vineseeker wrote:whats useful for you? Some knowledge about materials or nature, technology and so on...
Well advanced beings dont operate that way. They know what is transitory therefor they will not waste their time with that stuff too much.
All of that what you want to know is transitory, so I bet you can wait for a long time to find your evidence.
But these advanced energy bros will teach you about compassion and other things
But I guess that does not count and is not important for your research.
Virtualmark, I understand your question and I understand what you're looking for...but in my opinion, from my experience, you're looking in the wrong direction.
virtualmark wrote:
The difference here is that your supposed living room communication isn't benefiting humanity whatsoever. Whereas if we found aliens and spoke to them via radio, we could share the knowledge round and have a 2 way communication that would benefit the whole world.
Quite the contrary - these supposed living room visits ARE benefiting humanity. Just look at what everyone is saying in this thread. Not that everyone is claiming these changes are rooted in ET contact, but whether the lessons, perspective shifts, etc come from aliens or just come from getting different perspectives on our lives/the world due to shifts in consciousness, it's absolutely without-a-doubt causing people to take a step back and analyze their life and how they're living it and make changes necessary to align with love and harmony. These experiences are making big changes in people's personal lives, and thus, the world, by way of spreading through the social system like nutrients in a root system - not all the roots are picking up all the same information, but the whole plant benefits nonetheless.
I have been communicated with on many occasions over the years, and whether it was an illusory experience involving other aspects of myself or not does't seem to matter, because the effect is the same. It's always about evolution and improvement, and it always is serious enough to bring about change in how I conduct my life - change for the better.
As for aliens coming across a technological apparatus to teach us how to improve our way of living, I don't think that's the way it works - in my experience, contact occurs when the frequency range that one's consciousness is tuned in to is altered to bring it closer to the range of the beings with whom you wish to contact. And so who does this allow them to communicate with? Those who are taking these substances, or using other methodologies, and reaching out for such contact - thereby tuning in/reaching out, very similar to an antenna! WE are the devices to be used in communication, not a physical apparatus.
And as for them teaching us technological advancements:
“It’s clearly a crisis of two things: of consciousness and conditioning. We have the technological power, the engineering skills to save our planet, to cure disease, to feed the hungry, to end war; But we lack the intellectual vision, the ability to change our minds. We must decondition ourselves from 10,000 years of bad behavior. And, it’s not easy.”
“We have the money, the power, the medical understanding, the scientific know-how, the love and the community to produce a kind of human paradise. But we are led by the least among us – the least intelligent, the least noble, the least visionary. We are led by the least among us and we do not fight back against the dehumanizing values that are handed down as control icons.”
Both from Terence McKenna
DMT and other psychedelics, and aliens, have much more important things to offer than technological advancements. That is not what is going to save/fix our world. They offer guidance along a path to a new level of mental/emotional/psychological/spiritual advancement – and, in some cases, sure - maybe technological – but if that’s the only direction you’re looking to for improvement of our situation here on Earth, you’re missing a huge part (the main part) of the picture.
It’s not a matter of getting technology or other scientific advice from an ET race. It’s a matter of bucking the F up and dealing with our issues. Looking for technology or other scientific advice from an ET race is sorta like someone looking to the pharmaceutical industry for the cure to an ailment, when that ‘cure’ will only mask the issue and bring about new symptoms down the road. That’s an understandable route to take, but only for someone who doesn’t know the alternatives. And the alternatives are what DMT, and other psychedelics, can teach people about, if they go in to it looking for it – reaching out for advice and guidance on how to be a part of a different way of living on earth, rooted in love and compassion not only for each other but for life in any and every form, animate and (seemingly) inanimate. They can help us decondition from our previous/current ways, which many people blindly accept as “human nature”. They can help us take a stand. They can help us rise up...and none of it takes attaining a new level of technological advancement. It takes a new level of mental/emotional/psychological/spiritual advancement...of which the path to is lit by psychedelics and other consciousness-expanding methodologies - technology takes a back seat here, for the time being.