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Best tool to use to pull/draw naptha out of jars? Options
#21 Posted : 4/28/2010 7:47:35 AM

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This does sound & look great! I have never seen a picture of crystals like that.

I really want to know the outcome of this, please keep us updated.
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#22 Posted : 4/28/2010 11:40:35 AM
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Yeah I will for sure. I'm going to let my 600cc's worth of jungle naptha & SC wash sit for at least a day. If I see things starting to form I'll let it go longer.

Should I pull the SC water out?

The only reason I'm even considering leaving it in is because the little pint jar that this happened to by accident had the SC water in it.

What/how should I collect the crystals that are already formed in the first pint jar?

Is there any way to get them all to melt together into one big crystal?
#23 Posted : 4/28/2010 2:44:50 PM
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10ml glass pipette has worked wonders for me
#24 Posted : 4/28/2010 3:12:27 PM


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If they are floating, I would say some type of spoon.. get them onto a plate or glass, turn it sideways to get little drops of naptha off them (you mentioned they were fragile..) and then fan them gently.. Those are looking like great slates.. Mucho gewd for growing largeeee!

Growin them big crystals follow it. big ass crystals.

they look outstanding! and on a much LOL, i liked that the pictures went from *a little shitty* to high quality in 1 post Razz
Lets go extract something together Smile

house wrote:
19:10:05 โ€นhouseโ€บ mama aya gave me lego man eye healers

Smoke Spice, NOW

Gir likes to tell lies, and the truth, but gir cant even tell the difference between them...

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#25 Posted : 4/28/2010 3:41:33 PM

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I have a series of plastic graduated cylinders from my dark room. From the mason jar I decant into a large diameter one, then decant from that into a smaller one and finally into the smallest that holds 50ml. By then there is only a small drop or two of lye/bark solution left and it is easy to decant off to the pyrex dish I use to freeze precip. It is done in several steps, leaving time for the naptha in the original mason jar to settle.

works for me! hope that helps.

JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#26 Posted : 4/28/2010 4:13:53 PM

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Pipette, learn good pippeting skills/ technique.

Much respect to all from L_Star

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Regards L_Star
#27 Posted : 4/29/2010 12:59:26 AM
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Honestly that is NOTHING compared to the GIANT crystal clusters I have growing right now.

Wait till you guys see this! Sorry its not the best quality, its taken with my iphone & I dont have my DSLR camera any more.

There are probably over a DOZEN clusters that have already formed after just 11 or so hours.

The one on the bottom is almost as big as a quarter in diameter & at least 1/4 tall if not almost 1/2"

the others on the side are smaller than a dime... but there are a dozen of them!

You can compare it to my first run in with the crystals before by accident, clearly these are much bigger clusters compared to just the little crystals floating on the top water.

I'm going to let this sit at room temp for at least another day or two to see how big these things form.

Then I'm going to freeze precip the naptha again & see if I can pull anything else that way.

What I've done was taken about 4g's of school bus yellow dmt that was from the 2nd out of the 4 pulls and added 140ml's of new naptha, stirred & shaked it like a salt shaker (which I was told I should NOT have done for a re-x) and then let it sit submerged in hot water for 10-15 minutes.

After that some yellow gunk started to form on the bottom & the naptha was really cloudy (I assume from the heat affecting the DMT). So then I transfered to a new pint jar & let sit for a while, I noticed more yellow gunk was forming on the bottom & I did a transfer again into another clean pint jar. I let it sit again for a while & did it 2 more times because I kept seeing yellow gunk forming.

So then after all of that I just let it sit in a pint mason jar with the lid on it in the dark at room temp.

As I mentioned, its only been 12 hours & you can see (kinda) what has already formed. They look like pure translucent crystal clusters, no yellow to them when I tild the jar & move the naptha away from a certain cluster on the sides.
#28 Posted : 4/29/2010 1:14:36 AM

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heres one...slowly!decant(pour off the to layer) into a deep dish ceramic or glass bowl...be careful not to let the "syrup" get into the bowl...BUT, inevitably some will fall...it's expected. next transfer it into another bowl and the "syrup" will stck to the first bowl and the naptha will pour off clean!
sounds too easy to be true but i assure you it is!Laughing
kind of like jbark said
#29 Posted : 4/29/2010 1:37:23 AM


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So they were DMT crystal formations then? Its hard to tell from that latest pic, but where are they growing... In the SC solution or naphtha?
How much sodium carbonate did you use?

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#30 Posted : 4/29/2010 1:44:38 AM

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what I can imagine happened is that some of your naphtha evaporated and dmt crystals started to form in the bottom of the naphtha layer but since they are insoluble in sodium carbonate water, they are forming on the surface of it..... But there must still be dmt in that naphtha, so freeze/evap it in any case!
#31 Posted : 4/29/2010 1:52:16 AM


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so the SC layer is acting like a buffer?

What about just letting it evap down to a few ml on top of the SC solution as that wont go anywhere until all the solvents gone... Would that work in theory?
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#32 Posted : 4/29/2010 1:55:41 AM

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what would be the advantage of doing that as opposed to just evapping by itself or freezing?
#33 Posted : 4/29/2010 2:09:52 AM


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purity my good man.... those crystals look very clean.

If the DMT is insoluble in Sodium carbonate solution and all the other nasties are, then would that not create perfect conditions for large formations? All the crap falling through appart from the good stuff.

True freeze preciping will get you nice pure white spice, but as far as Im aware... growing the larger crystals takes time.. and lots of it! Jonny said they've been going for 12 hours and they already look bigger than anything I've grown... but saying that, I'm rubbish.
"accept the possibility that you may never come back, then your mind is truly open."

The playful ballad of the sacred salad.
#34 Posted : 4/29/2010 4:06:06 AM
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Let me try to clear a few things up

The first batch you guys see with the small crystals was naptha sitting on top of SC water

But this was only left like that by accident.

I was actually told last night that you need to remove the SC water as soon as youre done doing the wash because it will start to degrade the DMT.

Now the newest picture above that shows the larger crystal clusters is a naptha re-x pint jar that has NO SC water in it and is sitting at room temp and the crystals started growing huge after about 8 hours and are is about 15 hours now. If they double over night I am going to let them go for a 2nd day to see if they really get crazy.

I wish I could get better pics, my iphone is all I have right now.
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