As others have said, music has become such a wide concept that "listening to music" encompasses absolutely different types of experience. Depending on the kind of music, on every listener, and the frequency of listening.
What is known is that music (a sound pattern with harmony and frequency, with beat) works positively on the communication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It has a very positive impact in kids development, and since we are "neuroplastic", we never cease changing, adapting and growing, it can be very positive for adults as well.
And for the thread question... For me, music that gets me emotionally involved (that turns me on) will decrease my thinking. But I'm not sure if the reason is that it somehow impairs my judgement, or that my faculties are intact but I'm simply less prone to think rationally.
Some kinds of music, though, bring a thinking capacity boost. Bach brings me clarity of mind.
"The Menu is Not The Meal." - Alan Watts