fractal enchantment wrote:the only problem I see with worrying about some sort of ascention is the fact that it sort of becomes a cop out in relation to what is going on in the real world. I dont believe in some kind of ascention that has to do with people dissapearing from planet earth while all of our problems lay out here unadressed.
I've pondered much about world problems, nature, oblivion, hopelessness, apocalyptic thoughts. What are the world's problems, exactly? As I see it, there are three basic "problems" in this life. 1) Fear of death 2) fear of the unknown 3) fear of pain. Those three things exist in the individual, and can only be dealt with there. The world's problems are really your problems. Just about everyone is afraid of death, the unknown, and pain, and all the violence and suffering on earth is the result of people wanting to avoid those things for themselves. In order to avoid those things, people inflict the big 3 problems on others. But of course, it's all one organism. But don’t these three problems exist only because people don’t want to accept them as they are?
Nature is an interesting monster. Every time you see an angry person, they're raging at their own nature. Every angry person out there is a wandering soul, inflicting pain upon themselves by being angry at the world, unknowingly being angry at themselves. People who realize this have the opportunity to let go of the suffering. I think nature has presented humans, and all creatures, with an unsolvable puzzle. The puzzle is this.... you have the idea that something is wrong, and you want to preserve your existence, yet no matter what road you choose, everything comes to an end. There is no right way. You can pick up a sword and start swinging it at everything you consider evil, and in the process, become a monster yourself. New enemies keep re-spawning, and you'll still die eventually, as will everyone and everything you know. Or, you can drop your sword, give up, resolve yourself to non violence. You'll still die. No matter what you do, you die... and there will probably be a good deal of pain along the eventual road to the end, whether it be in the form of someone killing you, or just being ravaged and slowly degrading from old age. Everything you know will be lost no matter what you do. To quote someone roughly, there are no winners or losers in life, only those who live to fight another day.
As for violence, I see it as a natural phenomenon. I think people are under a mass illusion that violence is only something that bad people do. No, when people get hungry, when people get desperate, when people don't know where to find shelter, or food or water, or when people are deprived, they tend to abandon civility because they know civility will no longer serve them. Instead, they start stealing, they start trying to beat anyone who gets in their way, they claw for resources. Violence is like a Plan B for organisms. If a system of co-operation breaks down, then violence and ruthlessness become the only chance of survival. Sure, you might hope that a desperate person might politely commit suicide and not bother innocent people who have everything, but that's just not the reality of how humans act.
The best people could possibly do to reduce violence is reduce environments which lead to violence. Societies should seek to reduce poverty, lack of education.... and also realize that to continuing to war against countries which are already pissed at you is a sure fire way to create more future enemies. I hope countries also start realizing that imprisoning people in mass quantities for things that shouldn't be criminal, such as using certain substances, only creates an environment of despair, suffering, mental illness, which basically results in much more crime. Creating suffering for others tends to result in backlash of suffering.
And so, I hope people strive for a society in which everyone is more co-operative, and loving of each other. I hope people can accept that violence is just naturally what occurs when people get desperate, when they feel unloved… so we might as well try to get along with each other so we don’t hurt each other.
RayOfLight wrote:Maybe If we turn the other cheek, maybe if we do what Jesus or Buddha suggests at the point of death you ascend into a higher dimension because you overcame hate with love.....
Guess there is no way to know for sure unless you try it. I dunno If I'm ready to sign up for that yet.
I suspect everyone goes through some sort of radical change at the point of death, no matter who they are. They could be the most hateful, evil bastard ever, and they'll still come to the same type of realization as anyone else. Likely, they'll realize it was all an illusion, all a show, and all self imposed, and self reinforced. I sometimes wonder what real death is like.... if the soldiers out there killing each realize at the point of death, "oh my God... it was all a dream. What a nightmare. I'm glad it's over"
I don't think personality has anything to do with anything at death, except the final thoughts one has, the final trip. But the truth one may come to at death is beyond ego. Death is the end of the egoic stuff. Take our spice adventures, for example. Once that stuff hits our brain, we become aware of something else..... something we never even imagined possible. All your logic, all your beliefs and ideas, all your prejudices, all your hate, all your assumptions of self identity, and everything you thought you knew about anything goes right the fuck out the window.
Everything in the universe is subject to the same truth, and subject to death. You can turn the other cheek, or not. The choice is yours. Either way, you will die, and the truth of your being will be exposed. Personally, whether I turn the other cheek or not, I won’t be filled with hate. The only way not to hate is to surrender. Surrender to what is. Any hate is really self hate, and I wouldn’t wish to go out, nor live this life hating my own nature.
It’s not really others that are violent, it’s not the world that’s evil, but that’s my own nature. The world is a reflection of my own nature. I can’t see anything in the world that isn’t part of my own nature. Animals killing animals to survive, death, pain…. Yep, that’s all part of my existence, that’s all part of my whole experience here. I do not know why this is so, but I know that it is so. I no longer ask why it is so, for asking why perpetuates the suffering. Asking why is a wish to avoid that suffering. Wishing to avoid suffering is the only kind of suffering. There is no other suffering. So when I look at the world and see all the suffering in it, yes it saddens me, and yes I want it to change. But the nature of the world IS my nature, and my primary task is to not hate myself. If I hate my own nature, I've lost everything, even if I appear to win anything on the physical plane. If I'm willing to hate in order to get love, then I've forgotten what love is. I've fallen under a spell of illusion. The primary focus is your own soul. Remember that when you are disgusted by the world.
You see people, we’re all the same. We are all the same nature. No one really wants violence, yet most people are willing to resort to it if they feel they have to. We are not separate from this. Most people here come to the conclusion that violence is sometimes necessary. People say they want peace and love and beauty… yet they’re willing to kill and become what they hate to get such things. They’re willing to hate so they can experience what they love. I’m not damning anyone, I’m just pointing out the truth that people don’t like to admit. I’m not promoting violence that’s for sure, just pointing out some truths that are hard to face.
RayOfLight wrote: I look up in the sky and see an airplane spewing aluminium into the atmosphere and I'm forced to the conclusion that the only thing that's going to stop it is a missile launcher.
RayOfLight wrote: I'm always wondering why our creator or whatever force put all this together would allow for good people that just want a better planet and are doing their part to go down with the ship. It just doesn't make any sense.
The nature of the puzzle is unsolvable. No matter what road you take, as long as you seek to escape reality, no road will free you. Fight back, be non violent, be an activist, be a couch potato, whatever. We all end up the same. I think the creator put it together this way because it’s so compelling and mystifying… and tragically beautiful in its own way.
Unfortunately, I do not predict a bright future for humans, and especially the whole planet, over the next couple hundred years. Lord knows, no matter how much human loss occurs, it’s nothing compared to the impact that humans have on the entire animal kingdom. But anyway, the reason I don’t see a bright future is because I see overpopulation and lack of resources becoming the biggest problem the world has ever seen. I think people will just keep increasing exponentially in numbers until all of a sudden, there won’t be enough resources to support the whole system, and it will crash and a lot of people will die. It will turn to a world where everyone just fights for whatever resources they can get. But, I don’t think this will mean the end of humanity, just the end civil society, the end of healthy eco systems on the planet…. At least for a while, a very dark period. It should all even itself out over time though.
Obviously, I don’t want this to happen, but I feel opinion and activism are irrelevant. No matter what system of thought or government is utilized, I think the population will just grow until there aren't enough resources. People are just going to keep fucking because it’s like the strongest desire ever. That’s how people are wired, they want to reproduce. I don’t think people will stop until they physically can’t cram any more bodies on the planet. There is no “new world” waiting across the ocean anymore. Every liveable continent is taken. All the resources are being tapped. Wars and disease are killing millions, yet the population keeps going up. Even a 1% increase, which is considered slow, means a doubled population in 70 years. Can the world handle such an increase? If anything will save the planet, it’s a comprehensive plan for sustainable living. But currently, the powers that be seem to still believe in an infinite growth system, despite its obvious impossibility on a finite planet that cannot even adequately feed its current population.
fractal enchantment wrote: This is why I think psychedelics in the proper setting are our best bet. Yes I think EVERYONE should have at least one ayahuasca experience in they're lifetime. I think experiences such as this should be seen as innititations into adulthood. It is not the only way to get us there, but it is the most reliable IMO, when taken in the right context.
I agree strongly.