Acacia Confusa tek by KloudQ7
Photos at bottom of page.
Room temperature crystals, no Lye, A/B.
1 large pot "boiling pot"
1 small pot "reduction pot"
1 half gal jar, small mouth."extraction"
1 qt jars, wide mouth. "Crystalization "
A few extra jars will come in handy
Glass turkey baster & pipette.
1 pyrex tray.
1 metal strainer.
1 lb ACRB.
2 gallon distilled water.
1 gal distilled white vinegar5%/citric acid/HCL
1 lb pickling lime.
1 qt naptha.
Remove 700 ml water from each of the gallon bottles and fill them back up with vinegar/acid.
Fill pot with bark and .5 gal acidic water
Boil heavily for 2 hours with lid on.
Pour through strainer into pot B.
Repeat steps 1-4 three times "4 boils total" while condensing pot B . Boil with lid off. Combine all acid pulls and reduce to 1250ml total.
Let the acid reduction cool completely and pour into half gallon jar through cheesecloth.
*Bass* wub wub
Add 150 grams of picking lime to the jar. If you use lye instead do this VERY SLOWLY or it might just explode in your face, plus excessive heat destroys spice and i dont have to worry about burning my skin/going blind. 3 main reasons i switched to calcium hydroxide.
Add 500ml naptha and Warm up jar with hot water bath
agitate jars for 30 seconds every 5 min for 45 min making sure water stays fairly warm, BUT NEVER BOILING " dont brign flames near naptha!!!!" Use a hot water bath
Let the naptha separate completely and pour into quart jars, be very careful not to get any of the lower solution in the jars, make sure no red/brown particles float around. If you see any let it settle and pour in different jars. collect excess naptha with turkey baster and pipette your crysalization jar should be half full. 500 ml
As the naptha cools you will see it become cloudy. The better the pull the faster it will cloud. crystals are precipitating because naptha at room temperature cannot hold the amount of dmt it does when hot.
Place jars in a cool dark spot for about 12 hours. Preferably overnight. You will begin to see the first crystals crash out within 30 minutes. If the pull was really good you will see crystals popping up everywhere within 5 minutes of decanting.
The next day, check the jars... ..
. IT'S SNOWING!!!jars should be covered in huge fluffy crystals. At least 1g or more!!!!
Shake the crystals off the glass and let them settle to the bottom.
Pour off naptha into second x jar. If your careful the xtals should remain in the 1st jar.
Scoop out xtals and place on paper towels or something to absorb naptha let stand till dry/No naptha smell.
You should now have 1+ grams of very pure beatiful xtals.
ACRB has an extra alkaloid present NMT.
NMT precipitates as a wax/oil. And at much lower tempuratures than DMT.
Once you have collected all the crystals there's still about 1 gs of NMT and a small amount of DMT in each jar .
Put your naptha in the freezer for another 12 hrs to yeild NMT
NMT is gentler but last longer. Combined, the two potentiate each other really well
Repeat the "Pull" phase with the used naptha till no more spice is retrieved. Get more jars and precipitate many pulls at once to speed up waiting time between pulls but you will use more naptha this way.
Done correctly, this tek will yeild 10+ grams of white dmt xtals and 10+ grams of nmt wax.
I love to make INFUSED HERBS. "DMT/NMT melted/evap into a smoking blend" it's simple.
Your used naptha will still have a bit of Spice
Just add about 1-2 grams of your preferred smoking herbs to each jar before evaporating your used naptha in pyrex trays.
This makes a great screen for crystals!!! (:
You can also skip making any xtals and throw herbs into your super saturated naptha right away to produce EXTREMELY POTENT leaf!!!
You could also just melt down your crystals into the herbs which would be much cleaner, and eisier to tell dosage. herbs
![Very happy](/forum/images/emoticons/grin.png)
mt 1:1= 1× 1:2= 2× 1:3= wow...
I actually prefer this to crystals. By far the best way...
If you evap naptha you should let it sit out for a few days, or use some kind of vacuum purge/dehydrator so you dont smoke any naptha.
If you can get a hold of or extract harmaline/freebase maoi add this to your blend to create CHANGA. You will be BLOWN AWAY!
Photos at the bottom of this page!!!