As one who voices the word,
"Void", quite frequently... I must qualify that there is really nothing we can say ABOUT the Void. We attempt to find a label which fits, and there are several that point towards it's enigmatic nature, YET NONE THAT CAN TRULY SUFFICE TO DEFINE WHAT IS INDEFINABLE. But we must be crystal clear, that if it can be described in words, it's not the Void, it is our concept of the Void.
In my heart of hearts, I have touched this no-thing. It is tangible, in the way it is experienced by a human being, yet, intangible in it's essence. As humanity reaches for a concept which most suits this no-thing-ness, we struggle within our minds, fixtures of dualistic perception, to capture something graspable about this Void.
Am I saying that said Void has characteristics? No, that is an absurd idea... but it does seem, from my admittedly limited vantage point, to be immaterial, indivisible and insubstantial. For millenniums, people have intimated that it is out of this no-thing-ness, that all this is, has come into being. This is mirrored in some of today's quantum physics, it is a relatively new hypothesis, that out of said
no-thing-ness, quantum fluctuations were initiated... for no known reason. Now this is, in-and-of itself, a most profound and Sacred observation.
But is the Void simply the absence of something? You know, the polar opposite of everything else? Or is it that quintessential emptiness, existent within everything? Half of the whole, which are united together, in some cosmic dance of Omniscience being. Frankly, of all of the topics we might discuss, by design, this is one that can never be encapsulated in words or thoughts. NOT A CHANCE!!!
So, what is the value of perceiving this Void, if it cannot realistically be held within any conceptual context? I humbly suggest that it is of paramount importance for the psychonaut, as it reveals that there is so much more to existence within this vast universe, than what we can contain within our minds. This great mystery keeps us awake and alert to the fallacious behavior of our mental dialog, our need to comprehend everything we are capable of corralling into a linear format, and therefore, attempt to do so with no-thing-ness.
IMO, it is best to acknowledge the Void... and accept that it is beyond our grasp. There is an old Zen quote,
"In emptiness is fullness." This hits close to the mark, as far as our understanding of the interrelationship between what is and what might be considered as the Void. :idea:
THAT WHICH WAS BEFORE IS-NESS AND WILL STILL BE, WHEN ALL THAT IS, RETURNS BACK INTO THE VOID. There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.