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fnog9 wrote:APPRECIATE WHAT YOU HAVE!!........ YOU STUPID STUPID DUMMY!!! Warning: Dose Smaller: Larger Dosage not Necessarily More Powerfulgibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
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Acolyte wrote:After a few moments, I saw myself as child. I was about three and was asking to learn. A humanoid entity of dim translucent gray/blue morphed towards me from the left, and crouched down to my level. He said: “You must hold an intention for EVERY SECOND.” This is how we guide ourselves. "at journey's end, we must begin again"
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Really enjoying this ladys posts: Pandora wrote: SWIM laughs as she reads her raving journal entries. She is completely and utterly insane, but that does not matter one bit in the overall scheme of things. Bring on any weirdness or bizarre symptoms, she will be careful and ultimately laugh it off. Questions she didn't know she had have been answered, she has tasted something that is truly transcendent and other-worldly in a way she didn't know was possible. How could her mind, in its most intoxicated state, in it's most delusional/psychotic state, ever possibly conceive of/imagine such a place . . . Pandora wrote:I quietly, humbly and respectfully re-iterate, though this time with a sparkle in my eye and a half-smile on my face, "Yeah."Surprised What you are writing about is the REAL DEAL. It is where the rubber meets the road. There is and can be no bullshit factor here. The healing really is there, even in the rougher and more challenging experiences. What I personally like is coming from a background of brutal, rock-solid, hard-core and ice-cold atheism and skepticism. For close to 30 years. Enter DMT. The real deal does not ask for or demand FAITH. The real deal does not dictate a lifestyle, but it offers subtle and not-so-subtle pointers and guidances. The real deal does not offer a book written by archaic men. It is in plants, animals and US. It offers us high-energy, undeniable, profound DIRECT EXPERIENCE. -spiceworm i sincerely hope it's all NOT a dream. spiceworm may be in LOVE.
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tryptographer wrote:burnt wrote: Its one difference. But it doesn't mean that anything you experience on psychedelics provides sufficient evidence for any sort of belief system beyond that of what we already know through evidence based discovery.
I don't believe in belief systems. Any belief has to be ditched sooner or later when new evidence pops up. But good point. The direct experience even becomes somewhat indirect when leaving the trance, when it's reduced to only a memory... but there is this 'sensor' that tells me if I'm dreaming or awake, and I remember this sensor telling me it was REAL, even hyperreal. But yes, that's purely subjective... can't prove it, only tell about it. Hey, in court witnesses are sometimes taken seriously! DMT - Dangerous for your Mind?
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@ https://www.dmt-nexus.me...amp;m=145764#post145764
ghostman wrote:I think we are fucking with our souls, not bending our minds. It's like stealing a space ship and cruising the galaxy without a proper understanding of how the craft is powered or how to maintain it. We are not qualified soul engineers. endlessness wrote:Be careful not falling into a too paranoid world-view. If you go into the experience thinking you are 'messing with your soul' or any similar fear, its bound to backfire. Do your part in daily life, be healthy, and decide for yourself if and when to use. And if you do use, go in with a pure heart and light conscience.
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@ https://www.dmt-nexus.me...amp;m=145575#post145575
gibran2 wrote:There are things that I see and participate in that I cannot bring back, and I know, as I am experiencing them, that I cannot bring them back. I am “told” this during the experience, and it is strange to look around and be fully aware of what I see, yet to know that when the experience is over I will have no memory of what I see. (I remember my thoughts and feelings, but not what I see and do.)
It’s an “agreement” that is made – “they” allow me to see and experience things that are ordinarily off-limits to living human beings, but I must accept the memory erasure. I always accept the agreement. Anything for a drip of THAT nectar... 
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@ https://www.dmt-nexus.me...amp;m=145627#post145627
Morphane wrote:This has probably been said in as many words, but if there is a shortcut to enlightenment, whatever that is, why would you want to take it?
The journey towards God or whatever you call it, I think, is like the piece of music by Maurice Ravel: The Bolero. The entire point of the satisfying climax, is that which precedes it. That which slowly builds and unfolds and builds upon itself.
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@ https://www.dmt-nexus.me...amp;m=112692#post112692
In a reply to maymay who got a bit angry at reality because he was shown too much: Infundibulum wrote:Well, you dived in this rabbit hole so have fun now.
There's really no easy way out of this and back to the oblivion you seek. Lobotomy would help though.
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Refer to my signature... one of my favorites [from ALL forums! But of course we all know the nexus is the best]  DeadLizard wrote:Darkbb wrote:BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler? There are 2 ways to donate one is called "Post Reply" and the other is called "New Topic" You will find these buttons at the top and bottom of most pages
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woow cellux  “The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.” -Nikolai Lenin
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
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fnog9 wrote:I know when I was on it, I was like, "oh my God! I've been lied to! I thought I was just going to see colors." Very Very Trippy First Experiencegibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
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@ https://www.dmt-nexus.me...amp;m=148510#post148510
fnog9 wrote:All that stuff about alternate realities and whatever is just a continuation of the lie, the next chapter in your story..... incredible as it seems, the whole "deeper meaning" of the universe is a bottomless pit, another chapter to keep you distracted, consciousness getting further lost in its own form. By its nature, as long as you seek, the universe will seem endlessly fascinating, it will ALWAYS seem as if there is some greater meaning, or something you haven't figured out yet..... all for the purpose of distracting you from the fact that there is absolutely nothing other than right here, right now. Never was and never will be. Not that there's anything wrong with the rabbit hole. It's a hell of a trip. But it is equally meaningful or meaningless as anything else. There is only now. and a bit later in the same thread: fnog9 wrote:The now thing also refers to a remembering of how I was born from a total non identity, and became identified with this world and this body. The remembering is that this life IS that non identity, on a trippy trip called life. It's like the unborn universe is a kaleidoscope, ever changing and reforming, but with no meaning, or identity, or memory as we know it, it's just there, one form seamlessly forming in to the next (karma). One day it forms the shape of a human, and the colors of the kaleidoscope starts thinking its a human. Then one day the kaleidoscope remembers it's not a human, it's a kaleidoscope with no identity.... just brilliance and forms occurring spontaneously within no time. Time itself occurs within no time, as does this human identity occur within a total non identity. What a trip. That's why I say I took dmt thinking I was going to hallucinate, but instead all of life became the hallucination.
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burnt wrote:...If it really was a portal to another dimension with beings picking apart my brain I wouldn't want to use it anymore. I find that idea invasive and disturbing. A pragmatic approach: What is "real", and when is it actually useful to ask this?gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
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@ https://www.dmt-nexus.me...amp;m=148515#post148515
fnog9 wrote:It is not a person who becomes enlightened, it is consciousness which wakes up to itself. There is nothing else and never was. If the form of what we call dmt is somehow worked in to all that.... that's cool. But dmt itself is a manifestation of IT. DMT cannot bring that which is already here. fnog9 wrote:You can talk about ego death and how entheogens might bring about such a state. Even so, ego death can still easily be interpreted and stored as yet another object in a persons memory once the high wears off. Even ego death can be just the next thing that only deepens the mystery.... or probably for a lot of people, just scare the living shit outta them. The fact is, truth is staring everyone in the face at every moment. If they don't recognize it now, there's no guarantee they'd recognize it on dmt. Seems more likely they'll idolize the dmt state, as if the answer lies somewhere in there, in the mysterious ultra powerful God state, the deeper meaning of life has been revealed. Sure, dmt may reveal some deeper meaning, but who or what is the deeper meaning being revealed? People might see truth and have no idea what they're looking at. In fact, that's what many are doing all the time..... and rightfully so..... that's what they're meant to do.... if they are doing it. I don't get the last few sentences, but the rest is great.
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@ https://www.dmt-nexus.me...amp;m=148827#post148827
Danza wrote:I don't know about this enlightenment stuff. Perhaps there is a self, perhaps there isn't. Perhaps we are all One? I doubt it but if someone wants to accept that, that is cool. I care about the here and now, and as a "thinking thing" I want to help people. I care less about oneness and "consciousness waking up to itself" and more about bringing a smile to someone's face before they die. and later on: Danza wrote:I will speak honestly, though I may sound rather silly, but being in the here and now, or being "open" which makes more sense to me (in a way).. is very frightening. When you are THERE, it isn't frightening of course, but letting go enough to get to that "place". I find it really scary. It feels like I may go nuts, or lose sense of reality/self.. But I know that I've been there and there is nothing to be afraid of. It is really hard to describe this type of neurosis. I'm sure someone on here knows what I am talking about, but maybe not. I know, I know.
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and burnt (at the same place): burnt wrote:The "enlightened" ones really have the biggest egos. FINISH HIM! 
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rainbird wrote: [I]f looked upon as a gift to be respected and to be worked with spiritually- as window and not a door - it does seem thus far that the DMT experience could be a powerful medicine, as a jump start to the worldview that us westerners struggle to attain.
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Uncle Knucles wrote:Changa is a teenage boy who knocks on your door, corsage in hand, to pick you up for the prom. He's rented a limo, an ill-fitting tux and a junior suite at the Radisson, and after the dance he'll take you to Chili's and break out a bottle of Schnapps. Freebase arrives in a rusted Camaro, no intention of making the dance. He drives you out to the middle of nowhere, then tells you to fuck or walk. Either way, the evening is going to end with the same conclusion. soulfood wrote:Uncle Knucles wrote:Freebase arrives in a rusted Camaro, no intention of making the dance. He drives you out to the middle of nowhere, then tells you to fuck or walk. Either way, the evening is going to end with the same conclusion.
You don't know him like I know him. He loves me! ~ hpp
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antrocles wrote:i am just a synapse in an infinite mind of which we are all a part. it is a powerful notion if fully embraced....that there is a great consciousness that we all contribute to that, in turn, flows right back through us into the choices we make...the art we create...the lives we live..
together...all of us....fully awakened....it is then that the true 'being' of this planet awakens. the consciousness of which we are all a perfect part acquires it's voice.
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@ https://www.dmt-nexus.me...spx?g=posts&t=12915
halten wrote:"You are unhappy because you have forgotten how happy you are to be alive."