Well, I'm no expert on the topic but the following procedure has worked for SWIM with good results (~.9%)
When you get red naphtha put it in the freezer for about 20 minutes. This way the brown stuff will have settled but quite a bit of spice is still in solution. Pour off the clear naphtha into a different container and put back in the freezer. You will get crystals after ~12-24hrs.
The brown sediment in the first jar will still contain some of your goodies so let the rest of the naphtha evaporate from this and wait till it's completely dry (takes about 1.5 days). Then pull (mix well) with IPA or Acetone, filter and let evap.
SWIM has gotten brown naphtha almost every time after the first or second pull. The end product however is lovely and the yield seems alright IMO. Smoke is not harsh, effects are good. Crystals in the cleared up naphtha are white.
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. ---
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energy conserving caapi extraction