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Poll Question : What are the Hyperspace beings?
Choice Votes Statistics
Divine entities - Angels, God, ect. 1 2 %
Higher beings - Aliens, beings of higher conciousness or other dimnesions 20 45 %
Subconcious manifestations 19 43 %
We are not meant to know or we can't know 4 9 %

[POll] Multidimensional beings? or mirrors of the self? Options
#21 Posted : 9/9/2010 11:18:42 PM

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I sincerely believe I can contact both higher beings and manifestations of my subconsciousness as well as divine entities. In most cases, I feel what we experience is manifestations of our subconsciousness. However, after working with oneself for a period of time in order to remove mental and energetic tensions and blockades, I think one may come into contact with entities that may be considered outside the realm of self. I therefore can't vote on this poll, as I feel all options have equal validity.

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#22 Posted : 9/18/2010 6:00:13 PM

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I find it compelling that both "angels,gods, etc." and "we aren't meant to know" have gotten no votes so far.


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#23 Posted : 9/18/2010 6:19:28 PM

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Us, being inside this experience and reality, are trying to describe these entities as either being a part of us or internal/external. What 'they are' is probably so vastly beyond our conception and beyond the symbols we attach to words in our language; which can never even be relatively close to explaining 'them'. We cannot even fully understand what the nature of reality is, what the universe is 'for', or what this energy that makes up our perceived surrounding is.

Even in our physical reality we still know we are connected with everything, however, during my DMT experiences these entities definitely look and seem to be completely separate from me. Yet the feeling of being deep within is so strong. They might be both separate and connected, or neither, or some other meaning/symbol that we have no words or understanding for, hence the experience fades like a dream, we cannot catch the meaning/understanding because our only filter for it is our language and feelings. It's like we need to change our language or something, change the global mind to another level of existence. ah, maybe the next evolution step, who knows?? Great contemplation question though. I suppose my final answer would be that i don't know and have no opinion on it Smile Sad
#24 Posted : 9/19/2010 2:54:45 AM

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Phlux- wrote:
for close to 10 years i used the approach that its all external - i made very little progress and faced the fear alot

Agree on this approach. While internal and external is a dualistic notion I've found an internal approach supports integration. The Psychedelic Experience based on Tibetan Book of the Dead is an excellent framework. Book on Erowid

IMHO, due to our natural disposition, it is the illusion of the separate external that most urgently needs healing. I've yet to meet an entity that is external to consciousness. Perhaps the only way to experience 'external' things is to believe you are something (say a body) within consciousness rather than consciousness.

Often there seems an assumption that things are EITHER external and real OR internal and imaginary. Perhaps everything, including hyperspace entities and humans of everyday life, are internal. Perhaps also nothing is more real than anything else. This appears not to be an option ... on this poll.Very happy

"Blinded by their own sight, hearing, feeling, and knowing, they don't perceive the radiance of the source. If they could eliminate all conceptual thinking, this source would appear, like the sun rising through the empty sky and illuminating the whole universe." - Huang Po
#25 Posted : 9/25/2010 6:46:12 PM


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Found this image... thought I would share...

#26 Posted : 9/25/2010 9:42:25 PM

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Phlux- wrote:
for close to 10 years i used the approach that its all external - i made very little progress and faced the fear alot
now - i use an approach formed on the most successfull spacekadet i know of - antrocles

now - im making leaps and bounds of progress - thanks guy (bro Smile )

Could you describe this more for the rest of us, perhaps?
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#27 Posted : 9/25/2010 9:48:55 PM


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Don't forget the multidimensional self.

Sometimes I felt I confronted a distorted, alternate version of me.
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#28 Posted : 10/16/2010 10:56:26 PM

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I spent a great deal of time trying to figure out what these entities on the other side of the veil were. I being a devout skeptic, logically assumed that they were aspects of myself.
However they seemed to have a mind and power that I could not imagine that my human mind could create and I have teetered back and forth between theories. Only when I looked into myself and seen that they are reflections of my life and experiences that I was able to conclude they were the fundamental constituents of my being. They reflected a aspect or a time in my life and their actions upon reflection showed me more about why I am who I am.

Currently I subscribe to the theory that they are the fundamental scaffolding if you will of what makes up my consciousness. Each entity reflects a piece of my own being, archetypes if you will. Furthermore the predominant entity I have found is the anima of my own mind. As philosophical and mystical as it sounds it is accurate as far as MY experiences go. Of course all of this could change before morning.

In one of the experiences which was prolonged with a MAOI I found that this world and all that were in it were aspects of my own being. Each were individual in and of itself but existing only in truth to teach me something. I was to learn from them for a simple reason. I perceived this world as a school to teach one how to be a god. It was a school that I had brought forth a educated illusion to allow me to explore my inner self which was reflected in the world. Giving me the ability to look deeper on each subject and master in in a way.

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