tetra wrote:I know this is an old thread, but while it's open, yo SoulCrushingBass: have you tried the various oral forms of DMT? And if so, was is a negative experience? And if not, why not? Oral rules! (hey, no jokes people) .
I've done the oral dose a few times. Often it was introspective and a hard pill to swallow, often taking me to the extremes of emotions of despair,guilt, and fear of complete insanity. For me it just last too long and I just want to be sober. I made a post about my last dose of 155mg and quit drinking. I was a 6 pack of tall ice beer drinker that can't remember not drinking a single day. When the trip was towards it end there was a lot of the crazy thinking, some may be possible I never can tell in the moment. I was shown the world is completely insane and will kill anyone who violates their way of thinking. Images of angry people arguing with me acting completely batshit and calling me the crazy one. Getting ready to seriously kill me, like the subconcious in "Inception". I felt so weak and helpless and alone. Infuriated by this I didn't see the world as saveable and that everyone should be destroyed, that through a worldwide event would be the only eat to save them, and that by getting mad enough and bringing up all my past anger I could split all the atoms in my body and "Go nuclear". I didn't try, I could see the good too but it was hard to decide, the balance is so close.
Sidefacts of the numbers i looked em up
So, 2.5621 x 10^24 atoms fissioned in little boy.
so we have 3.1237 x 10^21 atoms having undergone fission events in Fat man approximately.
According to Jefferson Lab (education.jlab.org), an average 70 Kg person, that's about 150 lbs, will have approximately 7*10 to the 27th atoms in their body. That's 7 followed by 27 zeros (7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000). That number is bigger than the number of stars in the Universe, which is estimated at 10*21 or 10 followed by 21 zeros (10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000).
So no more eating that for me
Well, y'know, it's like this experience that I had was like, y'know, erm, it was kind of the most profound experience I've had in me life, like