Hey if yoyur interested there is an amazing interview on this website probablefuture.com about 2012 and beyond and many others (also lots of other information really interesting) and I promise you can tell the guy (Gerald O'donnell) is "real" when he says something. He is an ex-government remote viewing spy or somthing like that, a hypnotherapis't and like the modern day Jesu lol. But really I've done his cd's there's a course with 20 or so cd's that are amazing to say the least. It opens you up just like dmt ( haven't done dmt yet) to basically the truth of reality and howto raise your vibrations aaand manipulatee your dna (sounds far out I know) and that were doing it on a concious and subconsious level anyways (No I'm not a marketer) the best thing is you dot have to do anything but listen to it not even pay attention but passively you khnow.
Check out the site if ya get bored or something. I believe many of you on here will resonate with the information.