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It's been quite a while since I've observed how when using small daily amounts it doesn't bother me when I'm in the presence of machines that use a lot of electricity.
Probably the daily use of extracts containing significant (small) amounts of alkaloid manages to free the organism from this poison that constantly surrounds us.
A practical demonstration occurred when I noticed that standing in front of the PC screen I found hair falling out. The more I stood in front of the source of emf, the more the scalp weakened. Spraying on the temples and scalp alcoholic extracts of Phalaris and Holcus i eliminated this inconvenience. Inevitably the effects are also felt for migration through the skin, so I had to adjust the amount I took by smoking tobacco flavored with the listed plants.
When I use a scintillation counter (a radiation meter) I can also feel its harmfulness and even this sensation has disappeared by dealing with alccol 100% containing dmt the probe and the machinery. Even with the flower extracts of Crataegus Oxyacantha (trimethylamine) or Trichocereus (mescaline) I got good results, not as much as with Poaceae extracts.
From my point of view cancer is a disease that can also form because of the wide consumption we make of an asset (electricity) that should be used with much more consciousness.
What do you think?
 DMT-Nexus member

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What evidence is there that non-ionizing radiation is harmful?
 Chairman of the Celestial Divison
Posts: 1393 Joined: 21-Jul-2010 Last visit: 11-Aug-2024 Location: the ancient cluster
I don't know about the OP's claim or what hair falling out in front of the PC has to do with it, but there is indeed a significant and growing body evidence towards the negative (and sometimes positive) effects of non-ionizing EMF on biological systems linkEspecially in genomics, cells and genes have been found to use EMF (light), as a mechanism to talk with each-other, communicate information. So it isn't entirely surprising to see it has some effect, life is complicated, there is a lot we don't understand about how life functions, between layers and layers of information. Higher incidents of cancer associated with ubiquitous use of electricity does not seem out of the question, and has supporting evidence(link above) of course you will have great difficulty ever proving such a correlation in humans due to all of the other changes in civilization/lifestyle that accompany it. This is why the concerns of 5G infrastructure are not unwarranted, especially due to the decreased range (necessitating much greater # of nodes) and higher energy. The resulting effects would be compounding. Expect nothing, Receive everything. "Experiment and extrapolation is the only means the organic chemists (humans) currrently have - in contrast to "God" (and possibly R. B. Woodward). " He alone sees truly who sees the Absolute the same in every creature...seeing the same Absolute everywhere, he does not harm himself or others. - The Bhagavad Gita "The most beautiful thing we can experience, is the mysterious. The source of all true art and science."
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4591 Joined: 29-Jan-2009 Last visit: 24-Jan-2024
And here I thought this was the most inane thing I would see all day: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...mp;m=1031577#post1031577
 analytical chemist
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you should see the dmt subreddit. to some members' credit, they do acknowledge Nexus members as older, more mature.. "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah "Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1285 Joined: 23-Jun-2018 Last visit: 22-Feb-2022
Suppose I had that coming. olympus mon wrote:You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be! "Good and evil lay side by side as electric love penetrates the sky..." -Hendrix"We have arrived at truth, and now we find truth is a mystery- a play of joy, creation, and energy. This is source. This is the mystic touchstone that heals and renews. This is the beginning again. This is entheogenic." -Nicholas Sand
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Posts: 14191 Joined: 19-Feb-2008 Last visit: 06-Feb-2025 Location: Jungle
Mindlusion wrote:I don't know about the OP's claim or what hair falling out in front of the PC has to do with it, but there is indeed a significant and growing body evidence towards the negative (and sometimes positive) effects of non-ionizing EMF on biological systems linkEspecially in genomics, cells and genes have been found to use EMF (light), as a mechanism to talk with each-other, communicate information. So it isn't entirely surprising to see it has some effect, life is complicated, there is a lot we don't understand about how life functions, between layers and layers of information. Higher incidents of cancer associated with ubiquitous use of electricity does not seem out of the question, and has supporting evidence(link above) of course you will have great difficulty ever proving such a correlation in humans due to all of the other changes in civilization/lifestyle that accompany it. This is why the concerns of 5G infrastructure are not unwarranted, especially due to the decreased range (necessitating much greater # of nodes) and higher energy. The resulting effects would be compounding. Thank you for the link.. there's a lot to untangle there, I will need some time to dig through some more. At first sight I noticed a couple of things: First of all, the number of papers that show some effects versus number of papers which don't is presented as an important data but that's only about the papers in this organization's database, the papers selected are arbitrary, not exhaustive. I'm gonna try to see if doing a random search on google scholar results in a different ratio or similar. Also putting positive effects together with negative ones in the statistics is an interesting decision.. What positive effects are there, and what % is it compared to negative ones? More to untangle.. Regarding OP's claims, they seem a bit odd.. Hair falling from short term exposure to a computer?? Even if there are some unintended effects of EMF in biological systems, I'd imagine OP's claim is unrelated and highly unlikely, maybe other factors at play? (how was "hair fall" measured? Was there some force applied to the hair to remove it, at what parts of the head, which of those hairs were already weakened by other factors? If it was passive falling, what hairs had already broken and were just tangled in hair and simply fell coincidentally during said anecdote? Not to mention self suggestion, selective perceptive filtering, etc). Also, if it was true and so obvious, don't you think more people would have noticed? All computer programmers should be bald by now, no? As for the original question, op, why do you think these alkaloids protect you from EMF? At what dosages? When you say you "got good results" of protection using alkaloids, how did you measure the results, simply by "how you felt" ? Lastly. If you believe EMF is dangerous wouldn't it be more effective to get/make some sort of faraday clothes and use them all day ? 
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Tony6Strings wrote:Suppose I had that coming. Too funny Tony! IT WAS ALL A DREAM
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 98 Joined: 11-Aug-2019 Last visit: 08-Feb-2023 Location: Italy
endlessness wrote: Regarding OP's claims, they seem a bit odd.. Hair falling from short term exposure to a computer?? Even if there are some unintended effects of EMF in biological systems, I'd imagine OP's claim is unrelated and highly unlikely, maybe other factors at play? (how was "hair fall" measured? Was there some force applied to the hair to remove it, at what parts of the head, which of those hairs were already weakened by other factors? If it was passive falling, what hairs had already broken and were just tangled in hair and simply fell coincidentally during said anecdote? Not to mention self suggestion, selective perceptive filtering, etc). Also, if it was true and so obvious, don't you think more people would have noticed? All computer programmers should be bald by now, no?
Oh, God, I've never read that emfs don't hurt. The development of technologies that have caused the Earth's crust to saturate with induced electricity is something of just over a hundred years old. I just attach three links that relate to the devices we usually use. Going to read the instructions for the use of the various devices it seems to me that it is understood that they are not toys: https://www.iarc.fr/wp-c...oads/2018/07/pr208_E.pdfhttps://www.fertstert.or...%2811%2902678-1/abstracthttps://www.who.int/en/n...lic-health-mobile-phonesThere are those who are prone to hair loss due to genetics, but also lifestyle affects. I should be subject to this and whenever I do not take the necessary precautions I observe hair already on the keyboard. When I spray the extracts on the hair and face I do not note leaks. It is known, however, that the cells operate in the order of millivolts, they are very susceptible. Millivolts can be measured in different areas of the body using a simple tester for alternating current. One pole must be pointed at the affected area, the other is connected to the ground. Standing in front of the various equipment can bring up to the volt - to the surface. Quote: As for the original question, op, why do you think these alkaloids protect you from EMF? At what dosages? When you say you "got good results" of protection using alkaloids, how did you measure the results, simply by "how you felt" ?
These alkaloids are capable of including electrochemical smog in their structure. Similarly, the organism also receives this input and the result is constipation. Years ago I had serious health problems. Weight loss of the order of 20kg in less than a month and I opted to medicate myself. I risked it and I can't recommend it to the next one, but exposing myself to x-rays and other forms of diagnosis would weaken me further. To list a fact, when I found myself boiling and trembling, an expert had shouted at me (as if he knew that I felt him ten meters away when he was near me) that I was radioactive to make horror. Who knows why I found myself in such situations, maybe someone wanted me dead From the very start, the extracts of plants containing substances that are used for recreational purposes (mostly Holcus, but it still seems unknown, not to me) made me feel alive. I felt the strength to live, I felt as if something had cleaned me deeply. The effects of the extracts were not so marked, but I could feel the world of the dead perfectly. Like I'm there. I could go too far in providing terabytes of information, but it's a question of how one sees things. I have been observing the dilation of matter for some time, but it does not seem to be subject to the change in energy levels. I call this point of view ceramic mind. Quote:Lastly. If you believe EMF is dangerous wouldn't it be more effective to get/make some sort of faraday clothes and use them all day ?  You've listed the right example. Months ago I attended an event must be talked about the construction of houses and in the face of the fear of many for the future that awaits us there were those who proposed to build them according to the perspective of the Faraday cage. The problem is that this would be a barrier that would refracte the rays, so it wouldn't be helpful. Outside the refraction would be on the rise and inside it would accumulate. I have presented a construction system that would include the use of minerals that would similarly absorb the rays and how much it travels on them. In addition, the plasters would be enriched with extracts from plants containing dmt and more. So saying I could broaden the argument to how to immunize the home from emf. Mindlusion wrote: effects of non-ionizing EMF on biological systems link Thank u. Quote: Especially in genomics, cells and genes have been found to use EMF (light), as a mechanism to talk with each-other, communicate information.
Interesting, we never finish learning. Quote: So it isn't entirely surprising to see it has some effect, life is complicated, there is a lot we don't understand about how life functions, between layers and layers of information. Higher incidents of cancer associated with ubiquitous use of electricity does not seem out of the question, and has supporting evidence(link above) of course you will have great difficulty ever proving such a correlation in humans due to all of the other changes in civilization/lifestyle that accompany it. This is why the concerns of 5G infrastructure are not unwarranted, especially due to the decreased range (necessitating much greater # of nodes) and higher energy. The resulting effects would be compounding.
There are already advanced technologies that bury those that disturb Mother Nature. Do you believe in perpetual motion?
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 98 Joined: 11-Aug-2019 Last visit: 08-Feb-2023 Location: Italy
endlessness wrote: At what dosages?
I refer to the extracts of Holcus Lanatus: - initially 2-4 mg of refined extract if you have not used anything else for a few months (except alcohol - alcohol, thc) - for one to two weeks 1 mg and then gradually descending towards infinity, then micrograms - sprayed on the skin about 1-2 mg in alcoholic solution - the waste of the extracts is useful for the dwelling, the bathroom, the car (under the cars I measured strong oscillations of gamma radiation)
 Boundary condition
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Quote:under the cars I measured strong oscillations of gamma radiation What kind of geology does your area have? And what kind of industries are there locally? Furthermore, how did you measure the gamma radiation? P.S. - Stress-induced alopecia is not unheard of. I once experienced quite noticeable and immediate hair loss at school after being shouted at by my primary school teacher (for daydreaming...) when I was seven years old. And another anecdote - while under the influence of psilocybin mushrooms, approaching a cellphone tower was physically highly unpleasant. The microwave antennae on those things will literally cook you if you get too close. “There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work." ― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
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Pure psychedelic alchemy, based.
 Chairman of the Celestial Divison
Posts: 1393 Joined: 21-Jul-2010 Last visit: 11-Aug-2024 Location: the ancient cluster
endlessness wrote:Lastly. If you believe EMF is dangerous wouldn't it be more effective to get/make some sort of faraday clothes and use them all day ?  I believe they do sell this already for mens underwear  a faraday cage to protect your junk, tinfoil hat in underwear form https://www.cnet.com/new...ises-to-save-your-sperm/Expect nothing, Receive everything. "Experiment and extrapolation is the only means the organic chemists (humans) currrently have - in contrast to "God" (and possibly R. B. Woodward). " He alone sees truly who sees the Absolute the same in every creature...seeing the same Absolute everywhere, he does not harm himself or others. - The Bhagavad Gita "The most beautiful thing we can experience, is the mysterious. The source of all true art and science."
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Posts: 98 Joined: 11-Aug-2019 Last visit: 08-Feb-2023 Location: Italy
downwardsfromzero wrote:Quote:under the cars I measured strong oscillations of gamma radiation What kind of geology does your area have? And what kind of industries are there locally? It is a border area between limestone and silica soil. Both contrast with the sea. The countless caves serve as the foundations of the limestone soil. Then further below there should be aluminum, probably towards the silica forming SIAL. I don't think it's a feature of the area to have gamma radiation in the air. The town of Trieste has about 200,000 inhabitants and there are no large industries. There are oil pipelines that bring black gold to Germany, but even these cannot be subjected to such fluctuations. Quote: Furthermore, how did you measure the gamma radiation?
With a RAM63 scintillator. Is a very good measurement tool. For the example of cars, I attribute more the attraction factor originating from the tyres that spin and act as a generator. That everything is a little polluted is revealed by the studies carried out by the state institutions. To focus only on the range would be incomplete. I examined cars from different cities, hundreds of miles away. Apart from that, it must be remembered that there are still the fumes of radioactive Cesium that escaped during the Chernobyl accident. Although the ground around here seems to be rich in natural Cesium, perhaps it is a natural defense. If I'm not mistaken, NASA years ago predicted the arrival of gamma radiation from space. After these should come the betas, then the alphas. I think the plants had already planned everything and provided us with the necessary to remedy the problem. Quote: P.S. - Stress-induced alopecia is not unheard of. I once experienced quite noticeable and immediate hair loss at school after being shouted at by my primary school teacher (for daydreaming...) when I was seven years old.
Stress is also a factor, no doubt. But just consider how much electricity we disperse and how the electric field used turns into an electromagnetic field. It's all written about the electricity bills we receive, ... you receive, since I opted to produce it in the right quantities by greatly reducing the smog in the house. The mobile phone, for example, in the premises makes it difficult to take the signal, since the walls are treated with alkaloids and minerals. Those who stayed with me expressed the pleasure of having experienced a feeling of less heaviness of the limbs and having slept very well. For example, in the US web I found formulas to obtain ceramic mixtures based on non-magnetic magnetite. It's brilliant, so I introduced the use of this cheap mineral in the construction of objects that absorb quite a bit of electrometic smog. The same thing can be done with the body. DMT greatly helps on a physical level, but as is well known, its effects lead to the exchange of interactive information with entities. From here a little more to know, rare and precious commodity that is shared with those who are interested. http://www.fuocosacro.co.../aurora_consurgens32.htmThe use of DMT without MAO inhibitors (indeed, reinforcing them (e.g. eating liver)) leads more slowly to a condition that I define timeless. You are drugged but lucid at the same time, every day, day and night. Through dreams, entities communicate to us as if we were living a second reality information that is useful and appreciable. During the day the sensations are seen as the awakening of the instinctive. You can smell other humans, you understand what animals and plants want to tell us, it's complicated and simple at the same time. Every now and then you are 'awake', sometimes you have to rest, waiting for others to decide to synchronize with the infinite motion. Quote: And another anecdote - while under the influence of psilocybin mushrooms, approaching a cellphone tower was physically highly unpleasant. The microwave antennae on those things will literally cook you if you get too close.
We're still throwing pebbles at high speed. It is a demonstration that we have not yet reached an era of five-fold development. Matter dilates and compresses, from here you can draw a little more than this labile technology that will still kill many people. In my opinion, the upgrade of physics would be to understand that matter is alive. The atoms are alive (as is evident in alchemic drawings). Probably talking to them you could get something that would make us laugh about what concepts we relied on (we base ourselves). If you teach the dog to bring the ball back, it brings it back to you. So maybe the real estate entities are waiting for nothing more than to play. It would be a nice beginning of the end of time Nice, I can confirm that silver also demagnetizes the cell phone cards. Perhaps treating your underpants or clothes with chloroauric acid made to react hot with citric acid in boiling water could help. You would get purple cassium clothes, 1 gram of gold dyes/tinges kilograms of clothes...
 "No, seriously"

Posts: 7324 Joined: 18-Jan-2007 Last visit: 09-Feb-2025 Location: Orion Spur
Era/is wrote:endlessness wrote: At what dosages?
I refer to the extracts of Holcus Lanatus: - initially 2-4 mg of refined extract if you have not used anything else for a few months (except alcohol - alcohol, thc) - for one to two weeks 1 mg and then gradually descending towards infinity, then micrograms - sprayed on the skin about 1-2 mg in alcoholic solution - the waste of the extracts is useful for the dwelling, the bathroom, the car (under the cars I measured strong oscillations of gamma radiation) What in havens sake are "oscillations" of gamma radiation? Kind regards, The Traveler
 "No, seriously"

Posts: 7324 Joined: 18-Jan-2007 Last visit: 09-Feb-2025 Location: Orion Spur
Era/is wrote:If I'm not mistaken, NASA years ago predicted the arrival of gamma radiation from space. After these should come the betas, then the alphas. I think the plants had already planned everything and provided us with the necessary to remedy the problem.
I sense some gross misunderstanding about radiation and it's different forms. ALPHA RADIATIONAlpha radiation is mostly caused by a type of radioactive decay called alpha decay where alpha particles are emitted from a nucleus. An alpha particle is two protons bounded with two neutrons (thus a Helium-4 nucleus without the electrons). Alpha particles have a relatively high speed when they are ejected from the nucleus hence why they can cause damage. A sheet of paper will however be enough to stop alpha radiation. BETA RADIATIONBeta radiation is an high energy electron or positron that is emitted during beta decay, beta decay is where an electron or positron (a positron is an anti-matter electron) is ejected from a nucleus. Beta decay is a consequence of the weak force. a thin metal plate will stop beta radiation. GAMMA RADIATIONGamma radiation is an electromagnetic radiation that is emitted as a photon. Gamma radiation arises from the radiation decay of nuclei. To stop gamma radiation you need a dense material like lead. So to rephrase: alpha radiation is two protons bounded to two neutrons, beta radiation is an electron or a positron and gamma radiation is photons. Very different particles with very different causes and different effects on living tissue. Radiation from electronics are all electromagnetic radiation and are nowhere near the high energy state as gamma radiation. Simple UV light can already cause cancer if you are exposed to it for too long, simple infra red light will cook you when you are exposed for to much of it. This kind of reasoning borders on how water can be poisonous, just drink enough of it at once and it can kill you. Kinds regards, The Traveler
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Posts: 98 Joined: 11-Aug-2019 Last visit: 08-Feb-2023 Location: Italy
The Traveler wrote:[quote=Era/is][quote=endlessness] What in havens sake are "oscillations" of gamma radiation? http://www.chirio.com/IM...M63_scala_illuminata.jpgPerhaps understanding things by reasoning in two different languages leads to not perfectly aligning one's thoughts. I attached a photo, so you understand what I mean. I could say high values, but I referred to the oscillation of the instrument hand.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 98 Joined: 11-Aug-2019 Last visit: 08-Feb-2023 Location: Italy
The Traveler wrote: I sense some gross misunderstanding about radiation and it's different forms.
In order of speed I listed the fastest radiation to get to the slowest ones. I don't think there's any misunderstanding. Radiation is everywhere, just think of the background radiation. Some come from the cosmos, some from our planet. I hope we're in agreement so far. For example, helium nuclei can also come with cosmic radiation. So the finer particles, if you really have to use the term particles, also come from space. Quote: ALPHA RADIATION Alpha radiation is mostly caused by a type of radioactive decay called alpha decay where alpha particles are emitted from a nucleus. An alpha particle is two protons bounded with two neutrons (thus a Helium-4 nucleus without the electrons). Alpha particles have a relatively high speed when they are ejected from the nucleus hence why they can cause damage. A sheet of paper will however be enough to stop alpha radiation.
BETA RADIATION Beta radiation is an high energy electron or positron that is emitted during beta decay, beta decay is where an electron or positron (a positron is an anti-matter electron) is ejected from a nucleus. Beta decay is a consequence of the weak force. a thin metal plate will stop beta radiation.
GAMMA RADIATION Gamma radiation is an electromagnetic radiation that is emitted as a photon. Gamma radiation arises from the radiation decay of nuclei. To stop gamma radiation you need a dense material like lead.
Thank you for the textbook explanation, but if I'm not mistaken it's just a matter of speed. It will not be necessary to discuss whether electrons or positrons could be seen differently, because I do not wish to challenge the know-how of those who rely blindly on ordinary physics. All I will say is that we must not think that we have understood everything, because today we have the tools but we have lost the knowledge. I prefer to say that the dmt is a very useful tool to communicate with matter, if you want to communicate with it. Quote: So to rephrase: alpha radiation is two protons bounded to two neutrons, beta radiation is an electron or a positron and gamma radiation is photons. Very different particles with very different causes and different effects on living tissue.
Harmful as many things, but present everywhere. However, if you want to discuss about the measurement of the car with a gamma probe, a beta probe covered by a 2-3 mm cap of aluminum-titanium alloy, you should expand a little bit of what you have written. Can't the car's wheels exert a force of attraction towards the gamma? Quote: Radiation from electronics are all electromagnetic radiation and are nowhere near the high energy state as gamma radiation. Simple UV light can already cause cancer if you are exposed to it for too long, simple infra red light will cook you when you are exposed for to much of it. This kind of reasoning borders on how water can be poisonous, just drink enough of it at once and it can kill you.
I didn't actually mix the term emf with the eg. gamma radiation. I have listed the example of the car because mixtures containing alkaloids are able to temporarily clean the affected area. The result is that using the gamma tool, this marked much lower values, that is, the underlying values. This reading was done by fractions of a second, so the instrument marked oscillations. To better explain this view, one could discuss the contraction and dilation of matter, which unfortunately is not so easy to understand. I will take an example in line with this speech. Not all bodies dilate when heated. Those that contract (radiation heat if I don't er; that sheet of paper that stops the alpha particles after a while becomes cooked - it's just a matter of time and quantity) could have a structure that compressing would have a reduced volume, a density would hold back the particles and the smog that would hit them. I realize that it is not a short discussion, but with explanations focused on definitions that will probably be overcome (not all of them of course) I do not know how much we could explain to us things simply obtainable by communicating with the entities (in this case, immobile entities). We have a language, they (immobile) are the language. And our language is very far from that of them.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 554 Joined: 22-Apr-2018 Last visit: 09-Feb-2020
GET OUT THE TINFOIL HATS!!! jk Honestly though, electricity is everywhere, so is all different forms of frequency and radiation. Some people claim hyper-sensitivity to EMF, yet society calls them delusional maniacs and would never even give them an opportunity for scientific validation. This subject matter is leaps and bounds above my pay grade but I do think its something worth exploring undoubtedly. Lovely how so many "professionals" here revert right to down talk and incredulity when they cant be the most educated people in the room, personally I cherish being the most ignorant person in a room, any room. It gives the opportunity to learn.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 286 Joined: 07-Jul-2018 Last visit: 18-Jul-2024 Location: Londinium
I'd be surprised if everyday electronics EMF were actually affecting anybody significantly. I'm not a physics expert but don't EMFs degrade with the inverse square of the distance or something? If you lived underneath or really close to a HV Pylon I would believe it could be detrimental, because the power levels are incredibly high - you can hear corona discharge from pylons when underneath them on the right day.
The frequency is important too I think. We're bathed in all sorts of frequencies and radiations, but unless it resonates with something in our physiology then it's not going to do anything unless the power levels are really high - hence why I can't hear all the radio stations inside my head. Microwave radiation (cellphones, wifi) seems like a prime candidate for EMF health implications because we know microwaves can resonate human tissue/water.
Anecdotal experience: I live in dense urban area, always have done. When visiting a family residence in the middle of nowhere which has (or used to..) no cellphone signal or wifi, I would get the best sleep I ever have. It's actually memorable because it was so good. Totally refreshed. I always put that down to the no cellphone coverage.