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DMT: Illuminati Hyperdimensional Interface and the Clockwork Elves Options
#21 Posted : 6/22/2011 9:10:04 PM

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tetra wrote:
The bible forbids psychedelics? What the hell does the bible have to do with ANYthing?

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley

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#22 Posted : 6/22/2011 9:36:02 PM

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"I don't need DMT to see how evil these globalists are..."

"The White House is whole hog into this stuff and has been for 40-50 years!"

I LOVE IT! Thank you, you made my day - that was hilarious! DMT aristocracy conspiracy! I have news for y'all, JBArk is actually Bush Senior, and, i know I am blowing his cover, but Endlessness (he told me in a PM) is actually Donald Rumsfeld, Ms Minxx is Sarah Palin and Snozzelberry, wait for it - is actually President Barak Obama!! Wow, the lid is off!!

Oh yeah - as we all know, the Traveler is actually lady gaga (I unveiled this well kept secret in another thread), but every rule has its exceptions!


JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#23 Posted : 6/22/2011 9:37:11 PM

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The bible does not even loosely refer to psychedelics. And I know of at least one spiritualist Christian church of many thousand members who utilize ayahuasca regularly for spiritual purposes.
"'Tis true, without falsehood, certain and most true.
That which is below is as that which is above, and that which is above is as that which is below, to accomplish the miracle of the One thing.
And as all things have arisen from one by the meditation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.
The Sun is its father, the Moon its mother,
the wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth its nurse."

-Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus

All posts by the above author, HermeticShaman are fictional segments of a fictional fantasy book about fictional psychedelic journeys and travels to fantasy lands of wonder and imagination. Any resemblance to real events, intentions, conspiracy to commit illegal activities, or confessions of illegal activity are merely a convincing way to build up an epic plot line, and in no way represent the lifestyle or actions of the man behind the name.
#24 Posted : 6/22/2011 9:38:09 PM

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Silly interweb troll person

I like that .

This Alex Jones guy is nuts, he seems like a
Rush limbaugh copy dude .
Total rambling nonsense garbage spoken with authority .
Show biz
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

Pebble on the Beach
#25 Posted : 6/22/2011 10:29:08 PM

C r a c k B l i p T o o t T o o t ! ! !

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This is what Jones does, this is how he makes money. I find it sad that, just because he's anti-establishment ( or is he, for all we know it could be an act ) he gets sympathy from counter-culture orientated folks. He's one of the faces of fear-porn, as I said making money out of scaring the shit out of easily influenced people.

I bite my thumb at him.
"I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong."
"Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting."
Bertrand Russell

All things are possible, everything is permissable
#26 Posted : 6/23/2011 3:44:42 AM

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Hmm I guess this means that Alex Jones and Joe Rogan ain't buds anymore! Shocked Wink
#27 Posted : 6/23/2011 5:14:57 AM

I Eat Plant Magic

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I think y'all took this way too seriously... I mean, that video was HILARIOUS.

Someday I'm going to find out that everything he said was right and LAUGH MY ASS OFF.


#28 Posted : 6/23/2011 5:27:13 AM


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I like turtles.
#29 Posted : 6/23/2011 5:49:00 AM


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The happy hyper elf says:

If you build it...

They will come!

Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#30 Posted : 6/23/2011 7:24:19 AM
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How I've missed you and your super spooky boogeyman fear mongering, silly interweb troll person.

If spice ain't your thing, then by all means don't do it. But consider getting a life that doesn't revolve around it anyway.
How I've missed you and your super spooky boogeyman fear mongering, silly interweb troll person.

Let me get this straight, I'm a troll and a knucklehead because I have a differing opinion than most of the DMT Cheerleading squad you have here? I don't think so.

Hundreds of reports of alien contact,unwanted experimentation, probes, therianthropy, implants, 'procedures', downloading of psychic information, disection, psychic rape and other such experiences have been reported and experienced on DMT. Thats a fact. I'm not implying that 'positive' experiences don't occur but then how can you tell whats really 'positive' in that realm anyway?

Speaking of downloading of information which is quite a common theme in the DMT flash heres a quote which does sound strangely similiar:


Yes, I understand. I have heard this stated by other milabs and super soldiers (i.e., Michael Relfe) and mind control victims, about the black meta technology, horrid humiliating torture, downloading of โ€œprogramsโ€ done via high speed subliminals, or other advanced alien technology where the person is literally downloaded with information. It comes in compacted forms like a zip file, and then unwinds later when needed.

Interview with a Female Milab โ€œAbducteeโ€ (Lilu Tuatha) By Eve

Fractal Enchantment, I made a mistake in my post and posted the Wiki link twice. Read this full article to get a better understanding what actually is involved in Shamanism, and I also mean 'Healing' Shamanism:


Read the article above carefully. Isn't it strange that the spirits the Shaman uses to heal also have the desire to harm and 'eat flesh'? Food for thought at least isn't it?

You say that 95% of your experiences with DMT are positive. I have experianced DMT and have eventually encountered things such as what I've stated above, many people have. Many experience reports also show this to be true both on the DMT Nexus and many other sources, and also experience accounts of my colleagues. Yes this manevolent contact can and does occur, you can't deny that fact.

Hermetic Shaman, I'm glad you haven't had any negative experiances with DMT. I hope it stays that way. Many people have had negative experiances with this compound eventually. Fingers crossed I guess huh?

As for the rest of you giggling and seeing it all as a joke, do you think this stuff is a fun thing to do for kicks and there aren't any spiritual reprecussions or dangers involved? Just don't say I didn't warn you.

Thats just the tip of the hyperdimensional iceberg:


I saw a giant neon spider-like being from the inside out. I was in its multi-bladdered heart, moving outwards through its body. It communed with me, and taught me to surrender. It showed me the part of my brain I needed to exercise to let the DMT come over me. I was surprised at how much control I had over the experience (unlike my one plain DMT experience, which was all about me not really knowing how to surrender, despite my experiences with other psychedelics).


Soon I was travelling so deep that i became curious as to the where abouts of my body (big mistake). Basically as soon as i thought it i was back in my body but it wasnt my own! I had this wierd feeling in my throat that felt like something being pushed down it. I poked out my tongue to make sure that i wasnt chocking on it and was horrified to see that it was extremely long and reptilian like! I tried to ignore this so again closed my eyes. The feeling in my throat didnt leave me and i 'realised' that there was indeed something being pushed into me. I suddenly had the feeling that something very alien was implanting something in me. I had the destinct feeling that they had seduced me to come deeper so that they could implant a communications device into me!


I saw the inside of a beautiful cathedral or palace or something like that with lots of stained glass windows.... but it was very fleeting. It then twisted into beautiful, complex, colorful geometric shapes, still having a stained glass kind of look. If I opened my eyes it would disapear for a split second thenb superimpose. I felt a "presence" that seemed to be beckoning me to go in deeper (not in any kind of words... it was just a "feeling"Pleased, but I couldnt. I felt this feeling of pleasure in my midsection, and then the images turned slightly darker, and I got a feeling of an evil presence. then it ended.


Full contact. They landed and took parts out of me and/or put parts in. Or - another possibility - they showed me the performance of such an act, whether it was physically carried out on me or not. But being shown something is equivalent to its happening. The whole of our experience is a long-flung fireball illumination of what's shown to us. This is a UFO landing: when someone is open for contact (through DMT or whatever). I wonder if anybody else saw them. I wonder if they put things into me (those insects they were talking about last time). I wonder if they can now contact me at any time now or just when I'm high. I wonder if they actually take people with them, I wonder if they'll take me with them.
There were sloppy serpentine parts hanging out of buckets - revolting, although I felt oddly calm about it, considering they were parts of myself. Mildly interested in the process, despite the fact that I felt I was being victimized, no matter how you look at it: lying there amidst a mass of extraterrestrial thighs, being operated on.

#31 Posted : 6/23/2011 10:43:13 AM


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I think some people mistake crack for dmt.
Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
Red and yellow then came to be,
reaching out to me, lets me see.
There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these,
infinite possibilities.
As below so above and beyond I imagine,
drawn outside the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
#32 Posted : 6/23/2011 11:06:14 AM

Everything the light touches

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This is just... I don't even... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, what a moron!
I really liked Alex before this Sad
Sonorous fractal manifestastions,
birthing golden vibrations,
that echo through folds of space & time,
ferry my soul closer to God

#33 Posted : 6/23/2011 11:34:39 AM
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PrimalWisdom wrote:
This is just... I don't even... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, what a moron!
I really liked Alex before this Sad

I used to be interested in all those conspiracy people like David Icke and Jordan Maxwell. For some reason though, I never could really get into Alex Jones. Something about him just never resonated with me....now I know why.
"Talent does what it can, Genius does what it must"
#34 Posted : 6/23/2011 7:46:11 PM


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litrium wrote:

Let me get this straight, I'm a troll and a knucklehead because I have a differing opinion than most of the DMT Cheerleading squad you have here? I don't think so.

CORRECTION: i believe you mean EVIL DMT Cheerleading Squad

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#35 Posted : 6/23/2011 7:56:08 PM


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no wait, let me catch my breath.
They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
#36 Posted : 6/23/2011 8:02:36 PM


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This is too weird...the last time I blasted off I met an entity that looked just like dick cheney but small and had pointy ears of course, and he told me to set up a world government based on democracy.
He also threatened me with a shotgun saying if I didnt do what he said I would be killed the next time I entered hyperspace.
I think not Twisted Evil
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#37 Posted : 6/23/2011 8:10:32 PM

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archaic_architect wrote:
This is too weird...the last time I blasted off I met an entity that looked just like dick cheney but small and had pointy ears of course, and he told me to set up a world government based on democracy.
He also threatened me with a shotgun saying if I didnt do what he said I would be killed the next time I entered hyperspace.
I think not Twisted Evil

Uncle Knucles is Dick Cheney. See my post above. Wink

JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#38 Posted : 6/23/2011 8:17:53 PM


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Nice to meet you art, you dont come across so hostile in your posts...must be part of the facade.
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#39 Posted : 6/23/2011 8:28:11 PM

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archaic_architect wrote:
...the last time I blasted off I met an entity that looked just like dick cheney but small and had pointy ears of course, and he told me to set up a world government based on democracy.

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#40 Posted : 6/23/2011 9:10:52 PM


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Haha! Just like that a1pha!
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
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