I can relate to suicybe.
The first time a took lsd blotter back in high school, i had someone that was more experienced than i, that was with me and i was glad to have him there.17 yrs later and plenty of experience w/ psychedelics,i'd probably be cool with the experience but i still would prefer to have someone more experienced with that ethneogen there.Mabey i'm a puss.
I know i have helped a few people who were having "bad trips" on acid or shrooms that i was able to help and give them some of my positive energy and redirect their thoughts to positivity.
I also agree w/ reborn,i would be able to chip in for some of the financial costs.We each could be responsible for bringing our own components or portions of what we drink or depending where the camping site would be,figure out the closest person where we can have the vendor ship the goods to.I dont think thats a huge obstacle.
The hardest part would be organizing evryone's schedule who wanted to partake and also giving some time to those who might need to save up some money.
Of course there is alway's risks and dangers involved but it could also give this community that much of a stronger bond and have an amazing spiritual experience.
We could also take some precautions and do some of the organization through pm's or some other route,that way people just browsing the net cant steel our marshmellos and smoars
I am serious, if you guys are.
Smoking dmt before bedtime is nice.I always have amazing dreams,even days after smoking.I don't know the long term side effect's to chronic use,though
" Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti