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Terrified after DMT dose, please advise. Options
#1 Posted : 10/4/2020 6:18:16 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: USA
(mind)Set:relatively calm
(physical condition) Set:relaxed
Setting (location): low light room in my home, alone, sitting in recliner
time of day: (12 or 24 hour system, daylight? starlight? overcast?) 10:00PM
recent drug use: (list also any kind of medication) shrooms a week a go, DMT/DMSO a few times over the past week with limited results. I take Nuvigil 250mg every morning to help with my Hypersomnia.
last meal: (Time and type) 6:30PM chicken club sandwich, half of a small quesadilla, cheerwine soda.

Gender: (m / f) M
body weight: (in kg pls) 118Kgs
known sensitivities: sensitive to shellfish?
history of use: (experienced, novice, first timer - in general and for this specific substance/form) I am a fairly experienced user of psilocybin mushrooms. Consumed around 4oz over the past couple of years. Doses ranging from 1g dried up to most recent brews containing 3.5g dried, ground to powder, lemontek, adding 200-250mg Harmine and Dmso (eyeballed). Less experienced with DMT. I recently bought a vape cart that contained 250mg of DMT with DMSO used to dissolve. Tried this a few times over the past week with minimal results. Until tonight.


Substance(s): (list all taken substances) DMT
Dose(s): (in the same order as Substances pls, use metric system i.e. g/ mg/ �g) unknown Sad
Method of administration: (dissolved in water, capsuls, insufflated, vaporized...) vaped using e-cig at 10.5W with DMT in a glass tank/cart containing DMT dissolved in DMSO. Using Three pulls of 6 seconds each and holding each for 30 seconds. Direct inhales one after the other with no break.


Administration time: T=0:00 (expand this if you used delayed administration for multiple substances or the same substance with multiple doses. Use indices.) T=10:30PM
Duration: (x hours) .25 hours
First effects: T=00:00:30
Peak: (estimate a time range and note as e.g. T=2:00-4:00 for a range of 2 hours beginning 2 hours after administration) T=00:01:30-00:04:30
Come down:T=00:04:30-00:15:00

Intensity (overall): (use HRS-like scale i.e. 0-4: 0 = "Not at all;" 1 = "Slightly;" 2 = "Moderately;" 3 = "Quite a bit;" 4 = "Extremely."Pleased 4
Evaluation / notes:

Pleasantness: (0-4)1
Implesantness: (0-4)4
Visual Intensity: (0-4)4


Hangover: (0-4 ; what type of impleasantness ; duration)3 ; shaking, disorientation, regret, fear,
Afterglow: (0-4 ; what type of positive effects ; duration)0


(write your trip report as you would normally write it here)
First off sorry if I got the format wrong in the trip report. First time. Let me know of mistakes and I will edit it.
So, this is partially a trip report and partially a call for assistance/information. My apologies for this wall of text but I need to get these specifics down before I forget.
One important thing to be aware of (less so for this trip but more important overall is back in early 2018 I had gastric bypass surgery where 90% of my stomach was stapled off and I was left with a small pouch and no valve between my stomach pouch and my small intestine. Because of this I don’t digest or absorb many nutrients and things activated my stomach acid such as psilocybin require special methods to get a full effect.

First the trip report...

Upon holding the first inhale for 30 seconds my room seemed to darken around me, shifting color spectrum to a yellowish green. My peripheral vision seemed to widen as I became more aware of my surroundings.
Upon breathing in and holding my second dose my surroundings became very vivid and Candylike. I could still sense myself and my surroundings and here the gentle music that was playing from my speakers in the room.
Upon inhaling my third dose I don’t know how long I held it, I do however know that things became extremely intense very fast. I could no longer feel my arms or my body. I don’t remember seeing any entities or tunnels, no chrysanthemum as I had read about, The only thing I experienced was a nonstop overwhelming barrage of bright light, shapes and color. The only sound I remember hearing were echoes of whimpers that came from me (maybe five or six times over the course of a few minutes). The only thoughts I remember having were that there was no escape, no looking away no closing my eyes.
Looking back it reminds me of this movies where you see people being brainwashed by having their eyes held open and being forced to watch imagery flash in front of them at high speed. I remember coming back to my body when I could once again hear the music in my room. I then basically said to myself “that was waaaay to much... it had to be! That was NOTHING like what I’ve read about”. I then unscrewed the tank and threw it in the trash (I have since retrieved it). I then sat in my recliner, bent over questioning my choices, watching the carpet move and away for a few minutes, the occasion rainbow yawn. Then I remembered I had made an audio recording of my trip... it was basically the sound of vaping, breathing, and whimpering, all set to a background of soft instrumental music.

So that’s my trip. I don’t know what to think or what to do. I don’t want to give up on DMT as I would really love experience DMT hyperspace someday. But this experience is hands down the most intense horrifying (at the time) experience for me ever.

Let me give a little background on me and my previous psychedelic experiences to give some context.

I am a middle aged guy. Growing up I never did drugs, other than alcohol and the occasional pain meds for medical needs. However I was always interested in Hippy culture and the psychedelic phenomenon. Bright colors and shapes have always been a source of happiness for me. When my friends word smoke marijuana, I would decline. The reason being that I speak and sing for a living and did not want to risk damaging my voice with smoke.
Fast forward to a year or so ago and I made made aware of the existence of psychedelic mushroom. After doing Extensive research I decided that this was something I really wanted to try. I started out small, simply chewing and swallowing 1 g, then 2 g then working my way up to 3.5 g, and then eventually to 5 g. This was all done by simply chewing dry mushrooms and swallowing.
after doing more research into why I wasn’t experiencing the same things as my friends were at those doses I realized that my lack of a stomach, and by association lack of stomach acid, my body was not extracting the psilocin As it would for normal people. So I adopted the lemontek method, which greatly improved my trips.
Later as my supply of mushrooms was running low I looked into options to extend the duration of my trips as well as decrease the amount of dried shrooms needed to obtain comparable experiences.
My first experiments we’re done by adding Harmine in measured amounts to my shrooms tea, doing this not only prolonged the experience but changed it in a way that subsequent trips using the same method brought me back into the same “space”. If that makes sense.I won’t go into a lot of detail of those room trips here other than to say that some of the places I went to in those trips I returned to in the past week during my less “successful” DMT trips. Specifically the candyland like visuals and beautiful fractal tunnels.

This brings me to DMT.
When I started doing shrooms I was apparently mistaken in my thoughts that I would see new ‘s and go to far off places. So I started researching other psychedelics including LSD, and DMT.
As I mentioned in my trip report a week or so ago I received this tank contain DMT and DMSO. I tried multiple times over the course of the past few days sometimes waiting an hour or so between attempts, to determine The correct wattage/voltage/pull time/breath holding time to obtain the “right” amount needed to achieve my goal of hyper space.
Looking back, the first few nights of attempts I had not considered that DMT and DMSO could have separated in the tank. This could likely have led to my first few attempts being extremely light and uneventful do to that separation. It could also explain the intensity of my trip this evening (which you probably already read about above).

So I turn to you my fellow Psychonauts/travelers, for advice and information. Has anyone else experienced this? Was this some kind of “breakthrough” or did I just reach that threshold right before? Is there a term I can search for to maybe read more about the things I’ve experienced (like the candy land or fractal tunnel or insane brainwashing rave party image bombardment? I read through the entire Hyperspace lexicon site to help me to be ready, but this experience was like nothing I had read about.

Thank you for taking the time to read this huge page of textual vomit I’ve written. I am just hoping for some perspective.


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#2 Posted : 10/4/2020 5:26:21 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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He man,

The thats not what ive read about dmt, really hit home.
The first few times i smoked dmt, i was thinking did i do my extraction ok?
Am i smoking dmt or something else lol.

After having more the a 100 dmt and changa trips now all i can say to u is..

Dmt is crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Try doing some real low doses 5mg then 10mg and find your sweetspot.

On the internet everyone is screaming go full steam ahead dont do low doses..
I call bs on those.

Do whatever feels good for u.

And strong dmt trips that shatter reality and consume u
Where everything becomes dmt visuals where ur body no longer exists are scary af.
So builing up to these is a good idea..
U can learn to let go when this happens

And the standard breaking trough the crysanthium to meet elves has never happened to me lol

I would say dont give up, make low dose enhanchedleaf like 20%dmt 80%herbs and then keep puffing till u reach an agreeable state.. U can keep smoking or add some pure dmt if u want to go deeper.

I love the low doses where i see crazy dmt stuff eyes closed but am still in reality when i open my eyes.
And sometimes when i feel really good and centered i blast my brains out haha with a big dose
“Close your eyes and let the mind expand. Let no fear of death or darkness arrest its course. Allow the mind to merge with Mind. Let it flow out upon the great curve of consciousness. Let it soar on the wings of the great bird of duration, up to the very Circle of Eternity.”
― Hermes Trismegistus
#3 Posted : 10/4/2020 6:05:18 PM

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The DMT world will guide you and tell you if you're progressing too fast and if you need to adjust your attitude. It requires work in your everyday life. You will find a balance between feeling confident and letting go. I think it's much like getting to know strange people or going to places you are unsure of and even sex.
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
#4 Posted : 10/4/2020 7:45:42 PM

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Thanks for the reply. Yeah I was enjoying the lower level trips, the candy land visuals and the fractal tunneling. It was familiar and beautiful. It’s odd how it would go from a dark yellow green tinted kind of shadow like trip and then instantly bloom into this wild technicolor pastel open eye visuals. Then with eyes closed I’d see the fractal tunnels. This trip made me really thankful for the short duration of a DMT trip.

I don’t smoke herb, so I can’t really do the sandwich methods. I am looking into buying a mesh mod system that may help with controlling the dosage better.

I don’t think I am done with DMT. Just maybe I will keep my dosage low and enjoy the short lived visuals. For now.
Bill Cipher
#5 Posted : 10/5/2020 4:38:50 AM

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...are you saying that you are vaping DMSO...?
#6 Posted : 10/5/2020 4:55:19 AM

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Bill Cipher wrote:
...are you saying that you are vaping DMSO...?

Yes, that is correct. The glass tank contains 250mg of spice with just enough DMSO to dissolve it. I have attached a small video because it wouldn’t accept my image file.
#7 Posted : 10/5/2020 5:06:13 AM

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Bill Cipher wrote:
...are you saying that you are vaping DMSO...?

Yes. DMT dissolved in DMSO. 250mg of spice with enough DMSO to dissolve it all. It made a medium dark brown liquid. The tank is glass, so no plastic contamination. I’ve heard of people making similar liquids but adding other ingredients to make changa tanks. I’m REALLY glad I didn’t try THAT for this trip. Lol
*Edit Sorry for the double post. I backed up in my web browser to edit the original reply to change “image” to “video” because for some reason the forum won’t accept “jpeg” images edited on my iPhone but it would accept an mp4 video clip.
#8 Posted : 10/5/2020 5:13:29 AM

∵ ✞ ☯ ॐ ☮ ღ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ © $ ∴ Ę$ø✞ęRhe✟ori© ABe©eDarian $✞ȉllĨn✞hę©®@✟ę

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Maybe what you could try instead of the breakthrough blast is a good maoi or rima inhibition and an oral dmt amount that would be the equivalent of a shroom trip that is useful to you. What exactly that equivalent dose is I don't know, but you'd eventually know better, even though shrooms is not dmt, akin though. If anyone wants to brainstorm about what dmt equivalent for 1 - 3.5g dried shrooms is, I'd like to read such a thing.

If you wanted an extended period of time to get to know dmt like it's an interpersonal relationship then just 30mg of clean dmt with inhibition you could find useful and measure and proceed from there.
I'm a man from a place with hands and a face. Part of the heart of the human race. It illuminates. ∵ ✞ ☯ ॐ ☮ ღ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ © $ ∴ Ę$ø✞ę®ȉ©
#9 Posted : 10/5/2020 5:37:02 AM

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I have had some mushroom trips that have led me to DMT-like experiences. During some of my more potent brews (3.5g ground dried Golden Teachers, combined with 250mg Harmine powder (from Syrian Rue I believe), plus enough dmso to create a paste, then adding lemon to soak for ten minutes, then 4oz near boiling water added to soak for an addition ten. Then down the hatch) I have experienced the candylike visuals, the fractal tunnels, even a cross over into places that were part of some other reality. I found myself connected to some kind of secret data mainframe and this info was pouring into my mind. I knew it was important but also realized that there was no compatible translation/interpretation protocol that would allow me to translate that data into any kind of medium in my home reality. At one point I found myself at a machine that was is essence the controls of my reality/universe. Like dipswitches on an arcade machine or console commands in a steam pc game. I was given the opportunity to flip some of the switches, but I declined explaining that I didn’t feel comfortable enacting potentially life altering changes on those I know and love.

The problem with trying to derive an equivalent DMT to Shrooms dose comes down to variety. With both substances you have differences in administration, as well as potency (like how GTs and PE shrooms are often twice as strong as a regular cubensis).

So when you say “30mg of clean DMT with inhibition” do you mean by consuming something like harmalas before the DMT? I don’t currently have and FB DMT but I am looking into it as well as buying one of those Mesh vape systems. I have read good things about those in terms of allowing better dosage control.
#10 Posted : 10/5/2020 5:59:16 AM

∵ ✞ ☯ ॐ ☮ ღ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ © $ ∴ Ę$ø✞ęRhe✟ori© ABe©eDarian $✞ȉllĨn✞hę©®@✟ę

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So you've been in it deep before and said something about the effects the tripping itself could have on people you love. Do you live with people in other rooms of your home with any sort of stress, misunderstandings, animosity in the relationships etc. even if you really love each other? Things you are more ready for than your people.
I'm a man from a place with hands and a face. Part of the heart of the human race. It illuminates. ∵ ✞ ☯ ॐ ☮ ღ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ © $ ∴ Ę$ø✞ę®ȉ©
#11 Posted : 10/5/2020 9:04:27 AM

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I'd not vape any solvent if I were you.

Also I wouldn't mention buying anything from anywhere.
#12 Posted : 10/5/2020 12:46:22 PM

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Exitwound wrote:
I'd not vape any solvent if I were you.

Also I wouldn't mention buying anything from anywhere.

This indeed. Also avoid mentioning that anyone was selling something.

All the necessary resources for finding one's own way in the world of self-extracted plant medicines are available via this site.

PsychonautCX, you really have no stomach? Was it always so?

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#13 Posted : 10/5/2020 4:59:37 PM

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abecedarian wrote:
So you've been in it deep before and said something about the effects the tripping itself could have on people you love. Do you live with people in other rooms of your home with any sort of stress, misunderstandings, animosity in the relationships etc. even if you really love each other? Things you are more ready for than your people.

No no. Not the effects of the tripping itself. During the trip I was offered the opportunity to “play with” the machinery/switches that controlled my reality. I declined that offer, because I didn’t want to screw up existence for everyone (specifically my mind went to my wife and our new puppy).

It’s similar to another experience I had during a deep shroom trip. I had travelled to a point where I was able to experience countless/infinite dimensions above our standard 3+1. I was able to travel deep into alternate realities, being well aware that I could get lost, so I used my connection to those I love (specifically my Wife and our pup Elora) an an anchor/tether to my origin point. I was able to see forwards and backwards in time, travels to and re-experience moments from my childhood, and I saw just how infinitesimally small we all are in comparison to the vastness of existence. I had long conversations and explanations with beings about how I wished to be able to learn more but was unfortunately limited by my meat suit and it’s relatively short existence/lifespan. At which point I was offered an opportunity to ascend to a higher existence. It was implied that I would become a being of pure energy and light, which was amazing and such a gracious offer, however at the same time I remembered that back in my origin reality that I had a loving wife and pup that needed me, and although I had read many times that you can’t overdose/die from psychedelics I was concerned that if my mind/soul/spirit were to ascend, that I would either leave a hollow shell behind, which could theoretically translate to my body ending up in a coma (I came to a realization later that night that perhaps people in comas were in fact either lost or simply deep adventuring into other realms/dimensions/realities) or brain dead. Either way I had to decline the offer of ascension because of that concern. I still to this day wonder “What if?” Maybe I wouldn’t have simply experienced everything and eventually returned to my reality. I don’t know...
#14 Posted : 10/5/2020 5:01:21 PM

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Exitwound wrote:
I'd not vape any solvent if I were you.

Also I wouldn't mention buying anything from anywhere.

Awwww crap. I totally forgot. I read that in the rules too... crap crap crap. Should I edit that post? (And delete this one?)
#15 Posted : 10/5/2020 5:08:49 PM

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Edit it to say something like "I came across some shrooms." The source of good drugs is a benevolent Universe. Usually no need to get more specific than that. Smile
My flesh moves, like liquid. My mind is cut loose.
#16 Posted : 10/5/2020 5:18:35 PM

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downwardsfromzero wrote:
Exitwound wrote:
I'd not vape any solvent if I were you.

Also I wouldn't mention buying anything from anywhere.

This indeed. Also avoid mentioning that anyone was selling something.

All the necessary resources for finding one's own way in the world of self-extracted plant medicines are available via this site.

PsychonautCX, you really have no stomach? Was it always so?

From 2012 until 2018 I battled high cholesterol and diabetes. My doctor put me on statin meds for cholesterol, which drove up my blood sugar, so he put me on meds for diabetes, which drove up my cholesterol. This bounced back and forth until I was on like 10 different pills, plus shots weekly, daily, and at every meal. I was also tipping the scales at 350 no matter how much or what I tried in terms of exercise and diet. That combined with my Hypersomnia and Sleep Apnea made life pretty terrible.
So I started looking at alternative solutions, and in February of 2018 I had what is called a Roux-en-Y laparoscopic gastric bypass. They filled my stomach with gas to make room to work, then The doctor went in using a guided machine, and used staples to basically close off 99% of my stomach, leaving just a small thumb sized ouch attached to my esophagus. They then bypassed the first few feet of my small intestine to attach it to the bottom of that tiny pouch. So where as most people have a valve near the bottom of their stomach called the Pyloric Sphincter that opens and closes to allows food to pass out of the stomach, I only had a non regulated opening between my tiny pouch and the opening to my relocated small intestine. So basically any liquid (or food if I drank liquid after eating anything) would get washed right out. Because this pouch was so small it doesn’t produce stomach acid. My “original” stomach IS still attached and alive inside of me, and it does produce stomachs acid, but that acid has no way to get to the food I eat, not unless it meets up with it further down the intestines.
PsychonautCX attached the following image(s):
PNG image 2.png (4,089kb) downloaded 318 time(s).
#17 Posted : 10/5/2020 5:28:03 PM

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Wolfnippletip wrote:
Edit it to say something like "I came across some shrooms." The source of good drugs are a benevolent Universe. Usually no need to get more specific than that. Smile

Thanks again for the advice. I have updated the original posts as well as follow ups to remove any mention of such things.
#18 Posted : 10/5/2020 10:24:36 PM

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Hmm, well. I've had some kick-back from talking down Terrance McKenna, but your story illustrates why I do. At the time he was active, he was pretty much a solitary voice, therefore many of his ideas about DMT received a lot more credence than they deserve. Much of it has become canon, and some of his terms have gone into the vernacular surrounding DMT; like "the chysanthemum" etc. When people read these things under an assumption that TMK is a legitimate authority on the subject, they take his subjective interpretations as objective facts. And here we see that someone has experienced a pretty much "normal" Laughing DMT trip and they become terrified. It sounds like you went in armed with some pre-expectations that ended up being confusing and ultimately terrifying. Rather than being able to let go in astonishment, it sounds likie you may have been grasping to hold onto something that wasn't there to begin with.

"Astonishment"; if TMK had left it there, instead of naming everything he saw like a self-appointed Adam in the Garden, he'd be on-point but not nearly as entertaining. I'm sorry that you were overwhelmed, but it sounds like you just got yourself handed to you in a typically DMT way, perfectly normal. Wink

As for an equivalency between FB DMT and mushroom doses, personally, I don't think there is one. It's like comparing hypercubes to mandelbrots. Once familiar with the DMT experience, many people claim to be able to interchange the mind-spaces while under the influence, and I've been to places in mushroom trips that seem to skirt the edges of ones I've encountered in DMT but without the DMT experiences, that wouldn't be a thing.

If you choose to continue exploring, do so if you feel like it will not damage or threaten your well-being or disrupt your life too much. Getting a little bit of a taste for what others have experienced is very useful, but leaving it to one personality-as in TMK- may not be a great course of action. Instead, there is a wealth of subjective data here and on Erowid and such.

Welcome to the Nexus, man, peace and be good to you!
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
*γνῶθι σεαυτόν*
#19 Posted : 10/6/2020 4:55:12 AM

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null24, thank you for your reply. While I have heard of TMK and know of him and his influence on the world of psychedelics I haven’t ever read anything specifically written or watched anything stating his experiences. All of the information I obtained was from the Hyperspace Lexicon Project page, and the various FAQ and info pages here on the DMT-nexus pages. A lot of which I’m sure is pulled and/or derived from TMK.

So you are saying that what I experienced was “typical”?

That’s a tough pill to swallow based on the majority of the trip reports I’ve read, but I’m a noob. So, I will just keep an open mind(s eye).

I think I will buy a mesh vape system so I can use FB, and just start with low doses to ease back into it.

Thanks for the response and objective viewpoint on this.
#20 Posted : 10/22/2020 1:16:27 PM

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The Candy Land places are meaningless and a waste of time in my opinion.
I've done enough to understand what happens now and where people get stuck.

Firstly everything in this universe is a manifestation of consciousness, energy vibrating to create matter.
That consciousness expands in all directions, low to high energy / frequency.

The first part of a DMT trip for me is you start with blackness in your head / eyes closed.. to gain either patterns / shapes / bright colours.. this can throw you into what I call the dimension that's meaningless. It's like a cosmic childs cartoon world. I typically see round smiling faces wearing long cone shaped hats, lots of bright pinks, yellows, blues, greens, reds.. very very playful, fun, cartoon like. Ultimately absolutely meaningless.
At these points i've meditated and sat in those spaces for a while without moving or thinking, and something controlled my body and forced me to yawn in a huge exaggerated way, head right back full roll ( ridiculous-looking yawning )
and a giant enormous wave of tiredness to almost falling asleep. I ignored it and carried on meditating, and it forced me again to yawn... I understood something greater than the idea of myself was trying to wake me up.
I said out loud with my hand outstretched "Oh this is a distraction!" and that reality instantly vanished.

I was emersed in the Spirit, it's an intelligent beautiful white light, streaks of soft blues and greys.
It moves and changes but it's Divine, I think of it as the Atman (Vedic name for universal soul)
It teaches you, consciousness goes from meaningless to meaningful. From blackness and bright neon childs colours, to divine white light and purity, to love, to oneness.

People get stuck in the dimension that's completely irrelevant, where you won't learn what you are.
You are consciousness, not a body or mind. You can will yourself up to that space by consciously understanding where you are and that from there it expands beyond into more light, more meaning and you start to move up towards points of light which come to a single point.. once past that, you arrive in the same spirit.

You can also use Mantra, I repeated "I am the manifestation of consciousness, within the light and love of God" and was picked up on the back of some kind of spiritual Dragon made of white light, I rode on its neck and it flew me into the heavens, with orange fractal patterns shooting from its head flying past me as a celebration of understanding.
Then glided through incredible spiritual lights and placed me on top of a white tower of light. All of it takes you to the same one, the light of the universal Spirit. You can ask questions in your mind and it allows you to feel the answer inside your own self, beyond speech. If you put your hand across your heart and feel inwards you feel your true qualities are so pure and beautiful it can make you cry in shock at how Divine you really are.

I was an atheist for 32 years, and laughed at the idea of God until my experiences with DMT.
Not only did it show me truth in a DMT State, it triggered natural experiences in my real life, like waking up at 3am with my heart wide open, and a profound feeling of love I've never felt before, surrounded by white light. To being dragged out of my body up into space when energy blasted up from the bottom of my spine up through my body like a whirlwind, I could hear and feel it roaring like wind all around my body and head. DMT can wake you up from the concept of who you thought you were, to the understanding that there is a greater Self beyond the idea of "me" and "you".

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