dtrypt wrote: Swear to god it's like it cures in a way and just becomes better.
Found more than a gram of 50/50 22x caapi leaf changa some weeks ago, mini jam jar tucked into my mushroom growing toolbox. What an awesome surprize.
Awesome! Yeah I've recently started to smoke again after almost a year off from anything psy-like. While cleaning out and re-arranging my "magical" cupboard I found a small glass jar of changa I can't even recall making - I estimate it to be from 2011 when I first started making changa. It smells ridiculously strong and I would have been a bit more cautious back then, Gonna test it out on Friday, it could only have been 40x caapi leaf (yes I went that far - it's lovely) at a ratio of 2:1 (leaf : dmt) as I was terrified of adding more spice back then.
If it's not any stronger then I'll add some dregs of spice I have lying around, but I'm curious to see if it does "cure" or "mature" as it has a damn fine and funky bouquet
Oh I also never keep changa in anything other than a glass jar in a cupboard and it seems to keep well.
Sonorous fractal manifestastions,
birthing golden vibrations,
that echo through folds of space & time,
ferry my soul closer to God