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corpus callosum
#21 Posted : 9/13/2011 10:42:37 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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DMT is what it is.Deal with it!!Very happy Shocked
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.


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#22 Posted : 9/13/2011 11:17:31 AM

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corpus callosum wrote:
DMT is what it is.Deal with it!!Very happy Shocked

Yes, and newbs: start low or you'll crap your brains!
#23 Posted : 9/13/2011 12:23:37 PM

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RayOfLight wrote:
Yes its a simple molecule but what is its function? why do people get similar Myan or Egyptian type hallucinations? why do a lot of people that experience it get new age ideas from it like 2012? is it a cosmic radio tuner? a means of an ancient civilization like Atlantis to communicate through messages encoded in plants? are DMT levels in the human body increasing for some reason? I know there are no solid answers to these questions. Just your thoughts would be appreciated. thank you .

..> From everything that i have so far understood,Pineal DMT is what allows your soul to exist in your body. When you choose to smoke DMT it removes any conditioning, or filters from the mind and allows direct experience of Universal consciousness. The experts believe that what you see is always there, but in our normal life our filters prevent it from being seen. Perhaps at night when we sleep in our submissive states those filters are also removed which is when we "dream".>>??Wut?

--Just my 1/2 pence!
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#24 Posted : 9/13/2011 12:42:16 PM

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#25 Posted : 9/13/2011 12:50:57 PM

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endlessness wrote:

--Good point, Endlessness.

>>What is DMT???, I Guess it's what one makes of it! Cool
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
EquaL Observer
#26 Posted : 9/13/2011 2:08:18 PM


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It is the central storage point of all bounds of consciousness within our biosphere? Really who knows, but it IS definitely something... will we ever know?
Your depth is your integrity
#27 Posted : 9/13/2011 4:27:29 PM

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DMT is shrouded in mystery but do you really need a guru to explain you his own interpretation ?!
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#28 Posted : 9/13/2011 5:58:01 PM

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RayOfLight wrote:
Yes its a simple molecule but what is its function? why do people get similar Myan or Egyptian type hallucinations? why do a lot of people that experience it get new age ideas from it like 2012? is it a cosmic radio tuner? a means of an ancient civilization like Atlantis to communicate through messages encoded in plants? are DMT levels in the human body increasing for some reason? I know there are no solid answers to these questions. Just your thoughts would be appreciated. thank you .

The primary effects can be links largely to structure and signal refraction, basically the resonance of the molecule, an electrochemical property, causes electrochemical signals sent through it, when it or metabolites of it interact with synapses, to be sort of fractalized.
Many molecules have this same effect, it involves serotonin receptors and glutamate receptors and by stopping the action of either of these the effect does not take place. Also the shape of the molecule is a major factor, so not all molecules that interact with these receptors cause the same effect, they must have a symmetry that refracts the signals in a specific way, like a phase shift.

Then they must deal with the enzymes designed to break down the molecules, DMT as you know is broken down very fast, however add an HO group to it and you make it orally active, this is psilocin.

By having a molecule that refracts the signal, kind of like a prism or a some forms of calcium based crystals, that also interacts with the right receptors and also withstands metabolism, then you have these effects. Shapes can vary, which is why there are so many 2c series molecules that are active, but shape affects refraction and interaction and so effects vary to some degree due to the shape.

When considering DMT, it might be wise to consider related molecules like psilocin and DET, diethyl instead of dimethyl...

One thing to think about is what the shamans say, that the vine causes the true visions and the leaf makes em brighter, that the real active in aya is the vine itself and that DMT containing plants are additional, not primary ingredients. I would strongly suggest that people interested in shamanic practice place emphasis upon the vine, which is associated with telepathy, remote viewing and visions, not merely scintillating ultra detailed patterns in super technicolor.

#29 Posted : 9/13/2011 6:38:04 PM

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"merely" ? Are we talking about the same dmt? Laughing

Just because some cultures say one thing it doesn't mean you should follow what they say. Its not like there is consensus on the value and way to use ethnobotanicals amongst indigenous people and 'shamans' anyways. Just use what you want and how you want it, no need to follow someone else Cool
#30 Posted : 9/14/2011 8:39:03 PM

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DMT is food for the soul
I think I'm blessed to have my endless curiosity pave the road to uncharted territories in ever changing, and unfolding reality.
Whåt wë ñèéd î§ å vøçåßµlãr¥ tø d맩ríþê ªll thë mºdålïtïê§ ðf å dïvïñë ïñéþrïåñt.
#31 Posted : 9/14/2011 9:33:14 PM

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Dmt sharpens you!

http://www.youtube.com/w...e=player_detailpage#t=8s Razz
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#32 Posted : 9/15/2011 4:10:40 AM

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The greatest tool/medicine mankind has ever seen, left by a higher power (however you define that power) to facilitate a reunification between the human consciousness and the divine.

Peace and Happy Journeys Smile
All posts are completely fictional and for educational purposes only
#33 Posted : 9/15/2011 5:34:32 AM

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christian wrote:
RayOfLight wrote:
Yes its a simple molecule but what is its function? why do people get similar Myan or Egyptian type hallucinations? why do a lot of people that experience it get new age ideas from it like 2012? is it a cosmic radio tuner? a means of an ancient civilization like Atlantis to communicate through messages encoded in plants? are DMT levels in the human body increasing for some reason? I know there are no solid answers to these questions. Just your thoughts would be appreciated. thank you .

..> From everything that i have so far understood,Pineal DMT is what allows your soul to exist in your body. When you choose to smoke DMT it removes any conditioning, or filters from the mind and allows direct experience of Universal consciousness. The experts believe that what you see is always there, but in our normal life our filters prevent it from being seen. Perhaps at night when we sleep in our submissive states those filters are also removed which is when we "dream".>>??Wut?

--Just my 1/2 pence!

Without a doubt it's always there. It's the dream world from which all reality(s) spring(s) forth. I believe the filters can also be unveiled through meditation..

entheogenadvocate wrote:
The greatest tool/medicine mankind has ever seen, left by a higher power (however you define that power) to facilitate a reunification between the human consciousness and the divine.

Peace and Happy Journeys Smile

This is the most accurate description I have ever read.
#34 Posted : 9/22/2011 11:16:13 AM


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#35 Posted : 10/3/2011 9:10:13 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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All sorts of exotic things, but I like to keep it conservative and think of it as a neurotransmitter active in brain mechanisms involving categories of perception. Neurons use it as an "alert" signal to other neurons when the brain is processing new information which runs contrary to known categories. It "softens" what is known so it can be merged with new information. This could also explain how it may have a role in dreams when information is consolidated and in NDEs when the mind prepares for the end.

The DMT trip sets off a massive cascade of unfocused receptivity by those neurons coordinating information flow. They are no longer able to collaborate on categorizing information because they are all switched-on simultaneously. The ability to make linear judgments involving quantities is jammed by the flood of raw sensory data, and we revert to a sort of timeless proto-consciousness, in which the mind, though lucid amidst its reflection, is no longer subject to artificial notions of causality.

Just my hypothesis.

I think DMT (and other psychedelics) open up pathways to cognitive pathways not normally considered "natural". In the subversion of normal sense experience we become aware of natural patterns we have conditioned ourselves to ignore. Anyone who has had a lot of experience with psychedelics has experienced that sense of telepathy, where the minds of two trippers are intertwined, and the distinction between individuals becomes hazy. We think and feel for each other and pass memories around like drawings. I think that the implications of this and other similar phenomena go much deeper down the rabbit hole than most materialists are willing to speculate about. I agree with that hesitation, but I can't wait to see more human research done! Shocked
Simon Jester
#36 Posted : 10/13/2011 1:16:49 PM

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tele wrote:
corpus callosum wrote:
DMT is what it is.Deal with it!!Very happy Shocked

Yes, and newbs: start low or you'll crap your brains!

Start high. Crap brains. Smoke more. Repeat until you figure out absolutely nothing.

DMT is a molecule...
WTF are you?
#37 Posted : 10/13/2011 2:42:21 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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DMT = Divine Moments of Truth.
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
#38 Posted : 10/13/2011 3:19:14 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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DMT is the key to a vibrational field which enables you to change!
elusive illusion
#39 Posted : 10/13/2011 3:24:40 PM

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maybe dmt is a substance somehow creating in our brains a dimensional wormhole that is taking us straight into the 9'th dimension (which we call hyperspace).


`I can't explain MYSELF, I'm afraid, sir' said Alice, `because I'm not myself, you see.'
#40 Posted : 10/13/2011 4:08:25 PM

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In all honesty, I have long ascribed to the theory that what we are experiencing as life on earth could be nothing more than an elaborate video game type scenario, whether for our soul's own personal enjoyment (why else do you play a game, even if it's this challenging?) or for some other reason. DMT and substances like it are like the proverbial 'easter eggs' that the 'developer(s)' left over for us to remind us of the true reality of the situation we find ourselves in. In the words of Robert Monroe, 'We are here as humans because we are all addicted to the experience of being human', like a gamer who is really, REALLY into the game he's playing, so much so that he starts to lose touch with the outside world (hyperspace). Knowing that this 'Planet Earth video game' can be so addictive, it would make sense that the 'developer' or creator would leave behind something in-game so those really addicted gamers would come across it and be reminded that they are only playing a game, nothing more and nothing less.

In a lot of ways it feels sort of like a joke. Like, life on Earth is really funny from an outside perspective, but while you're caught up in it it can be messy and downright unpleasant at times. I believe wholeheartedly that psychedelics were placed here as tools to be able to get out of the game of life for awhile and bask in the radiance of where you come from and will eventually return to, sort of like taking a time out from a very stressful job you have to do. It helps to gain this outside perspective as it helps improve our in-game situation by reminding us not to take this temporary thing called life to seriously. Have fun! Enjoy it! Learn all you can, but don't get caught up in the rat race it's not for your highest good. That's always the feeling I'm left with after a deep experience.
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
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