Wow, there are some wonderful ideas being expressed in this thread.
Nice. Sure, a word like SOUL is subjective and it's specificity in proper definition is as unique as the individual contemplating it's reality, relative to their own existence.
Sky Motion wrote:I was curious to see how many of you believe that the soul is "real".
I like your choice of the word, "real". Amongst many other definitions of the soul, what I believe may be the closest to the truth (for myself), is that the soul is the most REAL part of the human condition. By this, I suggest that there exists a seeming permanency to this aspect of the human organism, as it goes wherever you go (who are you), in juxtaposition to the transience of the material paradigm and the human ego, with all of it's changing rhythms, caused by revolving within the time-space-continuum.
۩ wrote:The soul is an ambiguous term that can be used many ways. There is, however, the problem of what is the soul, and where does the soul come from.
Agreed! Soul means something slightly different to each of us, as do the terms: body, mind, self and other. Is it fair to say that
the soul is that aspect of oneself which is both, pre-existent and hopefully post-existent, when the physical frame expires? That dimension or realm of awareness which is individual and paradoxically, fully united with something more universal. An ethereal counterpoint to our earthly selves This twin energy feels far more spiritual, than just the ego and the dynamics of the personal drama we act out in our daily lives.
And so, if the soul is an individual energy pattern and more highly spiritual aspect of self, is my soul separate from your soul and the souls of countless beings throughout the multiverse? What about soul communion with each other? This implies a definitive veil of distinction, for sure. Fascinating stuff.
bricklaya wrote:I was a strong atheist before some of my deep spiritual experiences.. and it was the experiences themselves, not me being scared of dying one day, that led me to see that my consciousness is bigger than my body..anyways, as you said, thats just your opinion, and I respect that.... but I don't think everyone who believes in soul should be lumped into this category of people simply trying to avoid the notion of death.... the soul is a much deeper than that...
I feel it more the other way around... like the body being more of a projection of consciousness. I see consciousness as the source of matter, rather than the result of matter.
Yes, any of us who have had NDE and/or OBE (like astral projection), have directly experienced being that wide-band essence of self which does not have it's boundaries limited to the material plane, as does the isolated ego or the individual's rational capacity for cognitive reasoning. But is the soul just the astral body? Is it the limited by the causal body (the sphere of archetypal thought-forms and pure ideas)?
Is the soul a limited condition or is it an open-ended possibility, spiraling into eternity, like galactic force that co-exists within the mind of the human self? In other words, does the soul have any ceiling? Is there a limit to it's nature... or does it's symbiosis with the universal force of being (or as brother-friend
Hyperspace Fool likes to insightfully call, the "Omniversal" state), instill within it a dimension-jumping mechanism , if you will?
DMTtripn2Space wrote:They refer to the soul as "Atman"; the individual slice of consciousness that inhabits each living being throughout it's life. But the "Atman" is identical with "Brahman"...which is the IT underlying all of phenomenal it "God" "consciousness" or whatever. They are both one n' the same at that subtle level.
I too, have found remarkable parallels within the Hindu cosmology, although my path is not limited to just this cultural tradition, as all religions are really saying the same things. Plus, I find spiritual truth in all of them. But the Indian Vedantic vantage point is quite intricate and full of mind-bending degrees of insight. These teachings are recorded both orally and written down, open to the public and also, much is hidden from the layperson.
Still, these verses do in fact map-out the internal existential paradigm of humanity, from a purely metaphysical stance. It was psychedelics that drew me to Eastern thought. So much so, that until I accessed the Yogic cosmology, much of what I had experienced under the rushing force of LSD and mushrooms, had been new and totally foreign territory.
Yes, Atman is an incredibly good way to label the soul of any one of humankind. It implies the awakening of the Sacred, via the human experience. Obviously, Atman would also be every particle and wave composing the multiple universes, folded upon themselves, one layer upon another layer. Endless levels of subtle awareness and steps of ascending consciousness. So to speak & but of course. This is why in Vedanta, the word Atman has a dual meaning. There is a subtle distinction between two forms of this frequency in consciousness, Jivatman and Paramatman.
Jivatman is the individuated soul, which interconnects to the unmoving expanse of the over-soul, Paramatman. When a seeker finds his/her truest awareness as Jivatman, it opens a door to the realization of the Paramatman. Paramatman is essentially a manifestation and emanation from the unbound, unmanifested expanse of the Absolute state, Brahman. A returning of the Paramatman, via the awakening of the Jivatman, whereby it finds it's unity with eternal God, as Brahman.
Body-Ego-Self-Soul-Jivatman-Paramatman-Brahman are all One (The Omniself). dragonnexus wrote:not in a soul but in the conscious mind. i think when we die out our conscious mind lives on however we lose part of who we are be cause our memories are left with our bodies. im believe consciousness can not just be created but it moves one from body to body living countless amazing lives. when u smoke dmt it takes us away from our bodies for a few minutes and this is who we truly are
No truer words were ever spoken, my friend. One of the things that struck me with a mind-altering, profound impact, was when my dear grandmother died in 1973. I was with her when she passed... and I watched her life force slip away from us. Interestingly enough, the look of deep peace and the hint of a beatific smile, still lingers within my memory's core. At her wake, I stood looking at her prone body, artificially laid out in the 20th century fashion. I recall vividly, that when I put my hand on her forehead, it was cold and lifeless.
I thought to myself,
"Gramma is not in that body anymore. Her life force is somewhere else. But where exactly did she go? I can't be in Heaven yet, since I can sense her right here beside me."
I felt her presence very, very strongly... and she was absolutely radiant in vibration. I could palpably FEEL her wonderful, loving energy all around me. Yes, she was still very much alive and touching that part of myself that was also, not limited by relative material conditions. She clearly communicated to me, telepathically, that life was more than what we see with our mortal eyes, that she was free of the pain and very happy to be embracing her Creator. In fact, she was euphoric and wanted me to tell mother and elder brother not to cry anymore tears of grief, but be glad that she was in such a wonderful state of spiritual being.
gibran2 wrote:I’m not sure what the soul is, but I don’t feel it’s something inside of me or something subordinate to me: I am inside of it. Neither is the soul a puppeteer, controlling or interacting with the physical: It is the “experiencer” of the physical. It is not human consciousness, yet it is what makes humans conscious.
Well said, as usual. We exist within soul.
Nice. So, the soul decidedly not like the physical body, the brain-generated cognitive function of mind (the ego) but that silent witness to all that passes before our field of conscious-awareness. It defies description, yet raises many deep questions. Perhaps it is that part of us, which is wholly one with ALL that is?
Ultimately, I suspect that the soul is a bridge of sorts, which facilitates an interconnection to the Omniself. The missing link between the relative, organic perception of humankind and the absolute expanse of the Cosmic Mind.
Or maybe soul is a singular spark of the Divine Radiance, channeled into each of us? A personal interconnection to the mystical and mysterious quintessence of the Void. Or maybe a vacuum which pulls us through myriad dimensional paradigms, without diluting it's central fulcrum of pure conscious-awareness? I believe that it is the very internal witness and the inner pilot of the temporary sentient person's journey through life and far, far beyond.
An opening flower of potential, blooming exponentially??? Which is on IMO, vibrates on the high end of the perceptual spectrum, forever fused internally to what is indivisible and unbound. Yet, the soul is at once, individuated God-consciousness compressed into the isolated self... and a link to the Infinite plane (which expands beyond our grasp, even as we reach for it).
It certainly provokes much thought and challenges us to understand that we are something other than the circumstances of our incarnation, we are a spark of the Eternal.
Gosh, what a loooooong reply I wrote. Tis a long wind which bloweth comic dust, eh?
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.