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Rising Spirit
#21 Posted : 3/2/2011 12:02:38 AM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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burningmouth wrote:

Go brother, go! Of course, don't forget to balance your whole range of selves (mental, physical, psychological, spiritual). Get plenty of fresh air, healthy nutrition and sunlight, so as to keep yourself ready for the ever impending... KABOOM!!! I imagine a month with Lady Salvia can weather the most courageous psychonaut, while on such a nonstop roller-coaster ride.

You know... sometimes I wonder if part of ourselves remains in the Salvia Universe? Some aspect, some shadow of our 3-dimensional selves which is left on the other side, looping for an eternity. Call it a mirrored reflection of our earthly self or even a psychic fingerprint of sorts. I wonder if it intrigues or infuriates the Salvia entities, these echoes and reflections of our human ego-consciousness??? Wink
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#22 Posted : 3/2/2011 6:48:49 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Wow. Nice reports BM. I really like where you're going. I'm jealous. If you could rightly call yourself a coward before I don't think you can anymore. I applaud your efforts and find delightful the trinkets you return with. I hope to see it soon myself.

The parallel worlds I remember flashing by, were all very different from this world. All quite alien and strange, far places on the tree of life. But it did feel parallel still. At least existing side by side, with a version of my soul browsing (but feeling entangled) through 1000s of possibilities. My head was the chaos machine that it all spun inside of. I must return to see what was missed.
My ego is insane, but I'm alright

The path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. -William Blake

Lavos is a fictional character, a dream inside a dream. Don't take what he says to be true or representational of reality in any known form. He is inspired by pure fantasy.
#23 Posted : 3/2/2011 8:31:44 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Awesome as usual, burningmouth.

I smoked a big bowl of plain leaf this afternoon, the first in several days. I usually smoke plain leaf every day or two, but I decided to take a break for five days and then return. There's not much to tell, although it was positive. I got the usual flowing/folding visual I get from plain leaf, and the Salvia entities were saying, "Let him come back in!" Very welcoming feeling, which was nice. Glad to know they do want me back there Very happy I always get the impression that there are several entities who "watch the fence" and will either beckon you forward, or give you the feeling that you're not welcome. This is absolutely non-existent when starting with a higher-end extract. You're just blasted right past the gates without any introduction or discussion. I prefer to tip-toe up to the door and ask politely to be allowed inside Smile

After the experience I lay there in my bed thinking about the "snorkeling" or "pre-loading" or "layering" method of achieving a full-on Salvia breakthrough. It seems to me to be the best way to go about it. Start with plain leaf. That way you'll know right off the bat if you're welcome or not. Then move up from there to 5x, 10x, 20x, etc. Now I know a lot of people don't have all these different strengths of extracts, but it is a great way to go really deep with Salvia. It's also easier to back off if you start to panic, get the fear, aren't ready, etc.

Just food for thought..
#24 Posted : 3/2/2011 9:04:23 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Forever riding the rotating molecular structure of interconnecting peoploids.
Rising Spirit wrote:
You know... sometimes I wonder if part of ourselves remains in the Salvia Universe? Some aspect, some shadow of our 3-dimensional selves which is left on the other side, looping for an eternity. Call it a mirrored reflection of our earthly self or even a psychic fingerprint of sorts. I wonder if it intrigues or infuriates the Salvia entities, these echoes and reflections of our human ego-consciousness??? Wink

That's an interesting idea. It wouldn't surprise me. Maybe that is our true self on the other side, and we (in consensus reality) are the ones looping. Smile That's a good question about infuriating the salvia entities. I'm still too much of a novice to give a response. That is the type of question we need to be asking as we delve into the salvia realm. Even if the salvia entities are just our own unconscious archetypes, it's still a great avenue of research.

Lavos wrote:
Wow. Nice reports BM. I really like where you're going. I'm jealous. If you could rightly call yourself a coward before I don't think you can anymore. I applaud your efforts and find delightful the trinkets you return with. I hope to see it soon myself.

Thanks Lavos. I still consider myself a coward because I'm afraid to try my 25x. Others like Dioxippus can do 25x with no problem. Even those girls on YouTube smoke purple sticky. Smile

Dioxippus wrote:
I always get the impression that there are several entities who "watch the fence" and will either beckon you forward, or give you the feeling that you're not welcome. This is absolutely non-existent when starting with a higher-end extract. You're just blasted right past the gates without any introduction or discussion. I prefer to tip-toe up to the door and ask politely to be allowed inside Smile

Hmmm, that's also interesting. I've never seen any "guardian" entities (as Brother Harmonious calls them), but that's an intriguing idea about the blasting through the welcoming gates.

Speaking of intriguing, I spent the last 24 hours thinking about those human-like beings. I always thought that I would be welcomed into their world with open arms. And why not? Aren't I an experienced salvianaut with three years of forum postings to my credit. Well, guess what? Those beings couldn't have cared less about me. I felt like an initiate in their club. When they were taunting me with those arm movements, it felt like a hazing process. They seemed to treat me the way someone would treat a puppy or a gold fish in a fish bowl. This reminds me of trip reports where the salvia beings seem annoyed by us 'travelers'.

But it was still a positive experience, and I hope to meet up with more salvia beings on my next trip. Strangely, I don't think I'm going to be as afraid the next time I blast off. I like their weird world, even with the hazing. Smile

Just typing up trip reports doesn't really interest me anymore. My goal now is zeroing in on "The Big Secret", which is where the amnesia is fortified. I'm not sure if the secret is a positive thing or a negative thing. Let me put it this way. The physical/consensus world is a play on a stage. We are the actors. All we know is the stage. The real world is located outside the stage. The real world is where the salvia beings live. They are the ones who are 'self aware'.

#25 Posted : 3/5/2011 3:17:05 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Forever riding the rotating molecular structure of interconnecting peoploids.
Major Breakthrough

Holy Shit. I just fucking saw it. HELL Fucking LLOOWWW.
DiOXIPPUS.,,,,I Fucking just saw it.

Now I know what the fucking two worlds pressed the fuck together are. They are two fucking worlds sliding/gliding up together in some sort of plasma/jelly medium. They then seamlessly zipped up together.

It’s a fucking salvia world that’s a thousand times more advanced than our world. It’s our own fucking selves, (or very close clones). They are extremely advanced, as if they are our own selves from the future.

When I saw the two worlds zipping together, the occupants of the worlds were saying things like, “OK, dude, take it easy”, and “Yeah, you’re looking at the real world, lighten up.” “Don’t blow it for everybody else.” That kind of thing.

HOLY SHIT. I saw it. It really exists. It’s out there. It’s fucking beautiful.

YES. We ARE fucking players. There’s an advanced, human-like world out there that for some damn reason, supersedes this world. Why the hell they haven’t contacted us already I don’t know. Maybe it’s because we just aren’t advanced enough to grasp it visually, mentally and (emotionally?)

I am so fucking grateful to have witnessed what I just witnessed.
SHIT man. It’s real. All these years of exploring have finally payed off. I need someone to back me up. It’s lonely out here in schizo/paranoia land.

People. What I saw wasn’t some tricked out mental shenanigans. When I saw those two worlds zipping together, it was like watching a movie from the year 2750. I can’t remember why there were two worlds. For some crazy reason they needed to zip together. The medium of those worlds zipping together was the same plasma-like jelly that I’ve seen many times before. The beings were advanced, futuristic human beings, apparently from our own world (if that makes any sense).

All of my previous trips of two worlds pressed together, the weird jelly, and the zipping together…. All those different motifs finally came together in one explosive salvia trip.

They are out there. They showed themselves within my brain’s visual cortex. I don’t know what else to say. The experience is now slowly diminishing in scope. I guess I’ll just wait and see what happens next.

This post will be cross posted over at edot.

I apologize for all the F words. Also, when the worlds were zipping together, and I saw the beings, I got the feeling that they were in the process of rescuing us. They were trying to reach us, sort of like when the Chilean miners were rescued.

This was the biggest breakthrough salvia experience of my life. I saw those worlds zipping together as plain as day. I don't know why they came together, but I might figure that out later. Those beings that I saw were definately in the process of getting closer to us. It's like they were tunneling toward us from the future. I totally believe what I saw. I might have just gone over to the dark side of insanity, but I don't care. One thing is for sure. My trips are becoming more and more revealing and more and more sophisticated. I think we are close to making contact with our human brothers in hyperspace.
#26 Posted : 3/5/2011 4:43:40 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Revelation, dear brother! Smile

The last deep trip I took, I also had the same feeling that the Salvia entities are "getting closer" somehow. They're beginning to have more of an influence on our reality (if only through us, who knows). The worlds zipping together I thought could be where I entered their space, and they were repairing it. I'm not sure about that, I just got that feeling. I also got the feeling that after it zipped up, I might be able to stay there permanently Shocked Not forced to, but able to. Very deep, strange stuff. I'm also of the belief that they're more advanced than we are, somehow. Like a futuristic version of ourselves. Salvia as a time travel catalyst?!? Shocked Laughing Why not? Smile
#27 Posted : 3/5/2011 5:29:47 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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If I could smack you on the back I would BM. Sounds like you are really reaching new levels.

I'll add what I can from my past breakthru to this image I'm getting.

I didn't get zipping of any sort. I was gone, full out there, this world was ancient history. Before returning to this world, I lived many adventures, felt like loony tunes or video game just moving and conquering. Memories of myself pulling me to the surface, my consciousness split. Now I'm a guy with everyone I ever knew lined up on my left, yelling my name, as if that was the rope to pull me up by. The other me was finishing his adventures, trying to find his way through the next stage. When adventure me burst through the next door, white land me was like wtf who, how is he, is that me? Then the separation began. All the yelling was just to force me to remember I didn't belong here. The white land world was all, blasting off, finally moving on, 3-2-1, later style. Up I come from adventure land. The body sensations were so strong, and the memory of how I got there failing, so I was sure I was dying or remembering my death since I couldn't progress without extreme loop and fear.

But I think I experienced something similar here. These other places, not just places in our minds, but places in another dimension. When it was time to 'unzip' my two realities. I was all death and agony, and they were just like, 'come on come on' 'thats it' . A type of afterlife they seem to have a grip on, a place of no time maybe? Where all our friends/family/enemies await our arrival, and later, we await them? I think it's time we reconsider the how we view the artifacts of our consciousness.
My ego is insane, but I'm alright

The path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. -William Blake

Lavos is a fictional character, a dream inside a dream. Don't take what he says to be true or representational of reality in any known form. He is inspired by pure fantasy.
#28 Posted : 3/5/2011 11:17:23 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Lavos wrote:

But I think I experienced something similar here. These other places, not just places in our minds, but places in another dimension. When it was time to 'unzip' my two realities. I was all death and agony, and they were just like, 'come on come on' 'thats it' . A type of afterlife they seem to have a grip on, a place of no time maybe? Where all our friends/family/enemies await our arrival, and later, we await them? I think it's time we reconsider the how we view the artifacts of our consciousness.

I've gotten powerful vibes of friends and family awaiting my arrival before. These family members seem like other versions of us. It's like an advanced Lavos waiting for consensus Lavos to catch up.
#29 Posted : 3/5/2011 11:27:08 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Forever riding the rotating molecular structure of interconnecting peoploids.

Dioxippus wrote:
Revelation, dear brother! Smile

The last deep trip I took, I also had the same feeling that the Salvia entities are "getting closer" somehow. They're beginning to have more of an influence on our reality (if only through us, who knows). The worlds zipping together I thought could be where I entered their space, and they were repairing it. I'm not sure about that, I just got that feeling. I also got the feeling that after it zipped up, I might be able to stay there permanently Shocked Not forced to, but able to. Very deep, strange stuff. I'm also of the belief that they're more advanced than we are, somehow. Like a futuristic version of ourselves. Salvia as a time travel catalyst?!? Shocked Laughing Why not? Smile

I belive it is a revelation. The word 'apocalypse' means revelation. I don't buy any of the Dec 2012 crap...but hell, who knows?

I'm not sure about the zipping up being an act of repair. I think it's possible that I will be downloaded the reason for two worlds zipping up like that. When they zipped up, there were beings on both worlds. Both worlds were advanced salvia worlds. Today, the thought hit me that the zipping up might have been the two hemispheres of my brain joining up. But that's just speculation. Yeah. I definately believe that salvia could be a time travel catalyst. Think about it. Let's say that humans continue to advance for thousands of more years. It is not unreasonable to think that they could discover means to travel into the past and help their unenlightened predecessors.
#30 Posted : 3/5/2011 11:45:49 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I was thinking revelation more in terms of: "disclosing, discovering or making known of what was before secret, private or unknown." When I hear apocalypse, I think cataclysm, final battle between good and evil, etc. But let's not get hung up on definitions Smile

When I think about, and try to get past the whole "I'm a crackpot for thinking like this", time travel by use of some of these entheogenic/psychedelic/hallucinogenic plants seems more and more likely. If we can visit other dimensions/realities, why can't we visit different periods in time? We as humans see time in a linear fashion. But what if time is really circular? Like a record spinning, and you have but to lift the needle and place it on a different groove in the record? I know if I was a time traveler, and I went into the past, I would leave something behind that I knew people would find not so alien or strange, like a plant. I've also thought a lot about what people say about Salvia divinorum. How it may be a hybrid between two species, but we don't know which those might be. The origins of this plant are obscured in mystery, and the experience we have as salvianauts are also very mysterious in nature. We simply cannot find definite answers. It's what I love about life. The mysterious, the magic, the unexplainable.
#31 Posted : 3/6/2011 12:26:02 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Dioxippus wrote:
I would leave something behind that I knew people would find not so alien or strange, like a plant.

I have a good idea for a movie. Someone goes back in time and puts an add into a major newspaper. Let's say he goes back to 1925. He puts this add into the want adds.
"For Sale. One Ipad with 50G memory. Also for sale, two Android phones."
And then some guy from the year 2011 sees the add and the investigative adventure begins...Smile

BTW, FrenchMachine posted a couple of good pics over at edot. I tried to copy them here, but they don't show up on my computer.Sad
#32 Posted : 3/6/2011 2:06:10 AM

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burningmouth wrote:
Dioxippus wrote:
I would leave something behind that I knew people would find not so alien or strange, like a plant.

I have a good idea for a movie. Someone goes back in time and puts an add into a major newspaper. Let's say he goes back to 1925. He puts this add into the want adds.
"For Sale. One Ipad with 50G memory. Also for sale, two Android phones."
And then some guy from the year 2011 sees the add and the investigative adventure begins...Smile

BTW, FrenchMachine posted a couple of good pics over at edot. I tried to copy them here, but they don't show up on my computer.Sad

You and I should get together and write a screenplay or a novel Pleased

I checked FM's posts, but I only found one. It is pretty cool, though:
#33 Posted : 3/6/2011 12:12:07 PM

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burningmouth wrote:

Yeah. I definately believe that Salvia could be a time travel catalyst. Think about it.

Time traveling was my most shockingly vividly powerful experience with Salvia. After a big toke of x5, I was pulled away from where I came, in a way comparable to a person watching a movie with a 3D helmet would have the helmet taken off only to now see the giant roll of film of the movie stretched in front of him. I can't say how many frames per second this film uses, but it's fast enough to fool us usually. Of course the film contains not only images, but sound , smell , emotion, thought, etc every thing we perceive usually.

To the left -my past-, with only one stretch of film, has definitely not dissapeared. Right in front, the moment I came from. And continuing to the right -the future-, with not only one stretch of frames like the past, but an exponential number of frames, giving a shape very similar to this:
¤past¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ future ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
/ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Except that up and down it goes MUCH further, and to the right, it seemed to loop around back to my birth/death

All these frames to the right were every possibility of my future life, as real and always existent as past and present. It just depends what choice I would make at every moment. In life, we can choose to go to any of the neighbouring frames, but not to the left, since the unused frames disappear as we go forward.

Then, I was "slipped" into one of the frames in the future, experiencing fully a moment of my possible future life, and this happened a few more times. It felt like putting on a coat, except I was putting on a life.

Then as the effect wore off, I had the usual struggle to come back to the right moment I had been pulled from previously, and said "whoa".

I wasn't really expecting it, but twice in the following months, I froze and gasped, as I came to the moments I had time travelled to with Salvia.

Absolutely no doubt to me that this plant allows time travel, and quite surely someone will explore this tool and master it.

it's about making life a neverending experience of wonderfulness!
#34 Posted : 3/6/2011 2:53:17 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Great report.

I've had moments like that as well, but not so definitive. Feelings of déjà vu in the weeks following a deep Salvia trip. The more definitive experiences I've had of time travel seemed to be into the past, or a past life of mine. Obviously there is no way to verify that it was a real point in time, but it felt shockingly real when I was experiencing it. That is also the intent I went in with before I smoked the Salvia; past life regression. It's something to be careful with though. Those experiences were very vivid and rather frightening.
#35 Posted : 3/6/2011 3:19:25 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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After a big toke of x5, I was pulled away from where I came, in a way comparable to a person watching a movie with a 3D helmet would have the helmet taken off only to now see the giant roll of film of the movie stretched in front of him.

Yes. This. It felt very matrix like to me. How could something so easily, so quickly, smash through everything I knew? It simply removed all filters like tricks. Then the world was not, just a cosmos of dust and possibilities. Like you, all my past seems to be to my left, my other me was coming up in front of me. It seemed like nothing to the right. But I remember everyone shouting, LOOK! I dont remember if they said look right, or just pointed, but that's when the looping dread took hold, as I looked right and tried to place myself.

I remember a few years back hearing about a guy who lost his head in an elevator, doctor or something. It's one of those odd and disturbing stories that never left me. This memory raced back to me as I started regaining consciousness and I thought that the story only seemed important at one time because it was actually me. Very strange. I need to go back. Got a lot of home life issues really bothering right now though. When I was returning to this life, I was passing all the frames, and moving to the 'right'. Again, a lot of those frames seemed like my life, but were not even earth-human like.

My second trip, 10x, after exhaling I fell over to my LEFT, and hallucinated being dragged through neighborhoods, 100's of mph, just drug by 100s of houses. This stopped, and I saw myself in a vast orange space climbing a tower with no end in sight.

I think time travel could very well be possible with a plant, when all along we thought we might one day 'invent' it and figure it out. Ironic.
My ego is insane, but I'm alright

The path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. -William Blake

Lavos is a fictional character, a dream inside a dream. Don't take what he says to be true or representational of reality in any known form. He is inspired by pure fantasy.
Rising Spirit
#36 Posted : 3/6/2011 3:30:05 PM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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I've also had this time-shifting experience while sailing the Salvinorin Seas. One of the most lucid visions I had was of a series of conveyor belts, like you see in a factory setting. They were layered one on top of another in a linear, horizontal striping fashion. One line stacked on top of the other, yet, they were moving in opposite directions from one another, every other level. While the conveyor belts were busily transporting their 'products' along at a measured clip, the belts were actually writhing and convulsing... undulating if you will? Much as the Salvianaut does, as he/she melts into the rotating vacuum of other side, endlessly folding into itself. Shocked

As they buzzed along, they carried their 'products' into the distance beyond my visual range. Every other level traveled the opposite direction to the one above and the one bellow it. Some left and some right. Strangely enough, this almost appeared as a 2-dimensional animation or flat imaging. You know, like within in a cartoon? Just directions to the left and the right, with no multidimensionality of: North, South, East and West. No perpendicular angles were apparent, either.

This visual plane showed two distinct polarities, two opposite directions, layered upon themselves in alternate stripes. They behaved more like looooooong shanks of cloth, waving freely in the breeze or perhaps... the way sea weed waves along, with the deep currents at the bottom of the sea floor? Obviously, these were not the typical conveyor belts, which fill various earthly factory settings around this temporal planetary body.

They flowed along like large lasagna noodles, with wildly rippling edges (like the actual noodles have), yet, had all the appropriate visual features of a mechanical device, with the little interior rungs and the corresponding wheels. I watched in total fascination at their ceaseless spinning and efficient transportation of the goods. Apparently, their sole purpose was to move the 'products' from one point in this virtual time, to another. Products? Me? Other people? Who? Us? Gulp... are we merely the manipulations of some cosmic factory in the hidden realm of a magical interiors of dream space?

These identical self-products were all seated, symmetrically lined up upon these waving 'noodle belts' which were busy transporting 'the goods', were numerous versions of myself. I think they were me? Who am I? Some looked recognizable, others were totally unfamiliar to my mind's eye. Some were versions of myself as a small boy, some of my youthful self and many other variations in my sequential aging process. BTW, I am currently 52 years old, in ordinary reality time.

Now, the intriguing part of this visual dynamic, was that some of the conveyors took the 'products' backwards in time and others took them forward in time. Every other layer. This was challenging to my sense of lineal continuity. I saw versions of myself in my elderly years, versions of my dying, dead and even decaying physical body... and versions which could only be described as fetal and nearly-but-not-born proto infants. These identical duplications gradually grew, seemingly naturally (in an accelerated, somewhat abstract manner) before my very eyes. These babies aged and became adult human beings, who I have no reference point for identifying. So, who were they? Why was I seeing their conveyor belts passing by? Is another being watching my present self flow by, unable to recognize just who is infiltrating their own Salvia visions? :idea:

At this point, I questioned if I could even recognize myself, let alone any of these emerging, unknown selves. Still, I somehow sensed they were me, in a future lifetime! Or had they been me, in a past lifetime? Now, this is where it gets bizarre... I had the idea that we are all the same entity, ramified into multifarious forms, in multifarious time periods, upon multifarious worlds. All at once, simultaneously!!! There is reality to time, nor any difference between the distant past, near past, the present moment, near future or distant future (in Salvia Universe). In some unique way, the Salvinorin Spirit shows us this paradoxical SECRET insight.

The more I focused, the more I realized that my grasp of who I was... had dissolved in the frothing pulsations of the Salvia Loop. As I searched for something recognizable in the myriad, flowing conveyors, it struck me that I was all of these 'products'. The I that my witness habitually believes itself to be, in this 3-dimensional physical timeline, was just a teeny tiny aspect of the multiplicity of the vast scope of the 'products' being sent off into the unknown future and arriving from an equally unknown past.

It was at this point in this oscillating vision, which I had the surfacing sense of my individuated ego awareness. I thought to myself, however abstractly,

"Why am I here, now? Why am I sitting in one place, when all my multiplicity of selves are being sent-off to God knows where?"

This question was followed by a more perplexing insight. One I desperately thought I needed to remember and bring back to this world of 3-dimensional, physical reality! The self I have become conditioned to perceive the tiny fraction of this incredibly vast universe of possibilities, which has come to be the witness to my own life... does not really exist. We all learn to solidify a concrete sense of self-identification but it is thoroughly illusory. Reality is far more complex and abstract.

I believe this is true for all of us. We are just accessing one strand of this writhing mesh of energized awarenesses, as that is how the physical universe functions. In Salvia World, this gelatin membrane is torn away. Well, maybe is is dissolved in the bubbling electromagnetic vibration? Regardless of how my subjectivity was shattered... self, time and space are essentially plasticine, morphing and ever-expanding vibrations of thought particles (waving throughout all of eternity).

Anyway, I had a deep symbiotic connection to all of these conveyor belts, as I was zipping into each of their realities, one after the other, after the next. At the liquid speed of lightning! I was completely lost in this process and wondered if I would ever return to a single strand, to my normal consciousness? of course, the trance ended and I returned to my isolated existence. One single mind, living in a world of many separated minds.

The lesson in this vision? I think Lady Salvia wanted to show me that I was both, unreal as myself and also the one and the same 'product' that the conveyor belts were whizzing off to unknown territories. This is kind of comforting, after all. we are all unreal phantoms but are simultaneously, the same cosmic jelly stuff. Mind. The plasticine preceptory, magik silly putty. The negative image of the physical universe or the interior, mirrored dream imprint. Oh, I really can't put it into the correct words, as they don't exist yet. This one is a most bizarre and awfully difficult realities to encapsulate in verbal communication.

Overall, I am shown that I am essentially, nothing... yet, within this profound nothingness, I am truly the singularity of everything. I am all of the infinite 'products' being moved through the interior, parallel universe of this alternate dream-like consciousness, this mysterious Salvinorin Sea of Spirit.

She is a most certainly, a trickster and a very great teacher. Paradox is her secret user name. Wink
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#37 Posted : 3/6/2011 11:43:32 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Forever riding the rotating molecular structure of interconnecting peoploids.
You too, Rooftop. I got it from a FrenchMachine link. This report is incredible.

GREAT POSTS GUYS. I love your comments about time travel. I have also seen conveyor belts. I perceiveed them as being heavy, like bicycle chains connected side by side. I have even felt the belts pass against me.

Dioxippus, I glossed over your comment about how the zipping might be related to fixing or repairing 'holes'. I think you might be right about that. We have no idea what our peresence in salvia space might be doing to it. Another thing....I've been doing extract for three years. I never, ever experienced zipping until a couple of weeks ago. In the same way that brains are rewired after a stroke or while learning a new language, etc., I think my brain has been rewired to experience the zipping.

I'm getting a strong vibe that we are closing in on something big. Other salvia forums seem to be working on it too.

From FrenchMachine Pleased
physics envy
#38 Posted : 3/7/2011 12:23:52 PM

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Hey BM...thanks for that link to the trip report at the shroomery! That was a *great* description Very happy

I can never bring back that level of detail but as I was reading it I was able to remember a lot of similar things. It is a weird feeling to have some of those memories about the mechanical version of reality in this consciousness Shocked

Salvia quid enthusiast
#39 Posted : 3/7/2011 2:41:08 PM

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Great post Rising Spirit. Blew my head off, again Smile You do much better than I at describing these experiences. The most attractive part of reading about these experiences, for me, is the similarities. We have never met, we probably live thousands of miles from each other, we're of different ages, and yet we experience the same things.

And Lavos, I definitely know what you're saying about the neighborhoods. I'll be plopped right into the middle of one, and it's as if I've gone back to the 50's or early 60's. People dressed for that time period. The cars. Even people mowing their lawns with those old lawnmowers.

Good link there burningmouth. About the zipping, I'm still not sure, it was just that I got that feeling...that the beings were repairing a "hole" that I came through into their world. I sort of asked myself, "What the hell is that?" and that's the response I got from them. "We're fixing it." Answers are always vague in Salviaspace.

This thread is starting to really take off!
#40 Posted : 3/7/2011 7:04:19 PM

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physics envy wrote:
Hey BM...thanks for that link to the trip report at the shroomery! That was a *great* description Very happy

I can never bring back that level of detail but as I was reading it I was able to remember a lot of similar things. It is a weird feeling to have some of those memories about the mechanical version of reality in this consciousness Shocked

Yeah, that was the most detailed wheel-clone type trip I've ever read. He sounds believable. That is some weird shit.

I wrote up a trip report a few days ago, but at the time I didn't like it so I put it in the recycle bin. Yesterday I restored it. It's decent. I thought I would go ahead and post it.

I can talk an bpout thtT I CAN TAKJ ABOUT THAT

I just saw an entire (un)(sub)conscious world erupt like a blob out of my net book. I saw my own fucking (un)(sub)consciousness erupt like billowing lava in reverse out of my net book. Reality is so pliable that it can morph from one world to the next, in this case, right into my fucking lap.

The lava was my own (un)(sub)conscious mind throwing up in reverse out of the space in front of my chair. It was like an air bag filling up with the physical, everyday, consensus world.

I’m trying to get this out before it disappears. My (un)(sub)consciousness was erupting out of a previous world. The previous world was salvia reality. Salvia reality threw me up backwards, or rather, in reverse into consensus reality.

I’ve said it before. If some movie could duplicate what I just saw, the people watching it would shit their pants. Some of you reading this can get a glimpse of what just happened to me.

OK. So what did just happen? I only remember the trailing end of it. The whole thing went by quickly. I did a strong hit of 10x. I don’t remember anything except for the actual visual of my objectified (un)(sub)consciousness in three dimensions moving in reverse, or rather morphing into its negative counterpart, out of salvia reality and back into consensus reality.

It’s as if there is an hourglass-like connection between two (near)separate realities. One is a salvinorin induced world. The other reality is this everyday world we all share. There is no real separation between these two worlds.

Our (un)(sub)conscious minds are constantly representing a visual simulation of reality. It‘s more than that. Our (un)(sub)conscious minds ARE representations of reality. THERE IS NO SEPARATION BETWEEN MIND AND THE REALITY IT SIMULATES. Our (un)(sub)conscious minds are either viewing(creating) salvia reality or they are viewing(creating) consensus reality. It all depends on perspective, and perspective depends on the molecule salvinorin alpha.

What I just saw/experienced was the process of morphing from salvia reality to consensus reality. It all took place in my brain, specifically my visual cortex. It was all very fluid AND VERY WEIRD. It was so weird that it was almost obscene. That’s why I’m using words like “throwing up in reverse“. That’s the best way I can describe it. It’s like salvia reality threw up consensus reality.

This hit was another one of those hesitation hits. I just sat there in the dark holding my pipe in my hand. I was thinking, “What the hell am I about to see?” I thought I was going to see the tiny, shiny men and the taunting salvia beings. What I actually saw was brand new. That’s why I’m typing up this trip report. New stuff is always fun to type up .

Shit. I wish I could do a better job of describing it. It’s like seeing a body with its guts hanging out. It looks obscene. You’re not supposed to see the inner workings of the physical body like that. When I saw my (un)(sub)consciousness as a morphing, three dimensional object throwing itself up in reverse, transitioning from one world to the next, it blew my fucking mind.

Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.
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