fire with fire." Given the apparent moral bend of either party, I don't see that there's much else necessary. God is usually on the side of those who need not ask his favor, and may often seem to shy away from tripped out, strung out kids who learn a few tricks and decide practice on unwitting kin.
And on a sincere personal note... I'm not posting in this thread because I think I know what's up, think everyone's wrong, to prove a point or to stir up trouble, regardless of what my abrasive personality might suggest. I'm posting here because, regardless of whether the OP's brother is really manipulating others in this way, I know from my own experience that it is entirely possible and can really,
really mess people up if one is careless or has foul intent.
Nowadays, I don't fear much... But one thing chills me to the bone: The reality that others have and will continue to go the same way as I have, and that not all of us are doing it as a humbling and empowering means to realize the greater good of ourselves and the world. All humans have tremendous power, but some of us are tremendously evil.
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