jbark wrote:, quacky new-agers and all of us in between!
my first time using an admixture with aya i brewed up 50g chacruna leaves. about half way through he brewing i realize i have no clue what chacruna leaves should look like. what if they sent me chaliponga by mistake!!!

the bags werent even labled and givin the fact that a common dose of chali is around 5grams or so if it was a mix-up i would go insane. i id'd them by googling pics but man imagine that mix up!
this stuff fucks with you right before you use something for a first time that you brewed or extracted.
these things we do require big brass ones for sure. i forget that sometimes, but everyone here has a bravery and an explorers fortitude that so many humans lack.
3 cheers for the freaks!!!!
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