dmthawaii87, how you doing? I was moved by your post, thank you. Any updates? Maybe shoot me a PM...
I was in an accident 2 years ago and left with an incomplete spinal cord injury. Slowly over time I have been able to move and feel my legs more and more, down to my shins now. So, not much feeling or movement in my feet and not much feeling on ass or hamstrings. I have plenty nerve pain in my feet- it use to be the most extreme pain imaginable, but as time went on I sort of trained myself to tune it out, without any prescription drugs (when I left the hospital after 2 months they had me on 4000mg of gabapentin per day). I'm feeling good now and seeing constant progression (slowly)...I am interested in using dmt for some therapy, I really want to focus on channeling positive energy (like light through fiberglass) down the nerves in my legs and blasting through my toes and continuing on for infinity. Just wondering if you've had any more experiences?