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Poll Question : Do children and animals love you for no apparent reason?
Choice Votes Statistics
Yes. Children and animals love me and I use/have used psychedelics on the r 26 92 %
Yes. Children and animals love me and I have not used psychedelics regularl 1 3 %
No. Children and animals do not love me and I use/have used psychedelics on 1 3 %
No. Children and animals do not love me and I have not used psychedelics re 0 0 %

Do children and animals love you for no apparent reason? Correlation with psychedelics? Options
#1 Posted : 5/7/2012 4:30:22 PM

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I don’t want to influence anyone’s decision but I will say that ever since my introduction to psychedelics years ago that I seem to attract children and animals everywhere I go for no apparent reason. They just start following me around and/or laughing smiling purring etc etc.

I was curious if there was any correlation between the two.

My tentative hypothesis is that children and animals aren’t as bogged down by “facts” and “truths” and therefore are more open in their perceptions; analogous to an experience one might have while on a psychedelic.

hmm seems like my poll questions got cut short. The endings are "on the regular" and "regularly"

This is what the alphabet would look like if Q and R were missing

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cosmic butterfly
#2 Posted : 5/7/2012 6:00:42 PM

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very interesting post, i also think small children and animals have some strong correlation with psychedelics. This is all speculation but I think when we were little kids we were all tripping our heads off, natural constant dmt production perhaps, i think as we reach a certain age, perhaps a part of the brain develops that closes off other parts of the brain and more controlled natural dmt production when awake and our ego gets developed. Since with dmt we tend to not remember strong trips or dreams, myb thats y we don't remember our early childhood.With animals i have noticed every time ive taken psychedelics, my pet dog has reacted differently to me. Usually he is kind of distant and not too affectionate, but after a good dose of shrooms or aya, he is all over me and i feel there is a strong telepathic connection with him. I believe animals are able to see energy, there senses are enhanced way beyond ours-smell, hearing..and i think they are able to see way more than we can.
#3 Posted : 5/7/2012 7:28:27 PM

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The most specific example I've seen of this is outside with a small group of friends smoking in a prairie of grass and bushes. We all had a pretty intense trip, but the miracle was as we were coming down, hundreds of insects had gathered and landed on our bodies. There were no insects around when we started, and they flew away shortly after the effects faded. We weren't bit by anything and we took it as a highly spiritual moment.

(Think of the movie Avatar when the seeds of Eywa land all over Jake Sully's avatar body to protect him.)
#4 Posted : 5/7/2012 8:19:49 PM

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I think that a person who has had-and properly integrated- the psychedelic experience will be happier, more easygoing, less burdened and(by extension) less angry and more fun. Children and animals sense this stuff easily- its adults who have been trained to wear blinders and follow rules.

I never spent much time around children before my awakening, so it's hard to make a direct comparison. Would they have liked me less back then? Probably... But for a whole variety of reasons. I do think that having the psychedelic understanding has helped make me a more approachable and likable person, but they are only part of a bigger and more complicated picture.
#5 Posted : 5/7/2012 8:55:57 PM

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Children and animals absolutely love me Love Very happy Insects even. Seems sometimes when I'm walking through the woods or even my local park that the plants themselves are aware of my presence somehow, and then I usually try to convince myself I'm just being crazy Thumbs up

I've had many telepathic experiences with animals while tripping, but who knows if any of it was truly some sort of a connection.
#6 Posted : 5/7/2012 8:56:24 PM

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I seem to get on well with both children and adults. Not sure to what degree that is to do with my use of psychedelics, but I'm sure it comes into play.
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#7 Posted : 5/8/2012 2:07:50 AM

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cosmic butterfly wrote:
very interesting post, i also think small children and animals have some strong correlation with psychedelics. This is all speculation but I think when we were little kids we were all tripping our heads off, natural constant dmt production perhaps, i think as we reach a certain age, perhaps a part of the brain develops that closes off other parts of the brain and more controlled natural dmt production when awake and our ego gets developed. Since with dmt we tend to not remember strong trips or dreams, myb thats y we don't remember our early childhood.With animals i have noticed every time ive taken psychedelics, my pet dog has reacted differently to me. Usually he is kind of distant and not too affectionate, but after a good dose of shrooms or aya, he is all over me and i feel there is a strong telepathic connection with him. I believe animals are able to see energy, there senses are enhanced way beyond ours-smell, hearing..and i think they are able to see way more than we can.

this post resonates with me Smile tripping on LSD around my dog and cat has yielded some very telepathic connections. and yeah i reckon thats an interesting point about dmt production in the younger years and not being able to remember them now. would certainly explain a few things
#8 Posted : 5/8/2012 2:24:45 PM

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Mary wrote:
I have two cats and a dog. My animals were affectionate to me before I had done any psychedelic. Now that I use psychedelics it does seem like my animals are more affectionate to me more than ever. I noticed my dog seems to get very frightened and panic when I take any psychedelic. He does this weird thing where he guards his food from what ever entities he may be aware of. On the other hand my cats seem to enjoy the company. They get very excited and playful and bond with me. My one cat likes to lay by my head when I smoke spice. She waits for my return.
Also I have noticed that young infants seem to enjoy my presence when I am around them now. I think since they are developing and are aware in a pure way. sadly to say their awareness becomes contaminated over time.

Its interesting that of all places your cat likes to lay on your head...

Mystics say that all your chakras open up and then its your crown chakra (on your head) that ultimately leads to a connection with the universe/godhead.

Idk if any of that hew-ha is legit or not but I'm not going to be close minded and immediately dismiss it as foolish non-sense. For anyone to make a claim that one thing is 100% fact is ignorant. Laws and conditions dictating a true are subject to quantum change.

This is what the alphabet would look like if Q and R were missing
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#9 Posted : 5/8/2012 3:58:50 PM

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I'm sure I got this mosquito super high one time while up in the mountains on mushrooms. I was in a very loving place, so I totally welcomed the little bugger onto my arm. He was really gently as he started poking his needle snout into me; I barely felt a thing. Then he started to take these big ole gulps, and I could see each one ripple through his whole body. Then he would settle down and seemingly relax into an ecstatic trance for a while. He'd slowly start to stir after a minute, then aggressively go back in for some more me-juice. Finally he slowly pulled his needle out, then happily flew around me for like five more minutes. He didn't leave any sort of mark, and it wasn't itchy at all.
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#10 Posted : 5/9/2012 9:29:48 AM

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When I was much younger I had a weekly paper route(daily was too much effort as far as I was concerned) and several of the streets eventually ended up with most of the cats waiting for me to arrive and pet / play with them for a bit before moving on. Took me ages to complete the route because I loved cats and they seemed to love me, but dang, great time!
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#11 Posted : 5/9/2012 11:47:34 PM

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Yes, though I'm sure this is just due to their ability to sense an alpha male.
Parshvik Chintan
#12 Posted : 5/10/2012 12:40:43 AM

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kids (especially babies - they will stare at me wide eyed for the entirety of my presence) feel comfortable and natural around me but i cant really identify with them once they have learned to speak (babies i do feel natural around, however).

animals i have always been connected to, but i have noticed a lot more connectivity and affection from their end than ever before using entheogens (even if its a new animal i have never met).
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#13 Posted : 5/10/2012 3:07:16 AM

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Absolutely! My friends were just commenting this the other day, kids just run up and start playing with me and when people are walking their dogs the dogs always stop to smell me or jump up on me and the owners have to pull them away. It was never like this before either...
It was the fabled year 2012. Within the seemingly doomed and feeble slave-species of homo-sapien sapien a minute percentage began experimenting with various forms of psycho-active plant allies and thought manifestation techniques. Unbeknownst to them, this would be the birthing of a new sub-species, the highest form of Life in the universe. With the assistance of these timeless plant teachers a new race was born, a race without boundaries, physical or mental, a race without judgement or violence. Divinity had descended upon the inconspicuous planet of Earth and cosmic-man was born.

#14 Posted : 5/10/2012 3:42:11 AM
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I find this very true for me. Even met a few "magical creatures" along my journey.
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#15 Posted : 5/10/2012 5:53:03 AM

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But is it:

A- One is being more lighthearted and connected to the universe which others (especially the empathetic) can pick up on, and thus join in the mood.

(Swim has seen a similar phenomena, if someone is on ecstasy others seem to strongly pick up on that and get a contact high)

B- The animal senses you are in a state they can more relate with. I think with cats this is especially true. If any animal lives in a consciousnesses that is close to the psychedelic one, its the cat!

Or C-
When one is tripping, he/she tends to pay more attention to the cat and start talking to it funny which amuses the animal.

C is the one that makes me ponder how much of A & B there really is.

Parshvik Chintan
#16 Posted : 5/10/2012 6:38:07 AM

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Volvox wrote:
C is the one that makes me ponder how much of A & B there really is.

i can't speak for others but i own no pets, so i have never really been with animals or kids WHILE tripping, its just since i have started these connections have blatantly strengthened

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#17 Posted : 5/10/2012 7:34:34 AM

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Most definitely. I'll see small babies being carried over their mothers shoulders and they'll look up at me and start smiling. Smile Makes my day. Also, many dogs used to not like me very much barking when I arrived and stuff. Since my regular psychedelic use I'm instantly best friends with everyone I meet.

Also, has anyone noticed that like toddlers are always finding stuff they think is pretty neat than going and handing it off to mom or dad, or some other random person around the room? Always so giving. Full of energy. Would be sweet to go back to that state.

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#18 Posted : 10/21/2012 5:03:36 PM

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Same 4 me, it's beautiful Smile
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#19 Posted : 10/21/2012 9:44:10 PM

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I find this to be pretty much true for me as well. But, it's been with me my whole life.
Way before I even knew about psychedelics, or could spell that word, the youngest children in the families I knew, and usually all their pets, always wanted to be around me. And not just the usual, who's that new person approach, that would come and go, and they'd still be stuck to me.

Everywhere I went.
Never really put much thought into it.

Once, I was smoking some bud, playin some hacky sack, and this giant Preying Mantis came up to us. He landed on my car, and just hung out, for maybe an hour. We ended up leaving.. and this big ass dude managed to find his way into the car too.(Windows open and all.. who woulda thought). We smoked somemore, and I'd like to think he got high too. Pawing his way around the car all goofy life.

I got back home, and put him on the roof of the car, so he could fly away after he came back down.

We went back to the spot the next day to hack somemore, and no less then ten minutes pass, and there's a giant mantis on my hood. Same damn one too. One of his wing covers was chipped at the bottom, so it almost made a sharp point downwards.

He followed me(my car?) around for days, until it started getting real cold out. Sad

But, ever since that year, I'll find Mantis' all over the place. Usually directly in my path, needing me to touch them to move.

I have hundreds of bugs living with me right now, mostly for feeding my bearded dragon, and they're always doing just fine, never dieing off, unless he gets hungry, of course.Razz

I guess what I'm saying, is that, I, go hand-in-hand, with psychedelics, and, with the more innocent(truthful) creatures of this world. And bugs, too.
Super Radical wrote:
Naww. MJ sandwich is the way to go the first time.
Then next time after the WTFOMG moment, realize your ready to changa things up.

It's more special that way.

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#20 Posted : 10/21/2012 11:35:16 PM

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Heh YES, but they always have, before and after the introduction to mind altering substances. They talk to me, and I to them... we understand each other, with or without drugs. Smile
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